The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Either Dead Or Dying

Either Dead Or Dying

0For some odd reason, Alexa felt a thinge of pain in her heart when she saw Ramon walked away. She missed him badly... She misses how they used to joke around and playful when they were young. Those were her happy times in their young lives.      

Ramon was such a good friend who always made her laugh when she's feeling down. And she could sure use a friend at the moment, for she feels miserable.     

She remembers the time when he came back after many years of absence, and he made her feel that they had never been apart at all.     

He was always ready to make her laugh, still on her side, no matter what the circumstance was. However, those days were gone now; all they have left was nothing but memories.     

She suddenly thought of her man, the one that supposed to be by her side now... But where is he?     

"Princes Alexander, you sure are so mean... Why would you make such a promise if you're only going to break it just like that! You didn't even give me a valid reason. For all I know, You could be out somewhere meeting princesses for you to marry. Sigh!"      

She was talking in the as she keeps on going with no specific directions. Her feet keep on slipping from her sleepers; therefore, she decided to take it off and walked barefoot on the sands.     

She kicked the sleepers to the sides and kept going, unknown to her that Lucas heard every word she said and was feeling sorry for her. 'If only Ria were here, she could accompany her, and she wouldn't be this lonely.' He thought.     

Alexa continued walking while spouting nonsense. She was so pissed that she was cursing him left and right.     

"Prince Alexander, you wait and see... I will not even talk to you when you call. I will let you feel the pain that I'm feeling right now." While mumbling, she didn't realize that a stone was on her path.       

She accidentally stepped on it and almost tripped and fall flat on her face. Luckily, Lucas was pretty quick and ran to save her.     

"Miss Grant! Please, do be careful, you still have a fashion show to do tomorrow. What would happen if you break your ankle or hurt your foot? How are you going to do the catwalk?" He said, voice filled with concern while sadness was enveloping his handsome face.     

"Thank you, Lucas! How I wish that Ria and Logan were here with us. I miss them already, but I know if it weren't an emergency, they would not ask for leave of absence. I'm so alone..." She said casually.     

Lucas was unsure how he should respond, for he was thinking the same thing not long ago. He was listening to her complain that he didn't realize that he was still holding her.     

He just stood there, holding her and not letting go. " I'm fine now, and you may let me go." She said while looking at him curiously.     

"Lucas, I have a question to ask you? Please, do tell me the truth, alright?"      

Lucas was stunned and began perspiring when he heard her request. However, what else could he do but answer her truthfully, even it means he might lose his post and get transfer to god knows where.      

"Sure! Ask me whatever you want, and I will do my best to answer."     

"Hmmm, how should a word this...?" She contemplated for a moment unsure of how she should ask him.      

"Do you think the King and Queen of Stonasia would accept me for a daughter-in-law?"     

Lucas let out a sigh of relief when he heard her question. He thought she was going to ask her if he has a feeling for her...      

He does care for her, except that what he feels was for a younger sister and not romantically. However, the way he had been holding on to her a while ago might look like he does have romantic feelings for her.     

"What made you ask that? Of course, they would accept you! Why wouldn't they?"       

"Well, you know! I'm... I'm a bastard. My mother is the other woman in my father's life. You know what I mean." She said, feeling frustrated.     

Lucas was unable to answer after that. He wanted to say something that would soothe her aching heart, but nothing would come out of his mouth for she's telling the truth, and that's the fact. He only stood there feeling sorry for her.     

"Nevermind, I would find out soon enough, anyway. I promised him that I would visit Stonasia once the fashion show is over, and I'm planning on keeping my promise. Unlike someone...- I'm going to walk for a little longer, do you mind?"     

"N-no! Do what you want to do! I'll be just right behind you, as usual." Lucas let her walk and put a little distance to give her privacy to      

Alexa continued walking toward the opposite direction from Ramon's villa while continuing to think about Prince Alexander, who had made a solemn promise that he's going to be there unless he's dying...       

Then it suddenly hit her...- "Oh' no! Please, don't tell me that he's dying?" She quickly made a ten-degree turn while her eyes were wide in shock with what she just realized.     

She quickly ran back to the villa to get her cellphone so that she could make a call to Prince Alexander. She needed to know if he's sick and that's the reason why he couldn't come.      

'This is unbelievable of me. I hang up on him without trying to find out why?' This made her mad at herself, for she thought terribly about him, while he could be lying in bed ill.     


Daniel and Andrea were in the dining room, eating when Alexa arrived back at the villa. She gave her brother a quick hello before running off to her bedroom and closed the door with a bang.     

Daniel, who was eating, looked up when she came in. He was speechless to see how fast she walked in and the gone with only a simple hello to him.      

