The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

The First Kiss

The First Kiss

0Everyone in the ballroom began laughing out loud for what Alexa had done.  Ramon slightly smiles as he watched Alexa filled with laughter.  Everyone thought she was so funny for answering her father's proposal of marriage to her mother.      

However, all Alexa cared about was to see her mother and father reunite after many years of being apart.  Nothing else matters to her at that moment. Not even the man standing next to her was full of love as he gazed at her.     

In her mind, it does not matter how her love life is; the most important right now was her parents' happiness.  And she would do everything in her power to make that happen...     


Chrissy didn't have to answer any longer, for her daughter had already shouted the response.  It would not look good if she says no after that outburst.  Not that she's planning on turning down the proposal.      

Chrissy had been thinking about this moment for some time already.  She had planned already that after the wedding... They would talk, and she would inform him of the secret she had been keeping since she got her memory back.      

President Grant has no idea that his marriage with first lady Dianne was not valid.  He's, in fact, still married to Chrissy until now.      


Sean Grant was running for Senator and needed support from a friend of the family.  The Fucillo family is from New York City.  An Elite member of society and has massive power in the circle of politics.        

The head of the Fucillo family could make or break a politician and with one wrong move... A politician's career could go down the drain in a heartbeat.      

Everything went smooth when Sean went to ask for help.  Mr. Fucillo agreed to give him financial backing and full support for his campaign.  With one condition, that he marry the oldest daughter of the family...  Dianne Fucillo.     

Sean Grant's ultimate goal was to become the President of the United States of America.  With the Fucillo family backing, that goal was not far from the horizon, and they agreed.  Unknown to him that the same night, he would meet the love of his life...  A beautiful, sweet innocent... Chrissy Wen.  An International model from the Philippines.     

The only way that Chrissy Wen could be his was for him to put a ring on her finger.  No exception...  Thus, Sean Grant, the only thing he could think of to make her his...  Run to the city hall and get married in secrecy.     

Everything was going smooth, and Sean would travel back in forth between Washington D.C. and New York once a month to be with Chrissy.  However, until one day, Lady Lucy Le Grand saw the couple together and reported it to her then best friend, Dianne Fucillo, thinking that Sean was only playing with a model and nothing more.     

Dianne demanded that Sean Grant break up with Chrissy and fulfill the deal with her family to give their full support in his candidacy.  They must marry; the sooner, the better.     

Sean Grant did everything in his power to delay the inevitable and used the excuse that he's not ready yet.  He wanted to buy some time until his career was in full bloom and nothing the Fucillo could do to hurt his chance of becoming the next President of the United States of America.     

Thus, he did what he thought was the best at that time...  He let Dianne Fucillo believe that someday, she would become his First Lady.  It works for Dianne had left him alone and allowed him to flourish in his career as Senator while she stands by him and gave her full support.     

Unbeknownst to him, that one faithful day, Dianne went to meet with his wife Chrissy and demanded that she leaves him or else...  Then the incident of 911 happened, and everyone thought Chrissy had perished...      


"Congratulations!"  Everyone was yelling out loud, and that brought Chrissy back to the present.  Tears were flowing down her beautiful face without her knowing.  President Grant wiped it with kisses while whispering endearment only for her to hear.     

Once by, one well-wisher came to congratulate the couple.  Grandmother Grant embraces Chrissy and gives her a pad on her back.  "I'm sorry for what you had to go through...  Be happy for the rest of your life with my son and granddaughter.  May God blesses you with nothing but happiness from now on."  Said grandmother Grant while tears of joy dripping on her old but still beautiful face.     

Next to congratulate them was Daniel.  He first hugged his father and made a small remark.  "You can't run away now!  Hahaha!"  He then turned his attention to his stepmother and gave her a tight embrace, then whispered...  "Wishing you nothing but happiness, Mom!"  He kissed her cheeks, then stepped back to let other people congratulate them.     

Then it was Alexa's turn... She ran to her parents and sobs like a little girl.  "Huh-huh-huh!  Mon... Dad... I'm so happy for both of you and... and... us!  We are now going to be a real family.  The First Family of the United States of America!  Hahaha!"  Alexa happily said while embracing both her parents.     


The wedding was finally over, and Daniel and Andrea left for their honeymoon.  Andrea's relative was allowed to stay the night at the hotel, while everyone else returned to their villas.     

Ramon and Alexa decided to go and take a walk on the beach and reminisced the good old times they had when they were young.  They had so many good and bad memories that by the time they realized the sun was already setting.  They had been talking for ages without them knowing.     

Ramon got up from sitting on the sands and extended his hands...  "Come!  Let me show you a beautiful place where you could see that sun setting fully.  It's magnificent!  I promise."  He invited Alexa while grinning from ear to ear like a little boy.     

Alexa reached out and accepted Ramon's hand with a sweet smile on her face.  "It better or your dead!  You know I'm dead beat already, and you want us to go elsewhere only to look at the sun setting on the horizon. So it better be as you said it?"  She scolded him as she let him help her up in a standing position.     

Ramon jerks her up a little too hard, and Alexa was pulled right onto him..- face to face...  their closeness brought Ramon's heart pumping one hundred miles per hour... "Thump-thump-thump-thump-thump!"      

He was startled with that sudden closeness that his legs gave way, and he fell flat on his back... While dThen, whileng Alexa with him, she landed right on top of him with her lips smack right to his...  "TSUP!"     

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