The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

DNA Testing

DNA Testing

0Meanwhile, outside the door, Lucas and Logan were having a conversation while standing guard when Daniel Grant came walking toward them and stood in front of them without saying a word.     

"Good Afternoon Mr. Grant." Lucas and Logan greet in unison, both have a blank look on their faces to intimidate the man standing in front of them.     

"What can we do for you, Sir?" Lucas asked sternly.     

Logan, on the other hand, didn't say a word, he takes his job seriously, and if someone came to make trouble for their young Miss Grant, then, they have to go through him first.     

Daniel Grant all looking very distinguished and handsome, put a smile on his face before speaking. "I heard that I have a newfound sister and would like to welcome her to the family, is there a possibility of me meeting her right now?"     

"Apology Sir Grant, but we have strict order from the President that no one to disturb her a the moment, she's resting," Logan replied curtly, but a little apologetically.     

Daniel Grant knows that already, he's only excited and wanted to meet her ahead of time before dinner. Unfortunately, the two Secret Service detail that was issued to her was by the book. Therefore, he has no choice but to wait until dinner time like everyone else in the family.     

"Understood, take care of her then." Daniel Grant accepted their reason and walked away.     


Inside the room, Alexa and Ria were both in their little world. Alexa has much thought running around in her mind, and she's trying to absorb everything in one go. Her brain is about to explode, what she just learned is overwhelming for her little brain, and she doesn't know how she should react to what was just revealed. "A daughter of the President of a Country, haha, ha!" She mumbles to herself.     

Ria, on the other hand, was standing by her not saying a word, waiting for her instructions to summon the Doctor. She's also in deep thought about Alexa. 'An orphan suddenly became the First Daughter of The United States of America. How crazy is that? No one would believe her if she tells the story to anyone, not that she's planning on doing that.'     

While both in deep thought staring at nothing, a knock on the door was heard, and Ria looks at Alexa to see if she heard it and waited for instructions.     

Alexa looked up and nodded to Ria indicating to go ahead and see who it is while she stayed seated on top of the large bed.     

It was President Grant with the Doctor behind him coming in anxiously. "How is she? Did she wake up yet? " He asked Ria as he was walking in towards where Alexa is still daydreaming.     

Alexa got up in a heartbeat when she heard President Grant's voice. She straightened her clothes to ensure that she looks presentable as the Doctor and her newfound father walk in.     

"Good afternoon Sir, Mr. President." Alexa greeted shyly unable to look him straight in his eyes.     

"Haha, ha! It's okay, you may call that for now, I know it will take some time of getting used to calling me, Daddy and I understand. No rush, take your time..." President Grant assures her while his eyes are brightly shining from happiness.     

The Doctor that was with President Grant went towards Alexa and introduced himself. "Hello, young lady! I'm the family Doctor of the First Family, I'm Doctor Suther; how do you do?"     

Alexa still unable to look at them straight in their faces, replies shyly. "I'm fine. Thank you for asking." -She stretches her hand for a handshake. "Nice to meet you, Doctor Suther."     

Doctor Suther accepted her cold hand and lightly shook it. "Nice to meet you as well. How about we give you a little check-up and see what happened. Is it just nervousness and shock that made you passed out or something else?" Doctor Suther emphasizes 'the something' else a little sternly.     

"Ahhh! N-no-no! It's due to the shock that's all if you mean something else like 'I'm pregnant or something, n-no-no! No way in hell!" Alexa exclaim in embarrassment. "I don't even have a boyfriend, and that pervert only stole my very first kiss, how could I be pregnant." She mumbles loud enough for President Grant, Ria, and the Doctor to hear.     

"That's good to hear, and you are too young to have a boyfriend anyway. You should be concentrating on getting education right now." President Grant interjected with a proud look on his face.     

Doctor Suther asked Ria to call his nurse so he could start the diagnosis. As soon as the nurse came in, she got into the business right away. The nurse is an older Filipina in her early Fourty. When Alexa saw that she's a Pinay, her eyes brightened and nervousness all gone.     

"Young lady, go and seat down here at the sofa so we could take your blood sample. The Doctor ordered Alexa who complies wholeheartedly.     

"We will be taking Blood samples to do all kinds of tests to ensure you have no health issue. We will also do a DNA test to ensure you are who you are, do you agree with that?" The Filipina Nurse informs Alexa a little curly.     

'What the heck is her problem? Here I am so happy seeing she's a Pinay and she's giving me attitude. What does she mean by 'I am who I am,' who else would I be if not me...' Alexa didn't like the way the nurse was speaking with her, but she's letting it go for now.     

"Show me the way, let do this...Take as much blood as you want to make sure I am who I am, alright!" Alexa told the nurse with a smirk on her face...     

Ria Flora who's also a 'Filipina' was happy to hear that Alexa has a backbone and she likes the way she fights back with the insult, so sweet... 'We are going to have fun lady boss, I can't wait to see how you will fit in with the Family. Give them hell, I'm rooting for you!' Ria was thinking without batting an eye as she watches everything unfold in front of her.     

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