The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Flying To Las Vegas

Flying To Las Vegas

0Lucas stopped Alexa, who was about to step out of the vehicle. "Alexa, I think you shouldn't go out yet." He then closed the door again and went back inside the car.  Once he was inside, he asked the driver to go a little forward toward the other car parked a little further away.     

"What's going on?"  Alexa asked Lucas curiously while looking behind to see who they were trying to hide from...  Alexa's eyes widen when she saw Ramon walking towards the car that Jeff and Ann were riding.  She felt a thinge of pain inside her heart.  She didn't want to leave without saying goodbye to him, but she also doesn't want to hurt him further.     

Lucas directed the driver to drive close to where Prince Alexander's vehicle was parked.  Once they were near the car, he told Alexa to go to Prince Alexander's car, and they would drive around a block or so and come back to divert the attention away from them.     

They had to wait and make sure that no one was looking before Alexa quickly went out and went inside Prince Alexander's car.  "Phew!"  Alexa let out a breath of relief once she was inside the car seating next to Prince Alexander.     

"Why is he here? Is he here to see you?" Jealousy hits Prince Alexander as soon as he saw Ramon coming out of the car.  He needed to make sure that the relationship between Alexa and his Half brother still only as a friend and nothing more.     

"To be honest, I don't know.  I didn't even tell him that I'm leaving today to go back home.  I didn't want him to have hope that there's a chance for us to be more than a friend.  You know how he feels about me."  Alexa said calmly, but with sadness in her eyes.     

That's all Prince Alexander needed to hear from Alexa's mouth.  He pulled her closer and kissed her sensually while caressing her face lovingly.  "I'm sorry if I sounded jealous because I am. I don't know what I would do if...  If..."  Was all he could say, for he couldn't dare to put it into words.     

Ramon and Jeff were speaking with each other very seriously for a couple of minutes.  Once they saw Ramon shook hands with Jeff.  They felt relief that Ramon didn't linger long enough to deduce that they were hiding inside Prince Alexander's vehicle.     

However, as Ramon was about to leave... He turned and looked at the car they were in and stared at it for a while before going back to say something to Jeff.       

"CEO Go, may I asked a question? "  Ramon asked while curiously looking towards Prince Alexander's car.     

Jeff saw where he was looking and became worried that he would realize that the vehicle belongs to Stonasia Embassy.  He quickly replied to rush Ramon out of there.  "Sure!  What it is?"  To get his attention away from the parked vehicle.     

Ramon asked why continuing to stare at the vehicle that was parked further away in the distance.       

"The vehicle over there!"  He pointed at Prince Alexander's car.  "Is that from Stonasia Embassy?" He asked curiously, wondering who the passenger was.     

Jeff looked, acting ignorant before replying.  "Oh' that!  Yea, it is as a matter of factly.  I think they are here waiting for the arrival of someone.  Since we haven't take-off yet, their plane couldn't land, I assume."  He said with a straight face.     

With that, who wouldn't believe him.  Especially the one speaking is CEO Jeff Go.  He's an honest man as far as everyone knows.  Only this time, he was lying his ass out for the sake of his cousin-in-law.     

Hearing what Jeff had said, Ramon felt guilty thinking that it was him that was holding them from leaving.  He then bid Jeff quickly and went back inside the car and told the driver to drive off.        

Jeff was afraid that Ramon would ask his driver to take him towards the parked vehicle that belongs to the Embassy of Stonasia.  However, when the car turned the other way around, everyone finally let out of the breath of relief.     

Unknown to everyone that Ramon was trying to avoid to be seen by whoever was inside the vehicle for, he also doesn't want anyone from the Kingdom of Stonasia knowing that he's in the Philippines.  He had cut ties with everyone already and made a new life for himself.       

He doesn't want to be known as the bastard son of the King of Stonasia.  He tried to live his life as Ramon Le Grand and not as Prince Ramon of Stonasia.     

Jeff stood and waited for Alexa and Prince Alexander to arrive before heading inside the plane.  As soon as they were inside, Jeff order for them to take off.       


Once they were in the air, and the captain had said that it was clear to take their seatbelt off.  Ann quickly went towards Alexa and pulled her to the private cabin to have a word.  Eva saw and so as Sophia, and they all followed to gossip.     

The men gathered together to have a cocktail and talked about business.  No one mentioned Ramon Le Grand to show respect for Prince Alexander.     

"So' what happened out there?  I saw that your car arrived, but you didn't come out.  Then I turned and look, and I saw Jeff rushing to go down the tarmac.  Soon, I saw Ramon talking to him.  Is that why you didn't come out of the car when you saw him?"  Ann asked Alexa questions left and right while Eva and Sophia were anxiously waiting for Alexa's response.     

Alexa began laughing out loud. "Hahaha!  Hahaha!"  She then hugged Ann before she replied to her question with a simple word.  "Ann, even if I wanted to tell you what happened... I can't.  I didn't get out of the car, because I didn't want Ramon to know that I was leaving." Alexa's felt severe after thinking about it.     

"Unfortunately, I should not have done that.  The truth was last night was my saying goodbye to my love for Prince Alexander.  That was the reason I asked Eva to go out with me clubbing...  I was ready to look for a new love.  How would I know that my old love was the one I would find.  Hahaha!"     

"Oh!!! That was so sweet!"  Sophia said with a grin on her face.     

"Mom!  Your acting like a teenager, what do you mean soooo sweet!  What so sweet about Alexa being treated like a prostitute?  Didn't you know that if Prince Alexander didn't get his memory back?  The United States and the Philippines Flags would have fallen under the Kingdom of Stonasia's attack!"  Ann said with her eye bulging out of the socket.     

Eva was lost in translation, for she doesn't understand what Ann was saying at all.  Curiosity hit her and interjected.  "Aunty, Ann... What in the world are you talking about flags when we are talking about Prince Alexander, Alexa, and Ramon?  What does that have to do with flags?"  Eva asked innocently.     

"Hahaha! Hahaha! Hahaha!"  Ann, Alexa, and Sophia began laughing their heart outs for the way Eva had asked the question.  Ann was the first to find her voice and answered Eva's question.     

"My little sister, don't play innocent with me, alright!  I know for a fact that you already surrendered your flag to Ethan long ago, and you two haven't even mentioned anything about a wedding?."  Ann sternly said while scolding Eva in return.     

"Ahhh!  So' that's what you mean about the US and Philippines flag...  Hahahaha!  Why didn't you just said virginity?  Why go through the hassle with words.  You know I'm plodding when it comes to those types of terms."  Eva complained while looking at her cousin and aunt at the same time.     

Suddenly, Alexa got up and quickly stepped out of the private cabin.  She went straight to Prince Alexander, who was busy being teased by the men around him.     

"Alex, can I speak with you for a moment?"  Alexa whispered into Prince Alexander's ear.     

"Sure!"  Prince Alexander said.  He then excused himself and got up to follow Alexa to find a quiet corner to speak.     

"What is it that you wanted to speak to me about?"  Prince Alexander asked as he looked Alexa straight in her face.     

"When we get back to America.  After the Thanksgiving dinner... I will ask Ann If they could let us use the plane to fly to Las Vegas, Nevada.  Would you like that?"  Alexa asked without informing him why they would be going there?     

Therefore, as Prince Alexander agreed to Alexa's idea, "Sure let's fly to Vegas!" He said with a question in his eyes.  He asks why they would be going there in the first place...     

Alexa gives Prince Alexander the most alluring smile she could conjure; she then gives him a soft and quick kiss into his lips.  Then she said," I want us to fly to Vegas to have a secret wedding!"     

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