The CEO Who Hates Me

Crazily In Love With You **

Crazily In Love With You **

0Hearing this tone of Arya and having her in his lap, Ryu circled one of his arms around her waist and kept the ice pack on her hand still pressing on the burn.     

Then he turned his gaze towards Arya and said, "Love, I told you already the kind of impact you have on me when you get so close like this and play around… so tonight you better don't expect any kind of mercy from me and I will make sure that you will not to go out from this room may be even from the bed tonight…" Ryu murmured before he abruptly pulled her nape and kissed her passionately.     

Arya answered his kisses with the same intensity. They were both hungry for each other and a single kiss turned into a trail of kisses followed by sucking and licking of the neck and collar bones of Arya.     

While the ice pack was not needed anymore, Ryu flipped the ice pack away and grabbed Arya with his both hands now... one hand on her waist and another hand caressing her back softly making small circles with his slender fingers.     

Arya could feel the heat in Ryu's body and him getting hard down there… her body also started to react in the same way and started to heat up in response to Ryu's caressing and kissing…     

"Love how are you always in active mode ready for action any time? What kind of drugs do you do?" Arya winked at him and teased him hard.     

Ryu smiled and looked at her intently, his gaze as hot as lava and Arya was melting in his heat… he unzipped Arya's dress and let it slide down.     

Then he leaned to her ear and whispered in a horse voice, "Hmm, I'm in active mode whenever you are near me and I take the most potent drug available in the world. The touch and feel of my beautiful wife… something only I can take and feel high on its effect. You make me go crazy wifey. You keep making me fall more and more crazily in love with you with each passing day… and each eventful night that I spend with you. Now let me drown myself wholly and completely within you sweetheart?"     

He said before his lips landed on her neck and started to savour her to devour her fully.     

He traced her jaw line and collarbone with the tip of his tongue, kissing and licking everywhere as well.     

He kissed her neck and this simple teasing sent shivers down Arya's body.     

Ryu brought his lips near Arya's and lightly brushed his lips to hers, teasing her quivering lips that wanted more, a deep kiss, Ryu smiled wickedly at the demanding gesture of hers.     

He then held her neck from behind using one hand and kissed her lightly on her lips… then he licked her beautiful lips… taking his own sweet time before he finally took her both lips in between his own and started to pry inside her mouth.     

He deepened his kiss with more passion and while kissing her hard he moved another hand to caress her bosom.     

Keeping his warm big palm on her right bosom he broke the kiss and brought his wet lips down on her hard peak. He lightly licked the tip of it with his tongue and then used his lips to capture the whole peak and suck on it like a baby.     

Arya was constantly moaning with pleasure and Ryu was getting more and more excited and aroused with her sweet little moans. Arya was ecstatic and wanted to feel him inside of her but Ryu had plans of torturing her and making her beg for him today.     

He kept sucking her both breasts one by one hardly and tenderly and as he was doing this he slid his one hand down and crept inside her panty finding his way down to the hottest spot and he started moving his fingers between her thighs.     

Then he moved and gently laid her down on the bed as he took off every piece of clothing she had. He immediately removed all his clothes as well and they were in front of each other completely naked. Arya blushed and spread her arms to call Ryu close to her and they hugged each other closely.     

Ryu then lifted himself and started touching her body on the upper parts teasingly bringing his hands slowly downwards and he was pleased to see her reaction as she arched her body and bit her lip.     

By now Arya was losing control of herself and she wanted to have him completely but Ryu was determined on his torture… so he took his hand down between her thighs and started playing with her between her thighs.     

Arya moaned loudly when she felt fingers playing with her secret areas… exploring and invading her wherever he touched and suddenly Ryu pushed his fingers inside of hers.     

He heard her gasp deeply and moaned when his finger made his way inside of her...     

He began to move his finger inside, in and out of her while his mouth was tending to her nipples.     

Arya was floating and yet flying high in pleasure and arousal…     

Her head was moving left and right because of the sensation she was feeling. With her arms raised upwards she clutched the bed sheet with both hands because of the pleasure that was overflowing inside her brought by Ryu's hand below together with his mouth and tongue that was playing on her nipples.     

Ryu could feel her muscle's tightening inside so he quickened his pace bringing Arya to reach her peak and after a minute she reached the zenith. Arya moaned loudly and was panting and gasping hard. Her body was still shaking.     

Arya with her still misty eyes looked at Ryu and felt his erectness. She moved and pulled him to her but quickly turned over to pin him down the bed while she positioned herself on top of him. She leaned down to kiss him while she grabbed his shaft to have it inside of her.     

Ryu hugged her while she made her movements on top of him. Their lips sealed each other's while the bed was rocking because of Arya's movements.     

Moans of pleasures and climax filled the room as the couple made love tirelessly.     


Ryu and Arya lay on the bed cuddling each other for several minutes under the sheets, sweating profusely and out of breath. Ryu held her and kept her head on his arms and embraced her not wanting to leave her still…     

"I love you," said Ryu in a husky voice near her ears.     

"I love you too," replied Arya lovingly.     

They lay on the bed like this for a while wrapped in the sheet and snuggled in each other's arms when Arya suddenly pulled the sheets away from Ryu and wrapped herself before getting up from the bed.     

"Where you going?" asked Ryu with a creased forehead.     

Cloaked in her makeshift robe-blanket, Arya walked away without looking back or answering her husband but a wicked smile was plastered on her face.     

Perplexed with not receiving a reply, Ryu asked once more, "Love..."     

"Chill... I'll just get a cup of water," she said while showing him a playful sneer on her face.     

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