The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Missing you

Missing you

0Prince Alexander was seating in front of the King's advisor playing with his favorite pen that was given to him by the king himself when his phone started buzzing. He took a quick look at the callers and saw that it was Alexa. "Gentlemen, please! Excuse me for a moment, and it's private and urgent." He quickly got up and slid the green button on the screen while grinning from ear to ear.     

"I miss you! I wasn't able to sleep thinking about you, but it seems you already forgotten about me?" Was the first word he heard and his heart was fluttering like a butterfly.     

"Sweetheart... You don't know how much I missed you. If I could only get out of here right now, I would be in a first flight out. I had tried and tried calling you as soon as I arrived, but it seems your pretty busy, so I bid my time and waited for you to return my call." He tries his best to explain and let her know that he did call.     

"Really? Wait! Let me check, I'll call you back!" Alexa was going to hang up only to call him back, and Prince Alexander was quick to stop her.      

"Stop! Don't you dare hang up on me? I had waited so long to see your lovely face and hear your loving voice, don't you dare!" He anxiously and almost shouted at Alexa due to his excitement.     

"Oh! Sorry, babe! I didn't think, I was only going to check and wasn't planning on hanging up anyway. Nevertheless, how are you? How's the King? How's everyone for that matter?" Alexa could see that Prince Alexander was tired, and his eye bag was clearly visible on his handsome face.     

"Well, I don't really know how to put it. There are too many things going on right now, and it seems the King's health is not getting any better. I'm afraid that he might leave us soon that later." Prince Alexander's voice was cracking as he spoke. He continues raking his blond hair and massaging his neck after. He kept on rolling his head like a ball, trying to take the kink out of his stip neck.     

Alexa saw all of his motion, and it's breaking her heart to pieces. She wanted to be right there next to him and give him support. However, she too has issues and matters to attend also, and once she finished with all what she wanted to do, she could then be with him for the rest of their life. For the meantime, they need to be satisfied with their long-distance relationship.     

"Do you think you would be able to come on the day of the fashion show?" She asked, hoping that he would be able to anyway.     

"I don't want to say yes, and then break my promise. Let pray that everything become settle by that time and I could fly out even if it is only for the day of your fashion show. How's that?"     

"Alright! I accept that. I rather you just show up and surprise me than I expect you to be here and not see you. Then I would be devastated and might not be able to do a good job with the fashion show. And you know how important it is for Andrea and of course for me too." She tries to show that she's not disappointed and tried to smile.      

However, Prince Alexander could see and hear it from her voice. He procures the sweetest smile he could showing all teeth and indented dimples, before playing coy and lovely.      

"Sweetheart! I know you're not saying it, but I can see it in your face. Your disappointed that I did not make a promise, so... To make my beautiful fiancee happy." He put his hand by his heart and started his oath.     

"I Crown Prince Alexander of The Kingdom of Stonasia, solemnly promise to the love of my life... That I would be there on the day of her fashion show. God forbid that something happens unless I'm dead... I will fulfill my oath. How's that? Are you happy now?" He asked while smiling sweetly and eyes shining brightly while looking straight at Alexa who's in tears.     

Alexa was speechless, and she doesn't know what to say. Hearing him make an oath only to make her happy, made her fall more in love with him. "I would be a lier if I say I'm not disappointed. But, I don't need your oath. Come if you can, and don't if you have other matters to attend too, alright?!"     

Prince Alexander was about to say something when he heard someone calling him.     

"Your highness, your highness! You're needed at the King's chamber... Your Highness Crown Prince Alexander!!!" Pierre was shouting from the outside.     

Prince Alexander had locked the door, and he doesn't want anyone barging in while he's speaking with Alexa. Therefore, Pierre wasn't able to enter and screaming from the top of his lungs outside the door.     

"I heard you! I will be there in a moment!" He shouted back at Pierre, then turned his attention back to Alexa.     

"Sweetheart, I need to go. There's an emergency at the King's chamber, and I'm being summoned. I love you! I call you asap. Alright! Tsup! Tsup! Tsup!" He kissed the screen of his phone three times, then turned it off without waiting for Alexa's reply.     

The screen of the cell phone went dark, and Prince Alexander was gone. Alexa, who's about to give him a resounding kiss back, was unable too since he had quickly turned off the phone. She decided just to text him some comforting words and some emoji showing how much she loves him and misses him.      

After she was done, she put her phone down on top of her dresser and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. While she was taking a shower, so many people were trying to get in touch with her.      

One of them was Ramon, who was able to obtain her phone number through a source.     

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