The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Heart To Heart Talk

Heart To Heart Talk

0Alexa was in total shock to see the person sitting with a big smile on his handsome face, was the same man she had been pinning for over a year.  The man that supposed to be bedridden, unable to see, and lost his memory of her.      

'What is this?  Is this some kind of joke?' Alexa couldn't comprehend what going on, and she was unable to move forward after seeing that face...  Prince Alexander, the only man she ever loved...     

Pierre realizes that Alexa was not behind him when he was about to introduce her to Prince Alexander.  He turned to look and saw that she was standing there looking straight at Prince Alexander like she just saw a ghost or something.     

That irritated Pierre more, he thought that the girl had recognized Prince Alexander and was so stunned that it's a Royalty that invited her.  He went back to where Alexa was.  "Are you coming or not?"  He said disgustingly.       

Alexa came to her senses when she heard Pierre's remark and continued towards the table.  This time, the smile that was on her face a while ago, faded and what replaces it was a sly look pointed towards Prince Alexander.  She's about to have a war with him, and as soon as she got closer, she was going to give it to him...     

However, when Prince Alexander got up and smiled so sweetly at her... Her heartbeats began running like crazy.  "Thud-thud-thud-thud!"     

"Hi!  Beautiful, thank you for accepting my invitation.  I'm Alex, and you are?"  Prince Alexander said it with the sweetest and sexy smile he could conjure.     

Alexa only stared at him, unable to utter a word.  She's not sure what to say or do...  'Is it because of my disguised that's why he didn't recognize me?  Or did he really forget about me?  Which one is it?'  She thought as she continued staring at him without replying to his questions.     

"Would you like to sit down?"  Prince Alexander pulls out the chair next to him.  He then looked at Pierre and gave him a signal to get lost and leave them alone.     

Pierre didn't want too, but he has no choice but to follow the order.  He quickly got up and excused himself, and went toward the bar to sit and watch the two.     

As soon as Pierre left, Alexa sat down on the chair that Prince Alexander pulled out.  She was still staring at him, disbelief of what she's seeing.  Finally, she found her voice and decided to test the water.  "Alex, you say?  Hi!  I'm Lexy nice to meet you!"  She said while extending her hands for a handshake.     

However, when Prince Alexander took her hand and flipped it over and kissed the back... The tingling sensation shoots up all the way to Alexa's heart. "Thud-thud-thud!"       

She quickly pulls her hand out as a fire had burnt her.  She then put her hands together and began wringing it, she's uneasy and doesn't know how to act or react.     

Prince Alexander raised his hand to call for a waiter.  A moment later, a waiter came and took his order.  "Same one and whatever the lady wants."  He told the waiter while looking at Alexa to say something.     

Alexa looked at the waiter, "Long Island Ice Tea x 2, please!"  She replies without batting an eye.     

"Yes, ma'am!"  The waiter left, shaking his head.  'Long Island Ice Tea x 2 does she have a deathwish?  I had served her two already earlier, and I saw her finish it all.  Now she wanted two more.  She's going to have one big fat headache comes morning."  He mumbles to himself as he went toward the bar to get the drinks.     

"So' are you here for business or pleasure?"  Prince Alexander asked, trying to have a small talk.     

"Both!"  Was all Alexa said, still staring at him?     

Prince Alexander realizes that she had been staring at him ever since, and he wonders if she had recognized him and know that his a Royalty.  He smiles for he thinks it's a plus for him if she recognizes him,     

"You had been staring at me since you came, by chance had we met before?  Do you know who I am?"  He asked curiously, and he wanted to make sure that what he was thinking was right.     

Alexa was unsure of how she was going to answer his question.  Just when she was about to reply...     

"Lexy!  There you are!  I had been looking for you everywhere.  I had been calling your cellphone, and you are not answering." Eva keeps on talking without looking at Prince Alexander's direction.  Then she finally lookup and saw Prince Alexander.  Her eyes widened, and about to say, "Your...H."     

But, Alexa was pretty quick to put her hand on her mouth and got up from her chair and drag Eva further away from the table.  "Shss!  He didn't recognize me, and he doesn't know we know who he is.  So, be a good girl and go back to our table and let me have a moment with him.  Alright!"     

"Oh,' alright!  Fine, I'll go back to our table and give you time.  However, it's getting late, and I still have early shoots tomorrow.  How about this, since he's your boyfriend anyway... why don't I scram and go back home.  And you stay with him tonight!  How's that?!" Eva said mischievously, but she was only joking.     

Unknown to Eva that Alexa likes her idea, "That sounds good, I'll call you if something changed.  Go ahead and go home.  Oh' by the way, take the two bodyguards with you.  I don't want to be bothered tonight!"  Alexa then turned around and went back to Prince Alexander, who was watching them the whole time.     

The two girls knew that two of Jeff's bodyguards had been following them.  They didn't stop them for they needed protection anyway.  However, now that Alexa plans on having a heart to heart with Prince Alexander, she needed to get rid of them.       

"Sure! I'll figure out a way to lure them.  See you tomorrow then!"  The two girls hugged before Eva quickly left towards the directions where the two bodyguards were sitting.  One way or the other, she would take them with her...     

When Prince Alexander saw that the other girl left, a wide grin procured on his handsome face.  "She's going to be mine tonight!"  He said to himself as Alexa approaches...     

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