The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

The First Lady Is Dying

The First Lady Is Dying

0Daniel and Andrea arrived at the Private Hospital, where the First Lady was being treated. What they saw devastated Daniel to the core of his being and tear began flowing down his face without realizing.     

The First Lady was in the ICU, and only the immediate family member allowed. Since Andrea was not officially a part of the family yet. She was ushered to the Private waiting room, while Daniel was taken to the ICU.     

The sight was overwhelming. His mother was lying helplessly with a whole bunch of contraption hooked up all over her. While she has a bandage on her head, it seems she just had major surgery in her brain. Daniel was at lost as to why would she need brain surgery? Nevertheless, it was already done, and he only needed to find out why?     

He stood behind the glass door, looking at his mother without moving for a while. He didn't realize that someone was standing right next to him until he felt an arm wrapped around his shoulder and started patting him for comfort.     

"I'm sorry! Son, we didn't have time to wait for you before doing the surgery. It was a matter of life and death, and she only has a ten-percent success rate at that. She only came out of the operating room about an hour ago and still being monitored." President Grant told Daniel with a bit of sadness in his voice.     

"Father, please! Tell me what's kind of disease mother have to require surgery?"     

President Grant hesitated for a moment if he should tell Daniel now or later. But, when Daniel was looking downcast while waiting for his response. He felt a twinge of pain in his heart and decided to go ahead and tell him everything.     

"Right after your mother gave birth to you, we found out she has a tumor in her Uterus. The only solution at that time was to remove her Uterus so cancer would not spread inside her body. Everything was fine until five years ago when she collapsed, and they found a tumor in her brain.     

"However, your mother had made sure that the doctor never informed us about it and continued with her lie. She began chemotherapy without us finding out. You were outside the Country, and I was busy going in and out too. So to make the long story short, the chemo did not work, and the tumor spread all over her brain. Thus requiring her to do the surgery to save her life."     

Daniel was flabbergasted from what he just heard his father had said. "So, there's a chance mother could still die! Father! Answer me? Please!"      

President Grant embraced his son and patted his back, comforting him, before replying. "Yes! Son, there's still 90 percent that could die. When... I don't know?"     

President Grant and Daniel stood there for a while rooted to the ground behind the glass window looking at the First Lady still in a coma. They couldn't help but think of the past, and they started conversing. However, Daniel was in turmoil if he should inform his father about Chrissy or not?     

Daniel decided not to tell President Grant about Chrissy for the time being. He would wait until his mother was out of the critical condition and safely in recovery. He wanted to believe that his mother would make it and recover.     

Thus, he would wait to tell his father about the only woman he ever loved. Knowing how President Grant feels about Chrissy, he might disregard his wife's condition and flew to the Philippines once he finds out.     

Therefore, against his better judgment. He shut his mouth in regards to Chrissy and continually talked about Alexa instead in which had made President Grant's facial features changed.     

President Grant doesn't want Daniel to know that he was over the moon, listening to him talking about Alexa. Even though he has spoken with her consistently, it's not the same being with her in person. He's been counting the day when he would be able to claim Alexa as his only daughter and put her in the family register.     

When that day comes, he will let the whole world know that Alexa Grant is the Princess of The United States Of America... But for now, he would be satisfied to hear anything about her.     

"So, when is the fashion show again? You know, I have not missed one show ever since she started with this career, I'm hoping that your mother would be out of danger then and fully recovered. That way, I would not feel guilty about going." He said expressionlessly.     

Daniel understood his father means. For he too never missed any of Alexa's show ever since. He also doesn't want to miss this one. Mainly, it's his fiancee's collaboration with one of the famous Designer in the whole world.     

Let's go to the chapel and pray for your mother's recovery. There's nothing much we could do here at the moment anyway." President Grant coaxed Daniel to go.      

"Sleep, well, mother!" Daniel mumbles as he turned around and leave.     

When President Grant and Daniel arrived at the Chapel, First Lady Dianne's family was there — praying for her swift recovery. Grandmother Grant was there as well, even though she doesn't like her that much...- She's still the First Lady and her daughter-in-law. However, Grandmother Grant was not praying for her recovery. Instead, she's praying.     

'God! If you're listening to me right now. I know I have been good all my life and never asked for too much. However, this time, I'm begging you. Please! Let her stay in a coma for the rest of her life. Is that too much to ask?' Grandmother Grant was praying intensely.     

If anyone could hear her thought, they would think she had gone senile. Unfortunately, she was only praying like that it's because of Alexa.      

Grandmother Grant recently found out from Daniel that she's President Grant's biological daughter.      

Therefore, she would do anything for her only granddaughter, even if it means praying to the good lord of keeping the First Lady in a coma forever. Or go ahead and take her...      

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