The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Thanksgiving In The White House-2

Thanksgiving In The White House-2

0Alexa couldn't help but worry as they walked towards her room. She knows deep in her heart that there's something wrong.  Her father couldn't act to save his life.  It must be her mama, and she could be sick again.  She decided to confront Sophia once they arrived in her room.     

"Aunty Sophia, is my mother sick again?  Is that why my father was rushing to go to her?  I'm not blind, you know.  Also, I know him very well. So' spit it out, aunty, don't worry... I can handle it.  I'm a big girl now."  Alexa whispered so no one else would know.     

Sophia was feeling but that she's keeping it a secret from her niece.  She was tempted to tell her everything.  However, she remembered how Chrissy looked when she asked not to make her daughter sad.  She decided against it and lied to her arse out.     

"Sweetheart, don't worry, alright.  Everything is fine with your mom.  She just exhausted herself with preparation for the Thanksgiving dinner.  She asked me to ask your dad to help her get ready.  That's all!"  Sophia said with a smile on her face, and Alexa believed her.  Her aunt has no reason to lie to her, therefore... It must be true.     

She gave them a tour of her wings and also some other part of the White House.  Just in time that they made it back to the parlor, the head chef had announced that the dinner is served.  Everyone slowly made their way to the dining room while Alexa was still concern that her mother and father has not shown up yet.     

"Where could they be?" She began worrying and was about to bolt and sneak out to go and check on them...   However, just as she was about to leave, Prince Alexander stopped her.       

"Sweetheart, are you alright?  Where are you going?  You're not going to let me go to the dining room by myself, do you?"  He asked sheepishly like a schoolboy.       

"Sorry!  I was only wondering where my parents were.  And I thought to check on them, but...  Ah' forget it!  Let's go!  We can't let everyone wait.  Someone needs to be the host while they are not here."  She then hooked her arms to Prince Alexander, and they walked together towards the dining room where everyone was already seated and waiting.     

Grandmother Grant also realized that President Grant and Chrissy were not around.  "Alexa dear, do you know where your parents went?  How come they are not here yet?  We need to begin before the food gets cold."  She said calmly.     

Alexa didn't know how to answer her grandmother's question and looked at Sophia for help.  Good thing that Sophia was quick in the uptake and responded to grandmother Grant.       

"Mrs. Grant, they should be here at any moment.  Chrissy had overtired herself with the preparation and needed a little rest.  I'm sure that's where the President went, to fetch Chrissy."       

"Oh' alright then.  We will wait for a little while.  You all, don't mind, do you?"  Grandmother Grant said with a kind smile on her face.     

A moment later, President Grant and Chrissy arrived looking stunning.  Everyone applauded when they saw them coming.  Their appearance was impeccable, and it's a picture-perfect fitted for their position as the First Family of the nation.      

President Grant made an apology to their guests.  "I apologized to all of you for keeping you all waiting.  Unfortunately, I must have eaten something that didn't agree with me.  Hahaha!  I had to keep on going back and forth to you know where? Hahaha!"     

When everyone hears what President Grant had said jokingly, they all joined the laughter, and the festivities started.     

The table was set up excellent.  Turkey, Ham, mashed potato, stuffing, corned bread, and green beans casserole with onions on top baked to perfections.  All looks so delicious that just from looking at the food will make a person salivate.     

The prayer and giving thanks was lead by Grandmother Grant.  Once done...  President Grant being the host, got up and began carving Turkey as the tradition.  Once he finished slicing a piece for him and his wife, then the servers continued what he started and started serving everyone.     

Suddenly, they heard little Jeffrey began crying.  "Huh, huh, huh!"  He then pouted and made a face to the server when they got close to him.       

Ann, who was seated next to him, lean over to ask him what's going on?  "What's wrong, honey?  What's with the face?  Arent' you hungry?"  She keeps on asking him as he continued to cry.     

"Huh, huh, huh!  I want my spaghetti and hotdog!"  Little Jeffrey told his mother.     

"Hahaha!  Hahaha! Hahaha!"  When everyone heard what little Jeffrey said, they all began laughing out loud, and it made him more upset.  He started throwing a tantrum and wailing louder.     

"I WANT SPAGHETTI AND HOTDOG!!!"  He shouted as loud as he could so they could hear him.     

Ann looked at Sophia and Alexa, for she doesn't know what to say.  Just as she was about to get upset at her son and say something, she heard President Grant's voice ordering the chef to prepare a Spaghetti and Hotdog for little Jeffrey.     

When the boy heard it, his face turned brighter and smiled at the President.  He then got up and went to the President's side and stood there.       

"Yes, my son!"  President Grant said with a smile.     

Little Jeffrey held up his arms, asking for President Grant to lift him.  Jeff was embarrassed and quickly got up, ready to take his son away.  However, he was stunned when President Grant bent over and lifted his son and put him in his lap.  Once Little Jeffrey was seated on his lap, he motioned to Jeff to go back to his seat.     

Little Jeffry put his two little hands-on President Grant's face and kissed him on both of his cheeks.  He then spoke that made everyone laugh loudly.  "Grandfather, thank you!  I love you!"  He then asked to be put down so he could go back to his seat.     

"Ohhhh'  that's so sweet of you!"  Alexa said to little Jeffrey.     

Little Jeffrey loved it that Alexa was praising him, and he gives her the sweetest smile he could conjure.  A moment later, the chef brings out two plates of spaghetti and a whole bunch of hotdogs.  He set one in front of little Jeffrey and another one in front of Ava.  Then...     

"Whaaaaa,  whaaaaa, whaaaa!"  It was Ava's turn to began wailing, and everyone's eyes were on her.     

"What now?"  The chef asked in confusion.     

Ann and Jeff were both turning red and unable to utter a word.  Ethan decided to intervene and got up to whisper to the chef.     

"Oh' I see!  I do apologize, and I will correct."  The chef said and quickly picked up the plate of spaghetti in front of Ava.  He then rushed to the kitchen to began making what little Ava wanted to eat...     

Grandmother Grant couldn't help it and be curious at to what the little girl wanted.  She decided to ask out of curiosity.   "So' what is it that she likes to eat?"     

Ann whose still reddened from that the way her children were acting, responded to grandmother Grant.       

"I apologize for my children's behavior.  Unfortunately, I think they are mistaking this as their birthday, and Ava doesn't like spaghetti.  So' we always had to have spaghetti for Jeffrey, and she only likes 'Pansit' [Stir fry rice stick noodle] If I'm not mistaken, that's what Ethan had told the chef."  Ann explained while unable to look at Grandmother Grant and President Grant.     

When Ava heard that Ethan had asked the chef to cook pansit noodles for her, she quickly got up from her chair and did the same thing.  She asked Ethan to put her in his lap and kissed him on both of his cheeks.  "I love you, uncle Ethan!"  She copied what little Jeffrey has done to Presiden Grant.     

Finally, a moment later, a Filipino chef came out and brought out the 'pansit noodles' for Ava. They were able to begin the first Thanksgiving dinner held at the First Family private residence...     

While everyone was enjoying their Thanksgiving dinner, a call from the newlywed couple came... and the chatted with them on the big screen television.  No one realized that while everyone was busy chatting and enjoying...     

Chrissy was having a problem holding it together, and everything was turning dark slowly.  A moment later, they hear a sound coming from where she was seated.  "Thud!"  She felt off her chair and was on the ground, passed out!     

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