The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Warning!!! Read At Your Own Risk!!!

Warning!!! Read At Your Own Risk!!!

0Jane Si has no idea what she was getting into when she entered the car. No sooner than she stepped in the vehicle, she was accosted by Crown Prince Romano and started kissing her and caressing all over her body. At first, Jane Si was going to play innocent and was planning on stopping him from what he was doing.      

However, Crown Prince Romano had an aphrodisiac inside his mouth and had quickly transferred it into Jane Si's mouth while he was kissing her aggressively.  Not long after, the drugs were inside Jane Si's body and began working. She started feeling hot and aroused; she didn't know what hit her and continued kissing him back full of lust.      

Crown Prince Romano loved every minute of it, Jane Si was all over him and couldn't get enough of him. When she began unzipping his pants, Crown Prince Romano spread his legs wide and far for Jane Si to have full access on his hard shaft.     

Jane Si couldn't control herself, especially when the drug was in full effect. She unzipped his pants and pulled out his erected shaft, and started playing with the tip of his shaft with her tongue. She was licking it slowly at first, but when she couldn't handle it any longer... She then took him whole in her mouth and began sucking it like it's a lollipop.      

Crown Prince Romano was enjoying it to the fullest and so as his driver/bodyguard.  He raised his hand to signal, telling him to continue driving until he finished. His driver/bodyguard happily comply, knowing what going to happen next. With that thought, his shaft was also getting harder by the second, and he couldn't wait until Crown Prince Romano was done.     

They had done this many time in the Spaniard Kingdom. They would pick up a girl, drugged her and then once Crown Prince Romano finished with the girl, he would let his driver/bodyguard take his turn, and he would watch from the sideline.      

Therefore, once Crown Prince Romano was finished with Jane Si... She would be given to his driver/bodyguard to enjoy. However, this time, he plans on making a video recording so he would have something he could use to blackmail her in the future.     

Crown Prince Romano knows that Jane Si is related to the First Family of the United States of America. He plans on using her to be able to get close to President Grant, Senator Grant, and Alexa Grant... He will make a good video, something that Jane Si would be afraid to be air out in public.     


The next day, everyone woke up early for the first lady's burial. Sophia and Chrissy were having breakfast when Alexa came out of the room wearing a simple black suit. Instead of wearing a dress, she decided to wear suits as not to receive so much attention at the funeral.     

Sophia and Chrissy were in deep conversation when Alexa sat down to have breakfast. While she was busy putting food on her plate, she heard her mom saying that she will be going straight to the Spaniard Kingdom after the funeral.     

"I need to have a heart to heart talk with Dr. Garcia to find out where we stand." Chrissy could no longer call him her husband, now that she knows the truth about them.     

"I understand, I think it would be best if we all accompany you. Therefore, if you need our help, we will be right there." Sophia told Chrissy while she's holding her cousin's hand.      

She then turned her attention to Alexa, "what do you think?" while making eye contact coaxing her niece to agree.     

Alexa understood what her aunt was trying to do, therefore... "I agree with you, Aunt Sophia, we never know what he would do once he has mom independently. I'm worried that he would detain her from leaving." Alexa spoke nonchalantly.     

Chrissy then remembers that Sophia has a company to run back in the Philippines. "Would it be alright with you not to go back right after the funeral? Aren't they expecting you back right after?" Chrissy asked Sophia for she doesn't feel right taking so much of her time.     

Sophia had already been in contact with her husband and had informed him of her plan to stick around for a while with Chrissy.  Albert Tan understood and told her to take as much time as she needed, and she plans on doing just that.     

"Don't worry about me. I got it all covered. Just worry about you and your extended family. Hahaha! You do need a closure somehow. Either with Dr. Garcia or with President Grant. I know that it would not be easy for you, especially if you still have a lingering feeling for President Grant. Do what you must, we are here for you." Sophia gently embraced her cousin and patted her back like a small child.     

Alexa secretly smiled while she was listening and watching her aunt and mother. She suddenly thought of Andrea. Since young, they had been very close like a sister more than a cousin. However, she suddenly changed after grandmother Santos had passed away.      

She distanced herself from Alexa, and if not for this opportunity, she would never find out that it's because she had hidden a lot of the evil deeds that her grandmother had done in the past. Well, that over now and she prays that nothing would come between them in the future. She would not be able to accept it if it happens.     

She was still in deep thought when suddenly she heard a familiar voice...     

"Hello! Good morning to everyone!" Prince Alexander greeted them as he walks towards Alexa, then giving her a peck on her lips. Sophia and Chrissy's brows raised after seeing what he had done in front of them.     

Alexa sheepishly smiled towards her mother and Aunt, giving them a warning not to say anything. She then turned her attention to Prince Alexander wondering what makes him so happy early in the morning.     

 " What's going on? What's with the happy face bright and early? Did you won the Washington Megaball lottery?" She bantered with her eyes twinkling.     

Prince Alexander took a seat next to her and started scooping food onto his plate, feeling at home and not waiting for anyone to invite him. As he was putting food into his mouth, he told them the news that he recently heard.     

"Don't be shocked by my news. I just learned that last night, Miss Jane Si left with someone without letting her family know. This morning, she was found in one of the hotel room all beat up half to death.      

"I know I shouldn't be glad about her misfortune, but she only received what she deserved. She's supposed to be mourning for her aunty's demise, but instead, she was out somewhere having secret rendezvous in the middle of the night. So, she got what she deserved..." Prince Alexander made it sound like it's a good thing that it happened.     

Alexa, Chrissy, and Sophia were stunned and speechless from what they heard. Even though they don't like Jane Si as a person, they never wished her any harm. Notably, this type of scandal that could affect family members.      

Alexa quickly excused herself for a moment, leaving Prince Alexander to continue with the story while she's making a call to Andrea and Daniel...     

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