The CEO Who Hates Me

Bring It On

Bring It On

0"I lost millions of dollars in just one sitting to a Ken!" Old Man Skull was furious and his face was crumpled with anger.     

"Why bother to stalk the honeymooners and play a game with him? I already told you that he's not a simple man. In fact he is too smart and intelligent to be taken for a ride." He commented simply while he smelled the tea.     

Old Man Skull frowned and with an arched eyebrow hissed, "What's with that tea? You always smell it like it's something so precious when it's just a f*ucking jasmine tea."     

He laughed and said, "Don't get worked up too much with what you lost. I'll bring it back to you in a few days."     

Then he shook his head and smelled the jasmine tea once more before he drank it. Ever since he was a child he always yearned for its smell. Somehow, it brought him peace and serenity in the world he was into.     

"Is there any suspicious movement? How is Rita?" Old Man Skull suddenly asked interrupting his thoughts.     

"The Kens are quiet now-a-days, even the Elder Master is not making any move as of this moment." He said nonchalantly.     

Then he added, "And about Rita I have told you a number of time how reliable and trustworthy she is. How many times do I have to tell you that Rita's mouth is zipped? I can vouch you my life for her so stop panicking about her being there and don't bother with her anymore."     

He too was wondering what's with the sudden break of the Elder Master who had been hunting their group in the underworld one by one. He wasn't sure if it was a good thing or not but it stopped when the old man found out the identity of his foster father Old Man Skull.     

He looked at the Old Man who lit a cigar. He knew that Old Man Skull had a deep grudge with the Elder Master Ken but he never bothered to ask and the Old Man never opened up anything to him at all.     

He sighed and spoke, "Maybe it's about time that you tell me what is the real score between you and the Elder Master Ken. I think it's time you must enlighten me of your and Elder Ken's past."     

Old Man Skull smirked and said, "to summarize everything child… I died because of him and I came back to life also because of him…"     


Dean was awakened by whimpering sounds from Rita. Sweat was all over her face.     

"No, please don't… Someone, please help me…" Rita cried out. She was having another nightmare.     

Rita usually had nightmares about her youth life when she was not as strong as she was now and had to run for her life and to save herself from hungry wolves of the society. Tonight again her dreams were infiltrated by such and incidence of the time when she was running away from a gang who was trying to r*ape her.     

One of the members found her in the alley and was about to grope her…     

At that time, she couldn't do anything to fight with those bunch of bastards. She knew if she was caught they would use her to have fun for a few days and then kill her later.     

That was one of her worst memories of life… she wanted to save herself from all the humiliation and all she could do was to run…     

She tried her best to run as fast as she could and hide from them. She was too much scared. Her whole body was trembling vigorously…     

While she was dreaming, she was crying because it felt so real as if all that was happening with her again… as if her ordeal was not over yet… she wanted to be safe… she wanted to be invisible to them all… run… Rita run…     

Then she heard a voice calling her name… this voice sounded like a shield that could protect her from that suffering…     

"Rita… wake up please wake up…. Open your eyes please…" Dean cried while he gently shook her shoulders.     

Rita woke up crying and panting. She sat up with a jolt and saw the silhouette of Dean near her, she suddenly leaped forward and embraced him tightly still crying.     

"Oh thank goodness it's just another dream big bro…" she whispered as she tightened her embrace on Dean.     

The latter creased his forehead. 'She's not in her senses yet…' he thought since it seemed that Rita had wronged her for someone else.     

He patted her back and murmured, "Shhh… It's just a bad dream… You're safe now. No one will harm you here."     

"Yeah I know… I'm always safe whenever I'm with you big bro… You saved me and I'll be forever grateful and indebted to you." Rita whispered and loosened her grip.     

The room was pitch dark because Dean actually couldn't sleep with lights on so he often put off all the lights as soon as Rita would be in deep sleep.     

Rita cupped his cheeks and said, "You are my savior and I will do anything for you big bro…"     

Dean was so close to Rita and he could almost feel her lips on him. He lost control and unconsciously pulled her for a kiss.     

He's been kissing her gently, capturing both her lips in between his own and licking them and very gently sucking on them… he was too gentle as if she was a glass and he was afraid to break her.     

Rita was startled when she was pulled in for a kiss but she did not make any movements for refusal. She thought she was still in a dream with his big brother.     

She actually looked up to her big bro but she was not sure if she had these type of feelings for him… she respected him and was anytime ready to do anything for him…     

However, something was weird. Why is she responding to his kiss and why does it feel so real.     

Realty dawned to her and she started recollecting herself.     

'I am with Dean, living as his wife… I slept with him on his bed… this person kissing me is… DEAN…'     

Then her eyes widened when she finally came back to herself.     

'It's not a dream! Shi*t…'     

She quickly pulled herself out of his embrace and slapped Dean's face.     

She reached the side table felt the lamp and put it on.     

"What are you trying to do you pervert!" she hissed with her sharp eyes directly glaring at Dean who was massaging the face she slapped.     

"Ouch… Are you even a woman? Why is your hand so hard? You slap like a man! Geez…" Dean murmured.     

Then he added, "Is this how you thank me for waking you up while you're having a nightmare?"     

"Thank you? You took advantage of me in that state and kissed me!" Rita jeered.     

"I kissed you? You're the one who threw yourself on me and hugged me tightly that I couldn't almost breathe. You even called me Big Bro. By the way, who is this Big Bro whom you worship like an angel? Is that him the one who made that stupid plan for my Big Bro?" Dean asked to divert the conversation.     

Rita was almost dumbfounded when she heard this change of conversion… she was confused whether Dean didn't feel bad for her actions or what just happened?     

And Dean! Oh Dean was so happy when he saw this state of Rita. He almost laughed seeing the confused expression of Rita.     

So he quickly added, "No need to protect that bastard because we already know him. We'll put him down soon."     

Rita's face crumpled. "Don't you dare touch him or you'll have to go through me."     

Dean laughed out hard, "Oh wifey I would be willing to go through you for the rest of our lives so bring it on let's start right away…"     

Rita was so shocked by this behavior of his that she could utter no words to rebuke him for all he said… she just watched him in shock…     

"I will go catch some air in the balcony… Change your clothes. You're so wet…. with sweat." He said before he got up and walked towards the balcony.     

Rita was left speechless… "What's wrong with this guy? Is he drunk or what?" she muttered while she shook her head. He was so easy going and seemed to take all things lightly like it's some kind of joke.     

Then she let out a long deep sigh. She was envious… envious of him because he was someone who could always turn a heavy conversation to a light one as if it was nothing serious. How she wished even she could do this… life would be really easier if she could learn this ability from this bastard…     

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