The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Kiss Me! "Like This?!"

Kiss Me! "Like This?!"

0Dr. Garcia was in a hot spot at the moment. Everyone's attention was on him, waiting for his reply. He did not want CEO Go to have the wrong impression of him thinking he is unreasonable. Therefore, he put on the sweetest smile he could conjure, then looked at Chrissy.      

"Dear, if you have promised Ms. Grant, then you should keep your promise. I would go back to the hotel first and wait for you there." He then gave her a peck on her lips before saying his goodbyes to everyone.     

Once he was out of earshot, "Whoa! That was a close one...!" Alexa said as she went to embrace her mother.     

"Alright! Let's all go back inside and have a meeting. This is a critical matter and needs everyone's input." Sophia announced as she turned to go back inside the Parlor.      

Albert Tan and Grandfather Go were already having a heated conversation in regards to the situation. What Dr. Garcia had done was inexcusable. No matter how much a person loves someone, he should not do such a thing to them. By suppressing Chrissy's memory, not only she lost her identity, but Alexa also had lost her mother. And he needed to pay for that.     

The meeting started, and everyone had something to say about it. After a couple of hours, Grandfather Go and Grandmother Tan excused themselves as it was getting late. Soon everyone dispersed and got ready to leave. However, there was still Chrissy's issue...- Where was she going to stay without Dr. Garcia finding out that she was trying to avoid him.     

Ann and Jeff had discussed that it was better if they stayed at Mega World Resort for the time being. It was in an Island where it would be hard to access. Since that was where they planned to have the fashion show anyway, they would have a valid reason for Chrissy to stay there.     

Everyone agreed that it was a good idea and doable. Dr. Garcia would not think anything wrong with Chrissy staying on the Island and probably would not suspect anything. At the same time, they could make access to the island restricted from the general public and use it as an excuse in case Dr. Garcia would want to stay there too.     

All was set, they would move to the Mega World Resort first thing in the morning. Meanwhile, Chrissy and Alexa would stay with Sophia for the night. That did not bode well with Prince Alex. He wanted to be with her, and if she went with Sophia, it means he would be going back to the hotel alone.     

Alexa saw Prince Alex's face; hence, she realized how he was feeling at that moment. She too wanted to spend as much time as she could with him before he returned to Stonasia. Therefore, everyone was shocked when Alexa itself asked.      

"Aunty, could Prince Alexander stay with us too?"      

Daniel's brows raised when he heard what Alexa just asked. He was about to say something, but Andrea was quick to pinch him. "Let her be! Think about how you feel when you're away from me?" She whispered sweetly in his ear, then kissed it lightly.     

Daniel was unable to utter a word after that... All he could think of was the kiss that he just received from his fiancee and what he would do to her once they got back to the hotel.     

Eva whispered something to Ann and in turn, pulled Jeff to tell him something. "Sweetheart, why don't you invite all of them to stay here. We have plenty of guestrooms."     

Jeff had no choice but to follow his wife's orders. "Ahem! Everyone...! Why don't all of you stay the night instead?! We have plenty of guestrooms, and we can all go to the Resort tomorrow."      

The way Jeff said it...- was more like an order. He would not take no for an answer. He was afraid of the consequences that could affect his nightlife; If Ann did not get her way.     

Chrissy wanted to spend time with Alexa, but she wanted to talk to Sophia more. Therefore, she decided to pass at the offer and went with Sophia and Albert. She was leaving Alexa, Daniel, Andrea and Prince Alex to stay at Jeff and Ann's mansion.     

Once it was decided, the mansion staff got busy with arranging rooms for all the bodyguards and secret service Staff. Luckily Ria and Logan were not with them. Therefore they only needed to house Lucas and Daniel's secret service agents in one room. And Prince Alex's bodyguards in another room.     

Once everything was set, everyone was given keys to their various assigned rooms. Jeff and Ann went up to their bedroom worn out from the events of the night... Jeff's evening plans of trying to make another twin flew out the window, as soon as they entered their room... Both were knocked out once their bodies hit the bed.     

Ethan was not happy that he was the only one leaving. He tried as hard as he could to stay with his girlfriend, but Eva did not think it was proper to let him stay when Alexa and Prince Alex were watching them like Hawks in the sky. Ethan had no choice but to go home, sulking.     

Daniel was smart enough to coax Andrea into sharing the room. He used the excuse that she made a promise to let Prince Alex stay the night with them. Andrea had no reason and led him to the room assigned to her while winking to Alexa as they left.     

Once everyone left, there were only Prince Alex, and Alexa left in the parlor. Both were feeling intense and were unable to make any moves. The clock was ticking, and the room was getting humid by the minute. Alexa was getting nervous, and Prince Alex was getting anxious.     

Droplets of sweat started to roll down Prince Alex's handsome face when the air condition was in full blast. The heat inside his body was emitting, and Alexa could sense it, and it was making her much more nervous by the minute.      

In her mind, she thought while she was unable to look at Prince Alex straight. "Aren't you going to make the first move? You are the man, come...-on! Kiss me already!" Unknown to her that she had said it out loud.     

Therefore, when Alexa suddenly made a move and was preparing to get up... Prince Alexander quickly reached out to her and locked their lips...-     

"Like this?!"     

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