The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

That's None of Your Damn Business!

That's None of Your Damn Business!

0Prince Alexander made a call to Alexa while preparing to depart for America. However, the call wasn't able to go through for she was already on a plane bound towards the same destination.      

Prince Alexander's expression hardened when she didn't answer the call. Then... It suddenly dawns to him that Alexa could be on a flight at that moment.      

With the thought, his face turned bright like 10,000 watts LED light bulbs, and his dimples become heavenly dented as he smiles to himself.     

He quickly finished preparing so he could leave as soon as possible. He then bid his mother goodbye and was about to leave when Lady Antella suddenly appears from nowhere. She walked towards Prince Alexander like a woman with a vengeance.      

" How could you?" She angrily asked Prince Alexander, who has no idea what she's talking about.     

"What do you mean by, 'how could I?' I have no I idea what you're talking about?" Prince Alexander replied while continuing to walk towards the palace door without sparing her a glance.     

"I can't believe that you actually meet with Alexa and never said a word to me. You know how devastated I was when she left without saying a word. I had spent so much money and resource, but I never learned where she moved. How did you find her?" Lady Antella asked, her eyes wide with anticipation.     

"When, where, and how, is none of your damn business. That's why I never mentioned it to you. Why are you here, anyway? Whatever it is you need, make it quick for I'm late for my flight." Prince Alexander was walking faster than usual like the devil was chasing him.     

Lady Antella's face suddenly lit up, and she procures a half-smile. "Are you going to meet her? Can I come along with you? Please!!!!" She begged with the saddest eyes she could conjure.     

They had reached the vehicle that would be taking Prince Alexander to the airport. He then stopped for a moment, only long enough to face Lady Antella whose following her like a puppy.     

He stood for a moment seems like his contemplating with her request. However, after staring at her intensely, he looked at her straight without batting an eye...     

"NO! You may not come with me! Not now, or ever! You got that?!" He then turned around and went inside the vehicle and ordered the driver to go. Leaving a stunned Lady Antella standing rooted to the ground speechless.     


Prince Alexander's flight was shorter than Alexa's. However, with almost twelve hours ahead of flying time, both of their plane both landed simultaneously. Luckily Alexa's group were not able to exit right away due to congestion at the airport.      

They had to wait for Daniel to arrive for more added secret service to help Lucas and two others that came with them. Therefore, they end up meeting at the private lounge for the first family and the Royals.     

The corners of Prince Alexander eyes crinkled and forehead creased from seeing the crowded tarmac. He knew it's going to be a hell of a hard time getting out of the airport.      

"Might as well go to the VIP lounge and have a cocktail, and try and see if I could get in touch with Alexa now." He mumbles to himself as he got up and ready to step out of the private plane.     

He was massaging his neck and stretching his aching body from the long flight as he slowly makes his way out of the door.      

While walking towards, he pulls out his cellphone and was ready to facetime Alexa when something caught the corner of his eyes as he steps inside the VIP room-     

"Alexa!" Prince Alexander, with his two dimples, procured and heavily dented, rushed towards the love of his life and embraced her tightly.      

"I missed you so much!' He murmured into her ears, before kissing it lightly without being visible to the onlooker.     

Alexa felt the tingling sensation from his breath, and she shivered. With her sadden eyes, she looked up to Prince Alexander then replied, "I missed you too! How is it that you manage to come? How's the King's faring?" She bombarded him with many questions for she genuinely concerns and not asking just for the fun of it.     

Prince Alexander and Alexa didn't realize that everyone's eyes were towards them. They were engrossed with each other and didn't have a care in the world around them.      

"Ahem! Ahem!" Andrea cough a little to let them know that they were not the only people inside the VIP room. "We know you two missed each other so much, but a little too much affection in front of us, is a little show-off, don't you think so?"     

They separated temporarily, only long enough for Prince Alexander to greet everyone while his arms were wrapped around Alexa's waist. He doesn't want this opportunity to waste. Now that she's right there with him, he would hold on to her and never let her go.     

Sophia, Chrissy, and Andrea all saw how possessive Prince Alexander when it comes to Alexa. All three shake there heads and left them alone to themselves.      

The trio continued chatting while Prince Alexander and Alexa went and found a more secluded place so they could be lovey-dovey while they were waiting.     

Unknown to them that there was someone who's been watching them ever since Prince Alexander walked inside the VIP room.      

The eyes that currently glued to them from the beginning were burning with love, admiration for one person, and hate for the other...      

This person would do everything to break them apart, no matter what it cost...     

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