The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance



0Back in the White House, President Grant and Grandmother Grant were trying to persuade Alexa to stay a couple more days.     

"Sweetheart is not like you need to practice to do the fashion show.  You could do it in a day or two before the event.  Why not stay with Granny for a week.  Go with me to the countryside and relax, get out of this bustling city crowd.  What do you say?"  She asked with mist in her eyes, ready to fall any minute.     

"Nanna, I would love too...  But I need to go back with Andrea.  She's not in the best condition right now and a lot of things in her mind.  She needed me to be by her side until the fashion show is over.  Please, understand..."  She then embraces her grandmother as tender as she could and kissed her still beautiful old face.     

"Oh' if you must, then who am I to stop you."  Grandmother Grant was trying to play pitiful, so Alexa would feel remorse and hoping that she would change her mind.     

Then it was President Grant's turn to act pitiful in front of his daughter.  He used the excuse that he's lonely, and no one would be left after Grandmother Grant leaves.     

"Princess, don' you feel sorry to your old-man?  Look how big is this place, and the only company of people I would have left once you all leave was the help.  I will be so lonely all by myself..."  He then let little tears fall for more effect.     

However, as much as Alexa wanted to give in.  She cannot abandon her bestfriend/cousin/ future sister-in-law.  Therefore, she had procured the sweetest smile on her face before giving her father a tight embrace.     

"Dad, it won't be long, alright!  After the fashion show, I will come back home and stay with you until the competition for the beauty pageant.  After that's over, then I'm going to be all yours.  How's that?"  She said it in a cheery voice while showing her two heavily indented dimples.     

Unfortunately, that did not soothe the President and rebutted.  "ya, right!  What about that Prince of yours?  Didn't you promise to spend some time with him after the fashion show and the competition?  That boy seems to be set on marrying you once and for all.  What do you have to say about that?!"  His eyes were wide and bulging while his eyebrows were raised as he asked.     

Alexa wasn't able to retort to President Grant's accusation.  She merely smiles sheepishly and give him a resounding kiss on both of his cheeks and got up to go to bed.  "Sorry, we have an early flight so that I would bid you both goodnight.  Love you!"  She then made a sign showing her fingers with the sing of love... Before turning around to leave in a hurry.     


Alexa and Andrea arrived at Ninoy International airport early in the morning.  They need to be inconspicuous in order not to alert the media.     

"How do you feel?  Still nervous about the fashion show?"  She asked Andrea, eyes full of concern as they descended from the plane to the tarmac where the car was waiting for them.     

Andrea looked up to Alexa with a smile.  "Don't worry, and I'm fine now.  Daniel promised to be here when the time comes.  I will concentrate on my creation and making sure that I don't embarrass myself."     

Alexa put her arms on her shoulder as they descended to the tarmac.  "That's the spirit!  I can't wait to wear your creation and parade it in front of millions of viewers in the whole world.  Hahaha!"     

The two women laughed out loud as they enter the vehicle that was waiting for them to take them back to the Island Resort...     

For the next couple of weeks, Andrea and Alexa were busy with the preparation.  The Mega Entertainments handled everything from start to finish.  Even without Sophia and Chrissy, everything went smooth under Ms. Rita Robles, who's now Sophia's Vice President. [ consultation base only]     

Ms. Rita Robles was famous for her magnificent wedding design.  She was the wedding planner for the wedding of the century five years back.  It was Ann and Jeff's Go's wedding.     

Right after the wedding, she instantly becomes famous and the most sought out wedding planner in the country.  Right after Jeff and Ann came back from their honeymoon, Jeff offered to merge her company with Mega World International Group Of Company, and she accepted.     

Soon after, she was offered only on a consulting basis as vice president of Mega Entertainment.      

While Sophia is currently out of the country accompanying Chrissy, Rita was called to be in charge of the whole venue.  In which she was more than happy to accept, knowing she would be meeting two famous designers, and it gives her great pleasure to take the job.     


A day before the fashion show, Chrissy and Sophia came back along with Dr. Garcia.  Chrissy and Dr. Garcia had a serious talk about their situation.  They both have decided to go on their separate ways, but not before Dr. Garcia could create the cure for her illness.       

Dr. Garcia explained to Chrissy what he needed, and if they could help her, he would create the serum.  Once he accomplishes that matter, and he knows that Chrissy is out of danger, he would go as far away from her and promised that he would never bother her ever again.      

Sophia, after leaning what Dr. Garcia needed, promised to help obtain funding from MWIGOC once they arrive back to the Philippines.  Once all was agreed, Dr. Garcia, Chrissy, and Sophia head back to the Philippines and had come the day before the event.     

Meanwhile, Andrea was anxious that Daniel had not arrived yet, and she's too nervous at the moment.  'Sweetheart, where are you?  You promised that you would be here with me...  I need you, babe, please!' She was pacing back and forth in the living room of the villa.       

The last time she spoke with him was four days ago, and he was preparing to go to North Korea for some errand for the President.  He informed her that it would only be a day event, and once it's over, he would be on his way to the Philippines and spend a couple of days until the fashion show was complete     

However, it's only a day before the fashion show, and he has not shown up yet... Also, she had been trying to contact him on his cellphone and not getting any answer...  Andrea is now frantic.     

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