The CEO Who Hates Me

Nothing Can Be Forgotten

Nothing Can Be Forgotten

0Cecile was crying hard as she ran out of that place. Her mind was in a complete mess as she was not able to collect herself after all that happened. Her heart was still not at rest and she felt ominous vibes coming from somewhere towards her.     

She drove her car at the venue since she had to stop by somewhere before the party so she had refused to be picked-up by Aldrin and met him at the party instead.     

The place of Diana's private resort was much hidden, very much out of the town in a secluded area and need one has to drive a long dark undeveloped road before reaching up to the main road. To put it simply they chose a creepy area for the party.     

Cecile was crying hard while driving. Still images of all that transpired running in front of her eyes like a movie… her sanity was lost and she kept on crying, tears ran down from her eyes uncontrollably. She couldn't even see the road clearly because of the tears that kept on clouding her vision. She felt so lost…     

Her body was in pain but her heart and soul were butchered and she felt shattered. She had never felt this down and humiliated before. She felt dirty, her body was touched and used by a stranger who she did not even know.     

That lingering feeling of being dirty couldn't be removed from her mind how much ever she tried…..     

She knew she was innocent but who would believe her if she said it? She did not even remember how things reached up to this stage and how she ended up being with a stranger and why Aldrin was not with her.     

'Aldrin must probably have seen that man and that messed up scene inside the room already.' With that thought, Cecile cried out more and much louder this time.     

She loved Aldrin from her heart. She could accept everyone's criticism but if Aldrin will look down on her how would she be able to tolerate it? She did not have the courage to see hatred or disdain in the eyes of Aldrin for herself.     

He was the reason she had smilingly tolerated all the bullying by those haughty girls. Aldrin was her strength, he was the reason she wanted to smile for. Aldrin brought colors to her dull life and she couldn't bear the thought of losing him because of this incident.     

With mind full of those thoughts Cecile kept driving her car towards the main road, without any destination in mind… without knowing how to do, what to do… she just kept moving ahead… suddenly she heard honking of a car from a little behind her… "Aldrin?"     

Yes it was Aldrin… after his confrontation with Diana he ran towards Cecile to comfort her and to tell her that no matter what he would always be with her.     

Loving her in all the possible ways he could. But by the time Aldrin reached out all he saw was a cloud of dust formed by Cecile's car when she drove away. Aldrin saw her going away… Cecile was his heart's treasure and seeing her going away like that made his heart wrench in pain…. He quickly ran towards his own car and drove behind her. Cecile was in such a bad mood that she drove away very fast and it was not before some time that Aldrin was able to see the backlights of her car in his sight.     

Seeing him, Cecile broke down and cried very hard and loud….     

Aldrin moved his car near hers and shouted. "Stop the car Cecile. Please for my sake stop and talk to me…"     

Cecile couldn't speak a word. She just sobbed heavily and shook her head and murmured in her mouth, "No, I won't stop."     

"Cecile please stop just for once talk to me, listen to what I have to say, please please Cecile…."     

Seeing that nothing was effective in stopping her he tried again and shouted, "Cecile, if you have loved me even for a single minute in your life, if you care about my life even just a little bit, you will stop and listen to me… Please stop your car…."     

Hearing those last words from Aldrin Cecile stopped her car and burst into tears while still sitting inside.     

Aldrin hurriedly came close to her car and opened the door to bring her out.     

Cecile jolted by his touch and in her broken and flustered voice she said, "No. Don't touch me. I am not worthy of you anymore, Aldrin. I don't deserve your love. I am dirty…"     

Aldrin was shocked to hear such words from her. He already understood what would have happened with her but seeing her react like a culprit made his heart break.     

His eyes watered on her broken condition and devastated look, he came closer to her held her arm and pulled her out of the car.     

He took her in his embrace and rubbed her back slowly. He spoke in husky and sad voice….     

"Cecile, it's not your fault, I am responsible for what happened with you today. I was not able to protect you like I should have. Please don't cry. Don't cry. I don't care whatever happened there, I will never talk about any of this thing ever to you again. We will forget everything but please collect yourself back and stop crying."     

"No Aldrin. No… Nothing can be forgotten… Nothing that happened can be changed. I have lost myself today. I don't know how and what exactly happened but after all this how can I deserve your love?"     

Those thoughts again surface in front of Cecile's eyes and she became restless. She tried to come out of his arms and said, "Leave me…. just don't touch me…. I am very dirty…. Your hands will be stained. Please… leave me…"     

Aldrin refused to leave her and in her fit of rage… absentmindedly, Cecile pushed Aldrin with full force to pull herself away from his embrace and sat down in her car and drove away.     

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