The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

One In A Coma, The Other One's Dead.

One In A Coma, The Other One's Dead.

0President Grant and Daniel greeted the First Lady Dianne's family. Jane Si's mother was there praying hard for her sister to come out of the coma and recuperate. She's afraid that If anything happens to her, they will lose the power and the connection they have with the President of the United States. And they can't let that happen.     

Just as Grandmother Grant was praying for 'First Lady Dianne' to never come out of the coma, better yet, she's praying hard to the good Lord to go ahead and take her. If anyone could read their minds at that moment, they would think that they all have loose marbles.     

Daniel kneeled and began his prayer for his mother... 'Lord, if you could hear me right now, please, please, please!!! I'm begging you...- I know she had done a lot of hateful things in the past. But that's because she's young and in love with my father.      

'She's already in a coma, that should be enough. Let her sleep in peace for now, but please! Don't take her yet, let me get married first and have a child, then you can wake her up from the coma and then...- Do what you got to do. Alright?!'     

He then made a sign of the cross and got up feeling much better. He said his peace and prayed with all his heart. It's up to God now. Whatever his plan about his mother, he's willing to accept without regret. Daniel bid his goodbyes to his Aunt and Uncles before going where Andrea was waiting for him.     

When Daniel arrived at the VIP waiting room, Andrea was crying while she's on the phone speaking to someone.      

"Yes, I understand. I will be on the next available flight and should be there asap. Please, I beg you! Take care of everything for me first, until I get there. Appreciate it, see you then!" She then ran toward Daniel while sobbing hard.      

"Daniel... Something bad had happened, I need to go back to the Philippines asap. I'm sorry!"     

"What do you mean? How bad is it that you need to leave right away? Is it Alexa? Don't tell me, please! Tell me, is not Alexa?" Daniel continued ranting and not giving Andrea a chance to tell him.     

"No, it's my Grandmother, she passed away." She replied sadly.     


Grandmother Santos wake:     

Alexa was standing in front of Grandmother Santos coffin, expressionless. She was unsure of what to feel at the moment. She wanted to feel remorse, cry, anything... As long as it is not an empty feeling. But, no matter how hard she tries, nothing!     

As she stood there, emotionless, memories of her childhood suddenly appeared without caution.     

"Lay down flat on your stomach facing the ground. Lift your skirt and let me see. Don't think you could put some padding to help protect that butt of yours," Grandma Santos shouted at her 12 years old self, with a paddle in her hand ready to strike at her buns.     

"You think I wouldn't know if you take it off before you go home and not wear it before you go to school. Ha! I know everything that happens; you could never hide anything from me."     

Grandma Santos was ready to land a big one on Alexa's buns when Andrea showed up and covered Alexa with her 13-year-old body and end up getting hit on her back instead.     

"Ahhhh! Grandma! It hurts, I'm telling my dad you hit me...- Huh, huh, huh."     

Grandma Santos quickly dropped the paddle and bent down to check on her granddaughter Andrea.     

"I... I'm sorry, grandchild. Why did you do that for, now your the one end up getting hit? Get up from there. Why are you protecting her? She's not even your real cousin, and you know that.     

"Come on! Get up, let check your back." Grandmother Santos were showing sincere concern on her old haggard face.     

"No! If I get up, you will hit Alexa! Is not even her fault, I gave her the new school uniform. She didn't want to accept it, but I'm the one pushed her to wear it, or she would get in trouble at school." Andrea was trying to explain to her grandmother, who's not even listening to her reason.     

"I don't care! She should know better than to accept it. Your parents bought it for you, not for her." She shouted back to Andrea, who's screaming at the top of her lungs while crying out loud.     

"I don't care, I had given it to her, and it's mine. There's nothing you can do about that." Andrea shouted back while she helped Alexa up and whispered at the same time...     

"When I count to three, be ready to make a run for our lives. Are you ready? One, Two, Three-e-e-e-e! Run, Alexa... R-r-r-run!!!" Andrea and Alexa run for their young life up to the hills of Antipolo Overlooking the City.     

The two ran like the devil was chasing them, without looking back if grandma Santos was following them. Once they reach the top of the 'Overlooking,' they found themselves a compy place to sit down and looked at the City in front of them, daydreaming... of their future together.     

Alexa was immersed with reminiscing the past, she had not realized that Prince Alexander was standing next to her already. He wrapped his arms around her and let her lay her head on his shoulder for comfort.     

"Don't be sad sweetheart, let her rest in peace. I know you are missing her right now, but she's gone. Let her go already!" Prince Alexander spoke in a soothing voice.     

Not a moment later, Alexa's body started shaking... Prince Alexander thought she was sobbing and he started caressing her back gently while he continues speaking softly on top of her head.     

What Prince Alexander doesn't know was... Alexa's body was shaking not from sobbing, but instead, she was laughing quietly to herself. She was laughing at Prince Alexander's word of comfort.     

In her mind, it's crazy that Prince Alexander thought she was sad because of grandmother Santos death.      

Unknown to him was the real reason she was sad was that Alexa wanted to see grandma Santos face when Chrissy shows up. But, it too late now, because she's long gone and would never come back.     


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