The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

I Never Hated Her

I Never Hated Her

0President Grant gave Daniel a tight embrace, with a pat to his back as a way of consoling him. He already knew what had happened and could sense that he was in turmoil. The First Lady must have perished and was no longer among the living.     

President Grant had prepared himself for this situation long ago. Nevertheless, when it was the reality that you had to face, it was still not that easy. His heart was breaking for his son more than anything. Daniel loved his mother, and it because of that... President Grant had accepted many of her faults.     

However, that's history now. His first lady was now gone and will never come back. What he needs to think now was the future and what's coming ahead... And that's Chrissy Wen, the only woman he ever loved.     

While President Grant was comforting his grieving son, Alexa stayed online. She was waiting for her father to bid her farewell. Even though she had never had much interaction with the First Lady, she still considered her a second mother. It devastated her to think that she was not in this world any longer. She deeply sighed while waiting for President Grant to come back online.     

Soon after Daniel left to get ready, President Grant was back to finish his conversation with his daughter. "Alexa, dear, something had happened, and I must go. We will speak again later, alright?! He spoke with a cracked voice while massaging the back of his neck. In a matter of minutes, he suddenly looked old because of the news he had received.     

"Dad, if there's anything I can do... Please! Let me know, alright? I will drop everything right this instant if you say so. You know that, right?" She told him while tears started forming in her eyes, and were about to fall.     

She quickly bid her father goodbye and swiped her finger to turn the phone off as quick as she could to prevent her father from seeing her tears. Alexa let out a loud sigh before she got prepared to go out of her room to see what was her mother currently keeping herself busy with.      

Chrissy wasn't in the living room when she came out. Alexa went to her bedroom, thinking that the latter might be laying there, resting. But, there's no one there either.     

"Hmmm, where could she be?" She mumbled as she closed the door and turned towards the beachfront.      

It was late in the afternoon, and the sun was about to go down. Alexa thought that maybe... Chrissy decided to take a walk on the beach. First, she peeked outside the veranda to check, but no one was there as well. "Hmmm, where could she be?" Said Alexa as she walked around the backyard.     

When she still couldn't find her mother, she decided to go for a walk on the beach. Just as she was about to leave, she realized that the sun was still out and the heat was too much for her skin to handle. She quickly went back inside to get a hat and sunglasses before heading towards the beachfront.     

Their side of the beach was pretty empty and quiet eerie; the only sound that Alexa could hear was the ocean and the howling of the wind that was blowing on her beautiful face. When she couldn't find her mother anywhere, she started to worry. However, she knew that her mother was somewhere around the island. Where else could she have gone in such a short time?     

Suddenly, Alexa heard someone quietly crying. She turned in the direction where the crying was coming from. Sure enough, Chrissy was seating at one of the logs, quietly sobbing her heart out. She had her two palms covering her face, so Alexa wasn't able to see the tears, flowing down her face.     

Alexa ran towards her mother, worried.     

Chrissy stopped only for a moment, enough to look up. Her eyes were full of tears that were flowing down her face as she faced Alexa. "I'm sorry for making you worry. I'm alright! I only wanted to get some fresh air. But as I was seating here... I couldn't help but think of the past that's all."     

"Oh, mother! Why would you do that? You know what happens when you overthink. Your head will hurt severely, and you won't be able to function properly." Alexa was worried that her mother might pass out with no one by her side.     

Alexa sat down on the log next to Chrissy. She was trying to think of a way to bring up the subject of the First Lady's death. Even though the President did not inform her of the First Lady's demise... Deep inside her heart, she knew everything.     

"Mom, why don't we go back to the villa and seat where it's comfortable, rather than seating here, on this hard log," Alexa suggested. Her body was hurting from seating on the hard surface.     

"Why don't you go back first? I need some time to come to terms with myself. And this is a good place for that," Chrissy told Alexa with sad eyes and haggard-looking face.     

Alexa looked at her mother with concern. But when she saw how determined Chrissy was to stay, the only thing she could do was give her mother a thigh embrace before getting up and dusted off the dirt from her behind. While standing tall in front of her mother, she acted all arrogant and superior.     

"Alright! I'll be in the villa if you need me. Don't stay out too long please! I don't want you getting sick." She then turned and walked back towards the villa.     

On the way back to the villa, Alexa called Lucas, who was inconspicuously guarding them.     

"Please! Stay with my mother out here, or send someone if you must stay with me." She told him.      

"As you wish, Miss Grant!" Lucas replied, then called another member of the secret service to stay with Chrissy. Since Logan and Ria were not back yet, he couldn't leave Alexa's side. He couldn't let Ramon get in touch with Alexa, not under his watch!     

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