The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Who Is This Beauty?

Who Is This Beauty?

0The group decided to split up and ride in a different vehicle as to not get attention from the reporters when they arrive at the funeral parlor.      

Daniel and Andrea went ahead of them with his secret service, followed by Prince Alexander, Alexa in another vehicle. Chrissy and Sophia, along with the remaining of their entourage, rode in the same car.      

They knew that there would be many reporters at the wake. Therefore they need to be inconspicuous. If the reporters see them arriving in one car, a question might arise, and they are not ready to answer any question in regards to their relationship.     

The vehicle where Daniel and Andrea were riding arrived first, everyone knew the couple, and they did not bother them and let them pass without bombarding with a question. They only took pictures and made their own story to tell the masses.     

However, it's another story when Alexa and Prince Alexander arrived. No sooner than they emerge from the vehicle, the camera started flashing — all the reporters where curious who this the couple and the people with them.     

A reporter from Stonasia recognized Prince Alexander and began broadcasting live showing him walking side by side with Alexa and right behind them were Chrissy and Sophia.     

"We are currently outside the funeral home where the First Lady of America was set up for viewing. Your royal highness Prince Alexander had just arrived with an unknown beauty. They stepped out of the same vehicle just now and walked together hand in hand. See the footage!" The newscaster was saying in front of the live broadcast that being aired in Stonasia.     

The newscaster followed with, " who is this beauty and what's her relationship with your royal highness Prince Alexander? We will find out more and report. This is your newscaster... Reporting live in Washington, D.C."      

Meanwhile, back in Stonasia, the King and Queen were watching the live broadcast, and both have a smile on their faces from what they just saw — seeing how attentive Prince Alexander to Alexa had made their heart grow fonder of her.     

The King couldn't help himself and comment. "She's not bad, and she reminds me of you when I very first met you. What a beauty... I could only hope that she comes from a good family."     

"Hmmm? I don't think it matter's with Alexander. Did you see the way he looks at her, he's smitten. He even went against your decree and declined to marry Princess Angelica. Will see what happen." Said the Queen while a small grin was plastered on her face.     


The group was able to enter the facility without hindrance thanks to Logan and Ria who had arrived ahead of them coming from Las Vegas. Lucas was glad that his brother and sister-in-law were back. He had his hands full ever since they took off to prepare for their wedding.      

"Brother, sister-in-law. Welcome back!" He greeted them with a wide grin on his face.     

Logan only nodded to Lucas and continued barricading Alexa and Prince Alexander with Ria and other secret services.     

Alexa saw Ria and wanted to hug her, and scold her at the same time. However, there are too many onlookers and decided to refrains from doing so and waits until they get inside the facility.      

Once they were out of sight, Alexa quickly went to Ria. "Don't you ever do that to me again!" She said with tears forming in her eyes while embracing Ria as tight as she could.     

Ria was overwhelmed by Alexa's welcoming embrace and words. She didn't think that it would matter to Alexa whether she's around or not. However, seeing how she reacted after seeing her...- Ria now knows deep in her heart how much Alexa cares for her.     

"I'm sorry! I won't ever do it again." She whispered while she's slowly unfastening Alexa's thigh embrace and back away to go back to her post next to Logan.     

Prince Alexander put his arms around Alexa's shoulder and usher her to continue going inside.     

When the group arrived inside the funeral parlor, everything was all set for viewing. All of the Immediate family members of the first lady were all present.      

Seating at the front row was President Grant, Grandmother Grant, Daniel, First Lady Dianne's sister, Mother, Father, and of course Jane Si.     

A couple more row of chairs was reserved for family members, and then the rest were for friends and dignitaries from all over the world who came to pay their respect.      

This poses a problem with Alexa for when she was about to seat with Prince Alexander, Chrissy, and Sophia, Daniel came and asked her to go and sit with them.      

Alexa acted like she was greeting Daniel, but in reality, she was whispering to him. " Daniel, I don't think it would look good if I seat with you guys. You know..." She pointed with her puckered lips towards Jane Si, who had not yet realize that they were there.     

Daniel followed the direction where Alexa's lips were pointing, and he understands what she means. "Do come and greet grandma and father or they would be distraught if you don't." He whispered back at her.     

"Alright! I will in a minute. Let others pay their respect to father first, and once they finished, we will take our turn to pay our respect. Alright!" She said with sadness in her voice, trying to persuade him to let her seat with her the rest of her group.     

Prince Alexander played along and acted in front of the people. He went and paid his respect to Daniel loud enough for everyone to hear. "Condolence!" Followed with a stretched hand for a handshake.     

Daniel accepted his defeat and went back to inform his father and grandmother of Alexa's decision to seat with her group from the Philippines and her boyfriend, Prince Alexander.     

When President Grant heard Prince Alexander being Alexa's boyfriend, he turned and looked at Alexa's direction, and sadly his eyes diverted towards Chrissy who's acting like she didn't see him.      

President Grant feature changed drastically when he saw Chrissy. He contemplated for a moment thinking of going to them and say hello. However, Daniel was quick to remind him not to make a scene in which he listened and acted aloof.     

Dignitaries from all over the world came to pay their respect. By the time it was the groups turn, a couple of hours had passed already, and President Grant and Grandmother Grant were all exhausted already and wanted to rest for a little.     

Chrissy was relieved that she didn't have to face the President as of yet. She needed time, and if she could help it...- She doesn't even want to face him at all. When the time is right, they will sit and talk, but not now. They need to respect the dead...     

Alexa took the opportunity to sneak out and visited them in the private resting room for the first family. Grandmother Grant didn't see Alexa comes in. She was so tired that she has her eye closed.      

Suddenly she felt a warm kiss on her cheek, and when she opened her eyes, a broad smile procured on her face. She blinked a couple of times then rubbed her eyes.      

When she looked again and saw that Alexa was indeed right in front of her... She quickly straightened herself up and embraced her granddaughter while tears were forming in her eyes.      

"You are here! I'm glad. I missed you so much. Come and sit next to Nana, tell me what had been happening in your life?" Grandmother Grant patted the seat next to her, and Alexa complied.     

President Grant, who was seated with his eyes closed, heard the conversation and opened his eyes. When he saw his daughter was sitting next to his mother, he smiled secretly and closed his eyes once again to let them continue the bonding.     

He knows that once she's finished speaking with her grandmother, she would be coming to him. He would wait and let them... Meanwhile, he's thinking of all the question he wanted to ask Alexa about Chrissy...     

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