The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Making a tough decision.

Making a tough decision.

0Grandma Santos looked at Andrea with eyes full of sorrow, "Do you mind giving us some time alone to talk? What I have to say is very important, and she needs to hear it in private first."     

Andrea looked at Alexa, basically asking if she should stay or go. Alexa nodded yes, and Andrea left the two alone. She locked the door from the outside, so no one could come in and disturb them while in there talking.     

As soon as Andrea left, Grandma Santos asked Alexa to join her. Alexa just followed her demand without even questioning why. She took a chair and pulled it out to sit down.     

Still, at a loss and confused about what was going on, she asked, "What is this all about, Grandma? What is so important that you asked Andrea to leave? Do not tell me you have some type of cancer, and you're dying: Do not tell me that is what this is all about? Please!"     

Grandma Santos reached out for Alexa's two hands before replying. "Apo (Granddaughter), listen to me! Listen with full attention to what I am about to tell you."     

'Oh, no! Do not tell me she has cancer, and she's dying. Nooo!' Alexa was thinking to herself. "Yes, Lola (Grandmother), I'm listening! Go ahead, tell me!" Her voice was cracking and about ready to burst into tears.     

Grandmother Santos went into detail about what happened earlier that day. She did not leave out anything, and she even went into detail about her true identity, and about her mother's family who had no idea about her existence at all.     

Lastly, Grandma Santos gave her the blessing to decide what she wanted to do with that information.     

"Alexa, Apo, you know I have never treated you any differently from your cousin Andrea. [A lie]     

Ever since the day your mother brought you to me to take care of you, I have loved you like you are my own flesh and blood. You know that, right?" Grandmother Santos started to cry, and her eyes were full of tears as she spoke. She's hoping that Alexa's love for her will prevail and forgive her in return.     

"I know it was wrong of me to hide your true identity and let you live a life full of hardship when you could have been living in comfort. I could have returned you to any of your mother's relatives. However, I had made a promise to your mother, and I wanted to keep it and take it to my grave. Except that fate has decided for us, and here we are..."     

Alexa was unsure of what to say. She was astonished and speechless. One thing she knew for sure was that deep down inside her, and she had been longing for a father figure in her life. Therefore, she was glad to know that her father had been searching for her all this time. She was happy and sad at the same time. The tears started to well up in her beautiful eyes.     

Alexa pulled her hands away. She got up and turned her back to Grandmother Santos before she said, "Lola, I do not know what to say nor what to do right now. Should I be happy that I come from a family with money? Or should I be sad knowing I must go to them and leave you? Which one is it, please? Tell me, grandma!"      

From the sound of Alexa's voice, Grandma Santos knew that Alexa was in emotional pain and confusion. She was trying her best not to cry. It was one of Alexa's traits. She never liked showing her true feelings, not even to her adopted grandmother.     

"Whatever you decide to do, I will support you. Just know that I am here, and I will always be here for you." The sadness in grandmother Santos' voice was evident too in the way and tone she spoke. Unfortunately, no one is sure if she was sad because she would lose the money she had been receiving, or she truly cares for Alexa...     

'What should I do? God! Please, tell me what to do?' Alexa was thinking while looking at her adopted grandmother.     

Then they stayed silent for quite a while. Neither one spoke, both were afraid that it would be more painful if either one said anything for.     

After what seemed to be an eternity, Alexa spoke. "I want to meet my biological father and maybe someday my mother's family as well," Alexa said without turning to look at grandmother Santos' reaction.     

"For the time being, please do not let anyone from the family find out what you just told me, especially Andrea. I'm afraid she will not accept it easily." Alexa then turned around, and she left the room without turning to look at Grandmother Santos.     

She did not want her grandma to see how much her heart hurt.  She was not sure when she would forgive Lola for lying to her all these years or for keeping this massive secret from her since she was young. She didn't care about the life she had suffered all these years, what she cares about was growing up without a parent by her side.     

Before she stepped out of the room, she put on a smile on her face. She didn't want to alert Andrea in anyway. She doesn't want to hurt the feelings of her beloved cousin that had been there for her all this time.     

Alexa has no idea that Andrea had known a long time ago that they were not blood-related.      

Moreover, it's one of the reasons that they had become close as siblings rather than a cousin, it's because Andrea knows what their grandmother had done. She was atoning for her grandmother's sin...     

Grandmother Santos was not happy about Alexa's reaction, she knows how much Alexa loves her. However, what she did was unforgivable and there was nothing she could do but hope that Alexa would forgive her someday.     

She did not know if Alexa would ever come back home to her. This made her fear that she would never see Alexa again and lost the only golden egg that's she has on her hand...     



[1] Apo [Grandchild] Tagalog-[English]     

[2] Lola- [Grandmother] " "     

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