The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Don't Take Your Eyes Of Them!

Don't Take Your Eyes Of Them!

0Daniel was busy preparing to leave.  He was finishing his conversation with someone from the U.S. Embassy in the Kingdom of Spaniard.      

"Make sure that you don't let them out of your sight.  I already requested to release them in your custody, and they granted me that.  Wait until I get there before you take your eye off them.  Do you understand?     

As soon as Daniel hangs up the phone, Andrea went to him and started hitting him on his chest while tears were flowing on her face.      

"You're so mean!  You were going to leave without even saying goodbye to me...  Huh, huh, huh..."  She sobs on his chest while she continues pounding on him.     

"Sweetheart!  What are you talking about?  I would never do that to you, I was only finishing some things, and I was about to see you and Alexa so I could let you both know what's going on.  How did you know that I was leaving? "  Daniel curiously asked while he's caressing her face and giving her a gentle kiss on each of her cheek.     

"The President arrived, and he was telling Alexa what Jane Si and her parents had done.  He also said that he is sending you to take care of the matter.  That's when I excused myself and ran over her."  *Snip, snip'* Andrea was still sobbing.     

"I know... I know!  I'm beyond pissed too, but what can I do?  Father asked me to take care of this situation personally.  You know they're my relative and soon to be yours too...  So, bear with it, alright?  I love you!"  He ended his word with endearment trying to soothe Andrea and hoping she would stop crying.     

"If I ever get a hold of that girl's hair, she would be baldheaded for sure.  Watch me if I don't do it."  Andrea swear while she was looking at him straight face.     

Daniel understood how his fiancee's feeling at the moment for that's how he's feeling at the moment.  When he does see her, he will make sure to kick her butt back to the Philippines...     

"Well, I'm running late, and the plane is ready... Let's go to Alexa and Father so that I could bid them goodbye.  By the way, when are you planning on heading back to the Philippines?  You will wait until I come back.  You will not leave until I get back.  Promise me?"     

"Don't worry!  I will wait until you come back.  I still have a couple of days, but If you're not back in two days... I will need to go back home, alright?"  She informs him sadly.      

"Let's go!  Quickly finish this business so you could come back right away."  She then kissed him soundly before they head towards Alexa's room for Daniel to say his goodbye.     

When the couple arrived at Alexa's room, they were surprised to find out that there was no one there.  Alexa and the President left to have breakfast with grandmother Grant.      

When Daniel found that out from the maid that was cleaning Alexa's room, they quickly went towards the first family private dining room...     


Kingdom of Spaniard Intl. Airport holding room:     

Jane Si was making a ruckus and kept on yelling for someone to set them free.  However, no one dared pay attention to hear.  They received an order not to release them no matter what.      

And the request came from the Crown Prince HImself.  They don't dare disobey their Royal Highness for the price to pay would be very stiff.     

"Hello!  Is anyone there?  Can anyone hear me?  I need to use the ladies room...!  Hello!!!"  Jane Si kept on shouting as loud as she could.  However, no matter how loud she tries, no one answers her, and no one comes either.     

"Hello!  You all asshole's!  I need to pee badly!!!  Please, let me go to the restroom!"  She finally broke down and cried... "Sob, sob, sob... Please, let me go to the restroom or I would pee right here..."  She said it almost a whisper while slumped down on the cold ground.     

"Mom!!!  Dad!!!  Where are you?  I'm scared... " Jane Si mumbles to herself.     

They had separated the whole family, and each one got their holding room.  They made sure that they would not be able to escape no matter what as per Crown Prince Romano's order.     


Meanwhile back in the Kingdom of Spaniard, Crown Prince Romano was devising something sinister.  He ordered his bodyguard to arrange for the Si family to never make it out of his country alive.     

"No, matter what you do, make sure they would never be able to live and tell.  Do you understand what I mean?"  His eyes were all blood red and his face was fuming as he gave his order.     

His bodyguard quickly followed his order and made all the necessary arrangement.  They would do the job after they were released into the custody of the Ambassador of the United States of America.     

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