The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Chasing After Crown Prince Romano.

Chasing After Crown Prince Romano.

0Daniel was shocked when he and Andrea arrived at the hospital and found out that Jane Si's entire family was missing. No one could tell where they were going, so Daniel just gave up and didn't even bother to know where they went and what had happened to them.     

"If they want to run away, let them be. I have a feeling that they would do this when they didn't show up at the cemetery. Good riddance, for I, have enough of that family anyway. "Daniel told Andrea while they were walking out of the hospital.     

Andrea only kept her mouth shut and listen to her fiancee bitched about his cousin.  She too feels the same way, but of course, she would never voice that out in front of him.  They are cousin and blood related after all.     

Jane Si and her parents sneaked out of the hospital without letting the President nor Daniel know.  They booked their flight heading towards the Kingdom of Spaniard to speak with the King and Queen in regards to Crown Prince Romano.      

They plan on using their connection with the President of the United States of America to make Crown Prince Romano marry Jane Si.     

However, in case they don't fall for that... They plan on making it public to get sympathy from the masses and force Crown Prince Romano to pay for his deed.  Unknown to them that Crown Prince Romano was not stupid and had thought of that possibility of them going after him.  He had made sure that they could not enter his country.       

Princess Angelica knew of Crown Prince Romano's dealing, and she contradicted it and made sure that Jane Si and her family could enter the country.  She would use what she know to blackmail him into helping her get even with Prince Alexander and Alexa grant.      

She couldn't do it in America, but she could do it in another country.  Namely, the Philippines, where the fashion show was about to happen in two weeks.  That's when she wanted to strike and make sure that no one comes out alive if she could help it.     


Meanwhile, Prince Alexander was having a hard time saying his goodbye to Alexa.  He received an urgent message from the Kingdom of Stonasia that he must return asap.  He asked Alexa if she would accompany him for he wanted to introduce her to the King and Queen.     

Unfortunately, she declined to go with him this time, and the reason was the fashion show that would be in two weeks, and they need time to prepare.   She wanted to go with him badly. However, time does not permit her to do so.       

Prince Alexander was devastated, but they had no choice.  She must fulfill her obligation and must go back to the Philippines.  To console Prince Alexander, she promised him that once the fashion show was over, she would be on the next plane to Stonasia.     

"You promise? I will inform the King and Queen that you are coming. Don't break your promise, or I will be broken-hearted." Prince Alexander said with sadness in his eyes as he keeps on hugging her as tight as he could.     

Alexa smiled sweetly showing her two indented cheek while kissing him with all her love.  She's doing her best not to show her real feelings for he might not leave.  If only he knew how sad she is at the moment.      

"I promise I'll be on the next flight with you as soon as the fashion show is over.  It won't be long, the fashion show is in two weeks and will be together again.  You're coming, right?" She asked for assurance and to ensure that he didn't forget.     

"Yes!  I will be there, and God forbid, there's nothing crazy happens in between till then.  I will be there on the night of the fashion show."  Prince Alexander assures Alexa before giving her the sweetest kiss goodbye.       


Sophia and Chrissy also made preparations to go back to the Spaniard Kingdom.  Sophia would not take no for an answer, and she insisted that she would accompany Chrissy to have a word with Dr. Garcia, and once that was accomplished, they would return together to the Philippines.       

When Alexa found out that her mother and aunt were planning on leaving, she also wanted to go with them.  However, Chrissy insisted that she needed to stay to comfort her brother and father.  She also doesn't want the President to know that they are planning on leaving before he comes looking for her.     

Alexa has no choice but to accept the situation.  She would remain for a couple of days only to keep her father and brother company.  After that, she would be returning to the Philippines with Andrea to start preparing for the fashion show.     

With everyone leaving, there was only Alexa, Andrea and Daniel left, and they all decided to stay at the White House to keep the President and grandmother Grant company.      

When President Grant found out that they were in the White House, he quickly made his way to Alexa's room hoping that Chrissy was there with her.     

Unfortunately, as he was almost in Alexa's room...  He was stopped from continuing by his assistant aid.  "Mr. President sir!  I'm sorry, but there's an urgent matter you need to attend to.  Please, refrain from this visit and let us go to the oval office.  Your advisors are all on the way to discuss that matter at hand."     

President Grant has no choice but to turn around and take care of the matter.   When he arrived at the oval office and read the report, his brows suddenly went up, and he pinched the bridge of his nose.      

"What now?!  Why do these people always cause trouble? Why don't they live a quiet life and leave me alone! "     

The matter was in regards to Jane Si and her parents being detained at the airport caused by Crown Prince Romano...  He's accusing them of being a threat to his life, and he won't let them enter the country, while he also doesn't want them to leave.     

Princess Angelica couldn't do anything to help them for Crown Prince Romano had made sure she's now around and detained by his bodyguards somewhere away in the countryside.  As far as the King and Queen know, she stayed in America to do some shopping and would be back in a couple of days.     

Jane Si and her parent has no choice but to request help from the U.S. Embassy and does create a problem for the President when they insisted on contacting him...     

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