The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

She was once lost, but now found.

She was once lost, but now found.

0While Alexa and Ramon were having a wonderful time together having breakfast at a stall by the Plaza, Prince Alexander and Lady Antella were preparing to leave to go back to Stonasia as per the King order. " No, if and no but's," that was the exact word of the King...-     

"Pierre, I'm going to leave you here to watch over Miss Grant, do everything in your power to convince her to come to Stonasia. Propose to her the best position you could think off, and I will take care of the rest once she gets there. You understand!" Prince Alexander sternly ordered his assistant.     

Prince Alexander has no choice, he's reluctant to go back to Stonasia, but the King admonished him of cutting off all his privileges, and relinquishing him as the crown prince of Stonasia. Therefore, he must go back and do his duty as the crown prince, at least for a little while to convince his father, the King that he's the rightful crown prince.     

Lady Antella wasn't happy either to be kicked out of the country along with Prince Alexander. She wanted to meet Alexa in person and get to know her, she has a good feeling about Alexa, and now she would not have a chance to do so because of Prince Alexander. "I'm going to make your life living hell when we get back to Stonasia, you watch.' She was thinking while glaring at Prince Alexander who's busy giving orders to his assistant.     

The time came, and they were ready to depart for the airport. Prince Alexander has a sad look on his face as they walked out of the suite. He was making a promise to himself as they leave,' give me another chance and I will prove to you that I'm the man for you. Is not a goodbye girl, it's only temporary, we will meet again. Very soon! I promise you that.' With that thought, Prince Alexander spirit lifts and a smile formed on his handsome face...     

Lady Antella saw the smirk that formed on Prince Alexander face, 'Don't even think about it, she's mine, and I will be coming back for her, just you watch!' A half smiled forms on her beautiful face as they continued towards the tarmac where the Private Airplane is waiting for them to take them back to Stonasia...     

Prince Alexander and Lady Antella both thinking of outsmarting each other in conquering Alexa, both were planning on coming back asap. Not knowing Alexa would not be around when the time comes.     


Ramon drove Alexa back home after eating breakfast. He didn't bother coming in, he's too tired and needed some sleep. He dropped Alexa at the front of her home, bid her goodbye before speeding away with a bright smile on his face. Ramon has no idea that it will be another three years before they would meet again.     

Someone is waiting for Alexa at home that would take her away to America to meet her long lost father...     

Alexa was yawning as she enters her home. She was happy and sad at the same time seeing her grandmother seating at the hard wooden sofa in the living room. Alexa was about to greet her grandmother when she saw a foreign man seating opposite grandmother Santos.     

Alexa has an idea who the man is, and grandmother Santos already informed her that he would be coming by today. However, even though she was warned ahead of time, she's not prepared to meet him that early in the morning when she has not had any sleep yet. She just stood at by the door without uttering a word, contemplating what to say or do.     

"Your home, good! This man is the investigator that I mentioned to you. Come and say hello!" Grandmother Santos introduces the man casually.     

Alexa came forward to greet the investigator. "Hello! How are you? I'm...-"     

The investigator got up and stretched his hand to shake Alexa's hand. "Nice to finally meet you in person Miss Grant."     

"I was once lost, but now I am found" Alexa mumbles to herself as she accepted the investigator's handshake...     


#2 of Saturday mass release as promised.     

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