"What's going on? Is she alright? Why in the hell is she running like the devil was after her?" He asked Andrea in between bites.     

"Stop talking when your mouth is full!" Andrea scolded him before replying to his question.      

 "Sweetheart, don't you remember... We had been together all this time." Andrea said, mischievously.     

 "Therefore, you know more than I do, I was too busy worrying about you before then, and I forgot she's here with me." She said matter, factly.     

"Hmmm? It must have something to do with her Prince charming." Then it occurred to Daniel that he has not seen Prince Alexander either.      

'Isn't he supposed to be there to support his baby sister, why hasn't he shown up yet?' He thought as he looked at Alexa's closed door.     

Daniel decided to intervene and made a call to Prince Alexander. However, after letting it ring a couple of times, it went directly to the voice mail.     

[I'm sorry, but I'm not available to take the call right now. Please, leave a message after the beep.]       

Daniel was stunned when Prince Alexander didn't answer the call, and it went directly to his voice mail.     

Instead of him leaving a message, he hung up and decided to send him a text alternatively.     

Daniel: [Your Highness Prince Alexander, if and when you receive this message, you better be on the way to the Philippines or dying. You don't want to know what I'm going to do for you! When I see you in person. You got that!"      


Meanwhile, back in Stonasia, while Prince Alexander was in a meeting with the King's advisors, he suddenly felt pain in his head right before he suddenly passed out. He collapsed right there and then.     

Pierre was trying to wake him up while one of the advisors quickly called the Royal physician. The Royal physician arrived speedily and started checking him.     

When it took several attempts before he finally wakes up, everyone was afraid that something wrong with him and reported it to the King and Queen.     

Since the King still recuperating, the Queen took upon herself and requested to give him full physical check-up. No, if or but... He must undergo, or he would be housed arrest.       

The Queen ordered Pierre to take all his gadgets, including his cellphone. He must recuperate without hindrance. Knowing him, he would be on the phone with Alexa if he could help it.     

The Queen also ordered that no communication with Alexa. Prince Alexander has no choice but to comply.     

Prince Alexander knows how stern his Queen's mother and what she said goes no matter if it's the King. He needed to be careful until the day that he could finally introduce her to the King and Queen.     

Unfortunately, he couldn't tell her the truth as to why he's not going to be able to come. When she hunged up the phone without saying goodbye nor a kiss, he knows she's upset.       

He was going to call her back right away, but the Queen had confiscated his cellphones, to make sure that he wasn't bothered by anyone while undergoing a physical check-up.      

After taking it away from prince Alexander, the Queen gave it Pierre and warned him not to provide it with him until he's finished.     

The physical check-up took all day long. By the time he finished, he was worn out and went to bed without asking for his phone. Therefore, Pierre didn't give it to him either to let him rest.     

Due to exhaustion, It was already early in the morning by the time he wakes up. The first thing he did was ask for his phone. He needs to wish Alexa at least luck.     

 He knows he's in hot water, but there was nothing he could do at the moment. He's not sure yet as to why he had blacked out. Only the test would be able to tell him that, and he must wait till then.     

In the meantime, he would ask for forgiveness and hoping that she already calm down enough to forgive him...     

As soon as he turned on his phone, he saw that he received lots of calls and messages from various people. But none from Alexa. He was disheartened when he thought that she must be furious at him.     

He continued scrolling down to see if anything is interesting when he saw a familiar number. Daniel's... He quickly swiped it opened to read.       

Daniel: [Your Highness Prince Alexander, if and when you receive this message, you better be on the way to the Philippines or dying. You don't want to know what I'm going to do for you! When I see you in person. You got that!"      

When he saw the message with a bold letter, he began laughing, until he read through it again and realize that he is in trouble. Sigh!      

"What am I going to do now? I can't leave until I get the results, or Queen-mother would not let me go. Gosh! I wish they would hurry up and bring the result... I need to get out of here, or I will lose my future Queen!"     

Prince Alexander quickly made a call to Alexa first. However, when after several attempts and she still did not pick up the call... He knows she's probably preparing for the fashion show and very busy.     

When he couldn't get a hold of Alexa, he then tried Daniel's number. *Bzzz, bzzzz, bzzz* However, it's the same... He also didn't pick up the call. "Shit! I'm F*cked now!"  He exclaimed loud enough for the whole kingdom to hear...     

When he couldn't get anyone at all, he decided, "F*ck it!  I'm leaving, and the result could wait.  However, my future Queen cannot.  She might think I'm either dying or dead."  He mumbles as he walked out of his room to look for Pierre.     

Just as he was about to open the door, it suddenly opens, and it's the Queen with the Royal physician with solemn-looking face plastered on both of their faces...     

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