The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

She's Invited To His Table

She's Invited To His Table

0However, just as Prince Alexander was ready to make his move towards the dancing floor.  The music stopped, and Alexa and Eva stopped dancing and left the dance floor to go to the ladies.  They had poorly sweated and wanted to freshen up.     

Prince Alexander has no choice but to sit back down and think of the next step.  "Pierre, go to the restroom and wait by the ladies' room, and when the two ladies come out, invite them to our table." He ordered anxiousness showing on his face.     

"Your H- Alex! Do I have to wait for them by the ladies' room?  How about we wait until they come back and see where they are seated, and I will go and invite them?"  Said Pierre with a sad-looking face, for it's embarrassing for him to stand and wait by the ladies' room.     

"No!  Go and wait over there, or they might leave without us knowing.  I want to meet her, and she's... she's...  I don't know what to say, just go!"  Prince Alexander urged Pierre with urgency.     

Pierre has no choice but to comply with his master's request.  He got up from his chair and went towards the ladies'room and stand outside, waiting for Alexa and Eva to come out.     


Meanwhile, inside the bathroom, Alexa was having the time of her life.  She was tipsy already after drinking two full glass of long Island Ice Tea.  She was never much of a drinker from the begin with, but tonight she just wanted to have fun and forget everything that had happened.     

Eva was concerned that Alexa was acting mischievous and texted Ann while she was inside one of the stalls.        

Eva: [Ann, what should I do?  She's a little drunk already, and she's acting wild!]     

Ann was already asleep and didn't hear her phone beep.  However, Jeff's a light sleeper, so he picked up Ann's phone and checked the message.  His eyebrow raised when he saw the news that Eva sent and decided to call his bodyguards.     

"What's going on?  I heard that she's drunk and acting wild, is that true?"  Jeff asked quietly as not to wake the sleeping Ann next to him.     

"As far as what we could see from where we at sir, she might be a little tipsy, but nothing unusual in her behavior.  Just like everyone else here, she was dancing and enjoying herself."  The bodyguard reported to Jeff.     

"Alright!  If she begins acting crazy and wild, get her out of there before anyone recognizes her.  You got my order!"  He then hung up and went back to sleep without replying to Eva's text.     

Ann, who was sound asleep, was awakened when she heard her husband speaking quietly on the phone.  She opened one eye and looked at her husband, who just closed his eyes to go back to sleep.  "Honey, who was that you were talking just now?" She mumbles barely audible.     

"Hmmm, nothing!  Go back to sleep, and it is nothing!"  Jeff said and kissed his wife's forehead and began stroking her back, trying to make her go back to sleep.     


"Eva, where are you?  Come on!  We need to go back out there!  We didn't come here to hide in the bathroom, let's go!"  Alexa shouted from the outside of the stall where Eva was hiding, waiting for Ann to text back.     

When she didn't get a reply, and Alexa was already banging on the door of the stall, she has no choice but to plush the toilet and acted that she just finished doing number #2.     

"Cuz, I'm sorry!  I think the cocktail drink gave me diarrhea.  Why don't you go ahead and go back out there and I'll follow."  Eva shouted from the inside.     

Alexa didn't want to stay any longer than needed inside the ladies' room, "Alright, then!  Don't stay here all night.  I'll wait for you at the table."  She then walked out of the ladies'room without a care in the world.     

No sooner than Alexa walked out of the door, Pierre accosted her, and she was stunned for he didn't recognize her at all.  Alexa's eyes widened when she realized that it was Pierre, but she didn't show it to him.     

"Excuse me, my lady!  A friend of mine would like to invite you to our table if you don't mind?"  Pierre aggressively said to Alexa as he approached.     

Alexa's eyebrow raised and looked at Pierre with pierce hostility.  She couldn't believe her eyes that he's right in front of her right now, trying to pick her up.  Then she thought about the word he just said... 'A friend would like to invite?  Which friend?  As far as she knows, he doesn't have any friends.  Who could it be?'  Alexa is now curious as to who this person he's talking about.     

"A friend, you said?  How good-looking this friend of yours?  What makes you think that I would be interested in joining your table?  What do I look like to you?"  She asked sarcastically.     

Pierre gave Alexa a once over before replying.  "In my eyes... You are one hot woman that any man would want to bed with.  Is my answer good enough?"  Replied Pierre equally sarcastic and a smirk on his face.     

Pierre didn't want to invite the girl in front of him.  He doesn't wish for Prince Alexander to have any relationship with any other woman.  The reason he brought him there to meet with his first love and only love.  He's afraid that Prince Alexander would take this hussy back to his room and forget about their purpose of going to the Philippines.     

Alexa was stunned by the way Pierre had spoken to her. She was about to land a slap on his face... Then she remembers what she's wearing and what she wanted to accomplish by dressing that way.  She wanted every man that she would come across to want her... to drool looking at her, and it seems she had accomplished it.     

"Hmmm, Your right about that!  So where are this table of yours and your friend that invited me to join?  Why don't you show me and let me see if I would be interested in joining you after meeting him."  Alexa said with the sexiest smile she could conjure.     

Unknown to her that Pierre wasn't lured at all with her sexy smile.  Instead, he's totally disgusted and not affected.  "If you would follow me, I would take you to him."  He then leads the way...     

Alexa was curious as to who this person that Pierre was referring to as a friend. 'Could it be... Nah!' She thought as she follows Pierre towards the private table.  However, as she got nearer to the dimly lit table and saw a tall man sitting regally at the table...  Her heart began beating so fast that she feels like she's hyperventilating.  She stopped!     

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