The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Chapter 212

Chapter 212

0Everyone's eyes focused on the couple walking down the aisle. The sight was to behold for Alexa's elegantly walking. It is like she is in the runway modeling, instead of the aisle as a maid of honor. At a glance, it is visible in the eye of the beholder that she is a beauty queen.     

Next to her escorting her is her childhood friend, a handsome man with regal bearing emitting all over him. 'Prince Ramon,' also known as Ramon Le Grand.     

The happiness that was showing on Alexa's face was priceless. She is radiantly glowing while her smile was blinding everyone by her pearly white teeth that are visible. Furthermore, her dimples were heavily dented. Tears began forming from everyone in her family, including President Grant, who wants nothing but for his princess to find her Prince to share her life with.     

Alexa had her fair shares of hardships while growing up. Just as when she is about to be happy, a villain would pop-up and ruined everything her way. After many years of being apart with the man she loves, everyone thought she would finally have her happily ever after with her Prince... [Not!]     

Everyone knew how much she loves Prince Alexander, but he is out of the picture right now. Therefore, any man would do, as long as it would bring a smile on her beautiful face.     

Ramon and Alexa reach the front, and both took their rightful places, Alexa at the bride's side, while Ramon next to the groom. Daniel and Ramon shake hands, "Congratulations!" Said Ramon to Daniel with sincerity.     

"Thank you! Thank you! You have no idea how thankful I am to you right now..." Daniel said while smiling brightly to Ramon. He then patted Ramon on his back before returning to his position. Not before he blurts out some words of encouragement. "Not bad, not bad at all. I wish you luck and fighting!" Daniel banters then stood straight while waiting for his bride to come.     

Then it was Andrea's turn. She had created one of the most beautiful wedding gowns for herself. It was initially designed by herself with her thought of Alexa and Prince Alexander tying the knot.     

When all the bad things began happening to the couple and end up separating... Andrea took it a bad omen and tore up the piece of paper and thrown it away.     

However, she had begun making the dress already, and it is a total waste to throw away when she uses only the most excellent material. With a little modification, she altered it to fit her description instead and decided to wear it in front of everyone today. Thus, everybody was stunned to see her magnificent creation as she walks down the aisle towards her future husband.     

"Ohh' I am jealous of cousin Andrea. Why didn't I treat Alexa excellent when we were young? She would have taken me along with her, instead of Andrea." one of the cousins that were bullying, Alexa back then.     

"Even if you tried, you could never be a nice person." Another cousin banter.     

"Shut up! Wait till we get home, and I will show you how nice I am. I will beat you to the pulp." she retorted while shooting daggers to the other cousin.     

Daniel's eyes were misty when he saw his beautiful bride coming towards him. He could not contain himself, "I love you! Furthermore, thank you for coming to my life," he blurted out without realizing he spoke with words and Ramon, who is standing next to him heard. He chuckled...     


The wedding was simple but beautifully done. Rita had outdone herself once more. She made sure that everything was picture perfect, and it was. The couple recites their bows to each other, and it was so lovely and heartfelt that not one eye was left dry after it was said.     

Alexa was the most touch out of everyone around. She could not help herself not to think of her lost love. 'Prince Alexander' The one that had made her flatter like a butterfly each time he whispered to her ears how much he loves her. Nevertheless, that love has long gone; he no longer exists in her world. However, the pain remains, and it will forever stay in her memory...     

Ramon saw the sadness in Alexa's eyes, and it is breaking his hearts. He wanted to comfort her and make her feel better, like when they were young. However, the time had passed, and they are no longer children and teenagers. Alexa is now a full-grown woman and the most beautiful one he had ever laid his eyes. He would have given her the world and never make her sad like she is now.     

Ramon could only sigh at Alexa's sight as the pastor continued with the wedding. Then it was over, the pastor announces to everyone... "I now pronounce you man and wife... You may kiss the bride."     


President Grant had prepared an engagement ring before coming to the Philippines. If everything works out, he plans on proposing to Chrissy before the night was over. The opportunity came at the after wedding party.     

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now the time for father and the bride dance. Please join them on this wonderful moment..." Rita had announced to everyone.     

The music started playing. Mr. Santos and Andrea took the center of the dancing floor and began dancing. No one joined them at the beginning, letting them have the dance floor all by themselves.     

Then... Daniel went to grandmother Grant and asked her for a dance. Everyone started moving towards the dancing floor. Grandmother Tan and Grandfather Go, Sophia, and Albert Tan, Jeff, with his daughter Ava and Ann with her son Jeffrey. Then there is Ethan and Eva, Lea and Ronald. Ramon was hesitant to ask Alexa, afraid that she would turn him down.     

Ramon fidgeted while left standing by himself, while everyone went dancing with their partners. He was in for a shock for Alexa came to him and bowed first while her hand extended... "Sir, may I have the pleasure of this dance?" She asked with the sweetest smile on her face.     

Ramon was stunned and unable to utter a word of reply. He could not believe that Alexa was the one who took the initiative to ask for a dance... When he still did not reply, and the music was about to end... Alexa took it upon herself and grabs his hand and drag him in the middle of the dance floor.     

"Alexa... Wait... Alexa!"  Ramon said while Alexa was dragging him towards the dance floor.     

"What?  I asked you nicely, and you did not reply, so... Now I am not nice any longer.  You will dance with me, or will cry!"  Alexa banters.     

All the eyes were at Alexa and Ramon the whole time since the party started. They were betting who would make the first move. Would it be Alexa, or would it be Ramon? When they saw what she had done...     

They all began laughing, for they all guessed that it would be Alexa who would make the first move. And they were all correct.     

Lastly, it was President Grant's turn. He saunters towards Chrissy, who was sitting quietly at the table, watching everyone have fun on the dance floor.     

Chrissy knew that he was on the way to ask her for a dance.  However, she acted all ignorant and did not let him see that she is nervous, and her palms were sweating.     

"Chrissy Wen, would you please...  do me the honor of this dance?" President Grant copied Alexa and bowed as well while his hand extended waiting for Chrissy to accept...     

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