The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Forgive And Forget

Forgive And Forget

0Chrissy arrives at the hotel all nervous. She not sure how is she to act in front of Dr. Garcia. She kept on racking her brain from Sophia's home to the hotel. And her palms were all red already from wringing it while it's sweaty from her anxiety.     

While inside the elevator, she keeps on thinking of how she's going to bring up the subject that her memories had returned without upsetting Dr. Garcia in return. It's still unknown to her the real reason that Dr. Garcia was suppressing her memory, and she doesn't care anymore.     

What's important now is starting a new life, forgive and forget. [easier said than done] She kept on looking at the number as the elevator went up to the floor where her room is located. Each time the elevator would make the sound *Ding* as the lift passes each level. She would get startled and get more anxious.     

Finally, the elevator arrives at her floor, and the door opens... She hesitated at; first, she's not sure if she could go through with it. When the door of the elevator was about the close, and she still has not made a move. It suddenly opened again and... It was Dr. Garcia on the way down to have breakfast at the restaurant below.     

"Sweetie, you've arrived? Is everything alright? How are you feeling right now?" Dr. Garcia bombarded her with the questions as he embraces her and gives her a sweet kiss on her temple.     

Chrissy was still in a trance and was not paying attention to any of the words that came out of Dr. Garcia's mouth. Her mind was in turmoil, and her head began to throb... Just as her pulse began palpitating faster than usual. "Ahhh! It hurts!!!" Was all that came out of her mouth before everything went blank, and she passed out in Dr. Garcia's embrace.     

Dr. Garcia quickly lifted Chrissy and went back to the room. He laid her gently to the bed and dashed to get his medicine bag. He was like a mad man looking for Chrissy's serum, syringe, and the elastic band. He was throwing things left and right onto the floor as he went through his medicine bag.     

Once he found what he was looking for, he quickly administered the serum to Chrissy. Once that was done, he went to the bathroom and wet a towel with cold water. He gently wiped Chrissy's face with the wet cloth, and once done, he went back to the bathroom to rinsed it before coming back and putting it on Chrissy's head to cool her brain.     

Dr. Garcia was exhausted by the time he finished and slumped down to the edge of the bed next to Chrissy. Before he began sobbing uncontrollably... "Oh, God!!! Don't tell me it's getting worse now? What am I going to do?!!"     

Dr. Garcia stayed where his at for however long it was... When Chrissy opened her eyes, the first face she was his haggard-looking face. "Honey! Are you alright? Why do you like you just been to hell and came back?" Chrissy asked worriedly.     

When Dr. Garcia saw that Chrissy was awake, his face lit up, and he conjures a half-smile to make her feel at ease. "I'm fine! You had just scared me half to death, that's all." He gave her a tender kiss on her lips before getting up to get his stethoscope.     

He checked her pulse, healthy. "Open your mouth! Ahhh!" He ordered Chrissy like a doctor he is.     

Chrissy comply and opened her mouth as wide as she could, "Ahhhh!"     

"Good! No abnormality." Dr. Garcia said in a professional matter as her doctor and not her lover.     

He then put his two fingers to open her eyes to see, while holding a mini flashlight on his other hands. "Good! Oh, I'm glad... Everything seems to be back to normal." Dr. Garcia let out a sighed of relief.     

"From now on, make sure that there's someone with you always. By the way, how come you didn't bring your assistant with you on this trip? It's not safe with your health to be on your own. You know that?" Dr. Garcia was lecturing Chrissy, without realizing that she's been staring at him all this time. Not knowing the flood of tears started streaming down her face.     

"Why are you so good to me? I don't remember us being close before the accident. As far as I could remember, you never once give me a second glance when we accidentally meet. How's that you end up becoming my husband?"      

Dr. Garcia was dumbfounded from what he just heard Chrissy blurt out. He was so stunned that he was unable to respond to Chrissy's questions. He only sat there looking at her straight in her face blankly...     

Chrissy sat up, and Dr. Garcia helped her up still not answering her questions, and avoiding eye contact. Once she was in seating position, she took Dr. Garcia's hands... "We need to talk, a serious talk. I already got my memory back, and I know who I am!"      

Dr. Garcia only looked at her, searching for something within her eyes. When he thought he found the answer, he then spoke.     

"I'm ready whenever you are!" Before releasing her hand and got up to move to the sofa to seat comfortably.     

Chrissy slowly got out of the bed and made her way to the sofa. Instead of seating next to Dr. Garcia, she sat across him so they would be face to face. Once she was situated, she took a breather first then looked him straight in his eye full of concern.     

"Do you want me to start from the beginning or from the time when you had your accident?" Dr. Garcia asked with the sound of his voice about to crack.     

"I don't care, either way... As long as get a clear understanding of what had happened and why we are here now." Chrissy replied sadly.     

Dr. Garcia straightens his posture first, and then dust off imaginary dirt from his pants and sleeve. Took a breather, then began his story...      


Chrissy had found out that he had been fascinated with her for many years already. He had met her in one of her outings with Sophia at the club during college days. It was a brief introduction, and he had flown back home the next day.     

A couple of years later, when he attended a fashion show with a friend when he saw her once again. That time, he's feeling grow from infatuation to love. He had fallen hard in-love with Chrissy only to find out that she was already living with a man. 'A married man.'      

From then on, he promised himself that he would wait for her and protect her at all cost. Thus, he has been her stalker since then until that one faithful day... [The rest of the story was already told]     

Chrissy's face was flooded with tears by the time Dr. Garcia finished telling her the story. However, he did not mention the exact reason for suppressing her memory. She thought that he had done it because of his undying love for her. And she had let it go at that.     

"If you wanted to leave me, there's nothing I could do since we are not truly married. I couldn't take the chance of registering a marriage certificate with you and people finding out that you're still alive. You understand, right?"     

Chrissy only nodded.     

"If you need time to think about it, it's fine with me. I will be going back home today and will be back in a week. I need to collect all the data I have and present it to CEO Go so he could present it to the board for approval. Do you think that's long enough time for you to make the decision?"     

This time, Chrissy got up from where she was seating and embraced Dr. Garcia then began sobbing.     

"Give me a little time, alright? A week is long enough, let me sort things out with my family first and then I will let you know. " She then gives him a lite kiss before getting up. Leaving Dr. Garcia to ponder a little more on his own...     

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