The CEO Who Hates Me

Blessed Among The Rest

Blessed Among The Rest

0After a wonderful dinner onboard the cruise, the couple with Denise lied down on loungers at upper deck to watch the clear night sky in its celestial beauty, something not visible in cities due to bright lights now a days, here the stars were clearly visible and the sky was filled with small and big twinkling stars visible everywhere.     

The butler handed them two blankets one for Denise and one for Ryu and Arya.     

"Geez, now I know how hard it can be to become a third wheeler. And this will be the last time I'll become like this… My poor heart can't help becoming envious…" Denise blurted out laughing as she looked at the couple that was curled up together in a soft, warm blanket.     

Then she shook her head and shifted her gaze back at the stars…     

Arya laughed and said, "Don't worry… I'm sure sooner or later the one for you will appear at the right time. You're still young anyway."     

Denise rolled her eyes and said, "Not a chance for the right one… if it's not like Big Bro Ryu, because of him my standard for men went to the highest level. So much high that I'm even ready to be a single old maid in case there's no one out there comparable to Big Bro."     

The couple both laughed at Denise' words.     

'True enough, it is really almost impossible to have a man like her husband. So she is really lucky. No… Arya it's not luck but you've been blessed among the rest.' She thought inside as she stared at Ryu's manly face that was glowing at her eyes in the dark.     

She was too excited to discover Ryu's weakness too so at least she could be his strength somehow.     

She wanted to feel the pleasure of doing something meaningful for her husband, to be able to stand up for him just even once will be a pleasure. Nobody is perfect they say. Right now, Ryu was so perfect in her eyes but surely time will come when she'll get to see some of his weak spots and at that time she wanted to be his full strength.     


Ship's next destination was Croatia so Arya and Ryu spent their day onboard together with Denise since Greg had suddenly disappeared. He said that an important business matter has come up so he needed to go back. Denise chose to stay back to continue the journey as planned.     

In the afternoon, they were able to try the onboard games of trivia to get to know like-minded travellers at tea time.     

The Horizon Lounge serves up finger sandwiches, scones, and desserts while cruisers rack their brains for the answers to trivia questions. Its English high society meets pub quiz.     

Arya and Denise were enjoying the dessert buffet, complete with chocolate sculptures while they left Ryu who was on a discussion with a guest that was a well known figure in the business world.     

Then, there's also a hands-on cooking class that piqued Arya's interest so the girls decided to join the class.     

"Hey, you're so focussed on that…" Denise commented when she noticed Arya was listening intently at the lecturer.     

She smiled and answered, "I have to learn these kinds of things because I heard that the Ken family loves tea very much especially Ryu's mom, so you know..."     

Denise giggled and said, "So cheesy, pleasing the In-laws haha. Okay focus on that well. Make them love you more than they love Big Bro. I'm sure you'll do great."     

Arya was enjoying the cooking session while she was learning on how to make both savory and sweet teatime treats, how to brew a proper cup of tea and more that ranged from wine tastings and cooking demonstrations.     

They were taking a hand on class on tea making and while Arya was busy in listening to the chef teaching them skills of brewing tea, suddenly Arya's loud cry came out…     

"Ouch!" Arya cried when her hand touched a hot part of cooking pot accidentally.     

Even before Denise could react or go to help Arya Ryu was already by Arya's side frowning.     

"What happened?" Ryu said who was like a flash that suddenly appeared by her side. He held Arya's hand and looked at it carefully.     

Even Denise was startled by his quick appearance because he was actually around four meters away from them the last time she saw him.     

"It's nothing, it's just some small burn I think," Arya said as she pulled her hand from Ryu's and tried to shake it to cool down the burning feeling from her hand.     

"Denise, we'll go ahead in our room to check Arya's burn," Ryu said before he pulled Arya out to walk towards their room.     

"It is really nothing... See? It's just a small burn..." Arya said while Ryu placed an ice pack on her scalded skin.     

Ryu never let Arya miss out from his sight regardless of distance from her. He couldn't get enough of staring at her beautiful and bright little face while she was enjoying the cooking lessons. He smiled unknowingly whenever he saw Arya laughed while talking to Denise.     

He ran fast to her side as soon as he saw her cringed. He hated to see her hurt. He doesn't like to see even a single scratch on her.     

Arya stared at him. He looked so serious while he gently dabbed the ice pack on her hand.     

"Urghh ouch..." Arya intentionally murmured.     

Arya's cries made Ryu anxious and he couldn't understand what else he should do and almost started to panic…"Does it hurt? We can ask for a doctor and maybe its better if a doctor takes a look at it so..." Ryu's panicked talking was stopped by Arya's lips.     

She could not resist the cute panicked face of Ryu and his worried expressions and captured his lips andgave him a small kiss on his lips.     

"You're so cute when you look worried... I couldn't resist the temptation and gave in to your seduction and….kissed you dear husband." Arya said teasingly.     

Ryu creased his forehead and quickly leaned forward to give her a peck on the lips too.     

Arya's brow arched then she sat on her husband's lap.     

"Hmm... I think my sweet darling husband loves to get rewarded and hence shows me these cute adorable sides of him more often now a days… " She said smiling mischievously as she encircled her arms on his neck.     

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