The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Rest In Peace

Rest In Peace

0Alexa was seating, reading a book when she received a call from Daniel. From the sound of his voice, she could already tell- It was official- The First Lady of the United States of America had passed away. Alexa had to go back for the funeral whether she likes it or not,     

"Father wanted to send a private plane to pick you up, but it would take longer. Therefore, I took the liberty to ask your cousin's husband, CEO Go, to lend us his private plane. It's all arranged from that side to take you and Andrea back here. Your flight is early in the morning." Daniel told her with a solemn-looking face.     

"You didn't have to do that. I could have made the arrangements myself. But, since you have already made an effort, thank you!" Alexa wanted to bid him goodbye, but she could see the pain in his eyes. It was breaking her heart to pieces.     

"Brother, if it's any consolation, I never hated your mother. No matter what she had done in the past, it was all because of her love for our dad. I'm also deeply saddened that we will never have a chance to get to know each other. But, it's all impossible now that she's gone. Let's pray for her to rest in peace, alright!" once she finished speaking, Alexa's face was also flooded with tears.     

Even though the First Lady never accepted Alexa, she's still her step-mother, and Alexa had no choice but to attend to her funeral.     

 "Daniel, you don't need to worry about us, we can make all the arrangements ourselves. We'll be there as soon as time permits. Why don't you stay with dad, he needs you right now." Alexa finished their conversation with these consoling words.     

Daniel felt comforted hearing Alexa's concern for him and their father. He bid her goodbye and promised that he would personally pick them up at the Airport.     

Alexa didn't know that Andrea had no idea that she's supposed to accompany her back to America. Andrea was stunned to receive a text from Alexa. The latter messaged that she's sending a driver the next day to take her to the airport.     

Andrea was uncertain of what to do. She was still embarrassed to show her face to Alexa and had not spoken to her since the funeral. She was feeling guilty that even though grandmother Santos was no longer alive, she still hadn't told Alexa all that she knew.      

Moreover, Alexa had not called her. She thought that Alexa was upset with her for something. Andrea was still contemplating if she should call or text Alexa back when her phone lit up. It was a facetime call from Daniel. She quickly slid her finger to answer.      

What she saw broke her heart into pieces... Daniel's handsome face was now looking all haggard and tired. Eye bags were visible under his eyes. In the short time that she hadn't seen him, his face thinned. Andrea started crying even before they had a chance to greet each other.     

"Babe, I'm sorry! I wish I'm right there with you right now. Don't worry I will get into the first available flight, alright! I should be there with you within the next twenty-four hours." Andrea was saying while tears still spilling down her face.     

"Alexa should be contacting you soon to inform you of your flight. Arrangements have been made, and you should be leaving first thing in the morning. I won't keep you long so you could start packing. I love you, sweetheart!" Said Daniel with sorrowful voice and eyes filled with sadness.     

It's breaking Andrea's heart to her fiancee broken down. Her tears keep falling as she bid him goodbye with the promise that she would be there as soon as she can.     

Not a moment after Andrea and Daniel finished speaking, and her phone lit up once again. She looked at the callers' number and saw that it's Alexa. She hesitated for a moment, unsure of how and what to say to her best friend and soon to be sister-in-law.      

However, she needed to answer the call no matter what, so she swiped her finger and tried her best to put on a happy face with a small smile on her face as she greeted Alexa. "Hi! Sorry to hear about the first lady, I have just finished speaking with Daniel a moment ago.  I assume you're calling about our flight detail?" Andrea said with sadness in her voice.     

"Yes! We planned on leaving as soon as we finished packing. CEO Go lending us his private plane so we could leave as soon as possible. Mother and Aunt Sophia will be coming with us, and we don't have much time. I'm just letting you know that I'm sending a driver to pick you up and will meet at the airport. Is' that alright with you?" Alexa has no idea what's going on with her friend's mind.     

"Sure! Let's hang up so I could start packing and go ahead and send the driver, and I should be ready by the time he gets here. Bye!" Andrea swiped her finger as quick as she can and ended the call without waiting for Alexa to reply.      

" I'm sorry, Sister! We will talk later when we meet. There are so many things I needed to tell you, and I pray and hope that you could forgive me after that." Andrea mumbles to herself while staring at the black screen of her cellphone...     

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