The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Who Is She?

Who Is She?

0A palace guard who was patrolling the ground found Prince Alexander and Prince Angelica splattered on the ground.  He quickly called for back-up, asking what to do?  He knew right away that the man lying in the pool of blood is none other than their Crown Prince Alexander.     

He made sure to inform the higher about his findings.  While he was speaking on the radio, he came and checked for a pulse to see if they are still breathing...  When he felt a heartbeat from Prince Alexander... He let out a sigh of relief.     

He then checked Princess Angelica's...  The contour of his face changed, and it shows how scared he was, for there was no heartbeat found.  He knew right there and then that she's dead...  He immediately informs his superior over the radio.  "Sir!  Sir!  Must come right away, it seems that the lady with the Prince had perished.  What should I do?" He was shouting over the radio.     

The guard was startled when he heard a voice right behind him.  "Move the Crown Prince first, then will take care of the Princess." The head of the guard ordered his companions.     

"You!  Move away, go and check the surroundings and make sure that no else witness what happened here."  The head of the guard barks at his subordinate.     

Everything was cleaned up as fast as their feet and hands would take.  After an hour or so, there were no traces of anything happening left on the ground.  The traces of blood were cleaned up, and Princess Angelica's body taken to a secluded place.  While Prince Alexander was airlifted to the nearby hospitals as per the Queens' order.     


No one in the party knows what had transpired on the ground of the palace.  Prince Romano was having a drunken conversation with another guest when the Queen summoned him.       

"Oh' my God!"  He exclaimed and started shaking...  "How did that happen?  I need to see my sister, right now!"  He shouted in raged.  "How am I going to explain this to my parents, tell me?!"     

"Crown Prince, please!  Calm down... - We don't know exactly what happened either.  That's why I need to speak with you."  The Queen was trying her best to console Crown Prince Romano.     

The Queen went into the detail about her plotting with Princess Angelica about seducing her son.  They figured that something must have happened, and the two end up falling off the balcony together...     

"I have a suggestion if you would hear me out?" Said the Queen, hoping that Crown Prince Romano would work with her.     

"Do tell me. I'm all ear!"  He said with a smirked on his face. 'This is good, and she falls for my act.  She has no idea that I'm the one who pushed the two in the balcony.' He thought while waiting for the Queen to tell him what she's planning.     

"No one must know what happened here.  Of course, except for your family, for how are you going to bring Princess Angelica's body.  We could tell your parents that Alexa Grant had done it.  She found them together, and in a fit of rage, she pushed them in the balcony.  What do you think?"       

"Hmmm?  That could work.  How about Alexa's family members?  If we are to accuse her, then we must have proof to provide them.  I'm sure they would investigate it, and they have the best in their field.  Your talking about the President of the United States of America.  Remember, she's related to them somehow."  He said casually.     

The Queen thought about for a minute...  "Don't worry. I have a way to make them believe that it was Alexa Grant that did it.  Just make sure that we are on the same page when it comes to your family.  I don't want your father the King waging war in my Kingdom."       

"Fine! Let me take care of my sister's body.  However, I will not shut my mouth for anything.  You will need to compensate me for what I needed to do."  He demanded with a serious-looking face.     

The Queen didn't hesitate to agree to whatever Crown Prince Romano demanded as long as he could take care of Princess Angelica's body and take her with him.  Thus, everything moves into motion...     

Crown Prince Romano took care of Princess Angelica's body by cremating her as fast as he could.  He took her body to the nearby funeral, without the Queen knowing what he plans on doing.  After making sure that Princess Angelica's body was cremated, he paid the funeral home left without bothering with her ashes...     

Before leaving the Kingdom of Stonasia, he made sure that he has all the things he demanded.  He then went back home and informed the King and Queen of the Spaniard Kingdom that  Princess Angelica was broken-hearted once more and decided to go somewhere to heal her broken heart.     

The King and the Queen could careless for Princess Angelica.  She's only a bargaining chip for them, and it seems she's not worth anything if she was turned down twice.  They accepted what Crown Prince Romano said and wash their hands of her.     

Crown Prince Romano was delighted that he was not questioned at all.  He informs the King and Queen that he has some important matters to take care of.      

"It's for the Kingdom what I'm doing, so I will be gone for a while.  I will keep in contact while I'm away to another country.  But do not worry if I'm not back in a month or two."  He then bid them goodbye and went to fetch his plaything "Jane Si" before heading to the airport on the way to Thailand for Jane Si to have plastic surgery done.     


Prince Alexander was sitting quietly in the back of the limousine that would take him and Pierre to the airport.  He was looking outside the window and thinking...      

Prince Alexander regained his eyesight a couple of days after arriving in the countryside.  Unfortunately, he still can't remember everything.  The doctor said that it would take some time, and it might, or it might never come back.     

He decided not to let the King and Queen know that he could already see for he wants to know who had pushed him on the balcony that night and what really happened?      

The doctor that was treating him was a friend and helped him with the lie.  Therefore, the Queen and King believe his still blind and now useless.  With that, they let him go without asking where his heading...     

The therapy took him a year to finally feel that his fitness was excellent enough to travel.  He then decided to go and meet the woman that Pierre had been telling him all the time.  The woman that the Queen would not accept as his future Queen.        

"Who is she?"  He mumbles...  The one that he couldn't remember at all...      

Pierre said... She's the reigning Miss Universe from the United States of America...  Miss Alexa Grant...     

But... No matter how many times he stared at her pictures, and watched the clip of her coronation, he couldn't remember her at all...  His mind always blanked...     

However, his heart is another matter...  it seems to be racing one hundred miles per hour...  Just like right now, as he thinks about meeting her after a year... His heart was going... "Thud-thud-thud!"     

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