The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Mistaken Identity

Mistaken Identity


"Your Majesty, Lady Antella, and I will never work. Please, let me choose my bride. I have promised myself that I would only marry the woman I love, just like you and Queen Mother." The Playboy Crown Prince Alexander begged and pleaded with earnestness to his father, the King of Stonasia.


"You have a week to bring a fiance to meet my approval, or you will marry Lady Antella. No matter what, you must marry and conceive an heir." The King gave his order.

"But, Your Majesty...I'm still too young to get married. Besides, I don't love Lady Antella. Please, take back Your order, and let me enjoy my youth first. When I'm ready, I will bring you the most beautiful woman in the world to be the next Queen of Stonasia. I promise."

"No! I am not going to tolerate your playboy lifestyle any longer. You must marry, or I will de-crown you! You got that?!"

"But, Your Majesty... Father!!!" Crown Prince Alexander could not finish what he's about to say as the King had left the hall.

He looked at his assistant, Pierre, and demanded, "You heard the King's order! Let's get to work and find me a fiancée. I do not care where she is from or who she is, as long as we get my father to stop threatening me!"

"Now, let's leave and start our search for my future bride." He walked out of the throne room and into the hallway with a sullen look on his handsome face. He was in deep thought about his dilemma. He needed to think about how and where to find a woman to wed.

"Your Highness, I have an idea. We could hire an actress to be your temporary fiancée. We can get one from abroad, so the King will not find out about this scheme." Pierre suggested as he walked out.

"Hmmm, that's not a bad idea. But where should we go?" Prince Alexander asked curiously.

"How about... The Philippines!" Pierre excitedly suggested.


A couple of days later, Crown Prince Alexander was standing by the window inside his hotel room. At the same time, speaking with Pierre about the actress that the agency was sending for an interview.

"Are you sure this actress is trustworthy? You know that I can't get caught. If that happens, I'll serve your head on a platter to my father." Crown Prince Alexander told his assistant sternly.

"Yes, Your Highness, she's trustworthy. I had made sure of that when I spoke with the representative from the agency. You will be able to see it for yourself in a minute. It's almost time for her arrival," his assistant proudly informed him.

Pierre was about to say something else when he heard a knock on the door. "Speak of the devil, and I guess she has arrived."

He opened the door, "Come in. Are you here for the job?" he asked while sizing Alexa up from head to toe and back again.

"Hello! Yes, I'm here for the job. I want to discuss the terms." Alexa smiled, showing her pearly-white straight teeth.

"Well! What are you waiting for? Come in so that I can see you properly." A voice from deep inside the room spoke loudly enough for Alexa to hear.

Alexa complied and walked into the room. When she saw Alexander, she was flabbergasted and her mouth fell agape in shock.

The man in front of her was too good-looking to be real. Any woman he met would drop their underwear in a heartbeat, and Alexa was not an exception. She was already feeling intense heat all over her body.

"Excuse me! If you're done gawking, you should close your mouth so that a fly won't get in," the man in front of her said rudely.

The 100-degree-heat that Alexa felt before dropped below zero as soon as she heard the insult. She felt like she had just been bathed with ice water.

"I'm sorry! I just thought I saw a ghost behind you earlier. I didn't mean to stare," she told him with a blank look on her face.

Prince Alexander sized Alexa up before speaking again. "What makes you different from all the others?"

She thought about it for a moment. 'What makes me different from all the others? Good question, hmmm?'

While Alexa was intensely thinking of what made her different from the other candidates, Prince Alexander was carefully checking her out, and he liked what he saw.

"I'm different because... Can't you see, look at me?! I'm tall and beautiful, perfect for a Beauty Queen!" she answered proudly while she posed like a Miss Universe candidate.

Prince Alexander looked at her straight face, then burst into a fit of laughter. "Hahaha! You do look like a Queen with that pose... You will do."

"Thank you! I will make sure you don't regret it, Sir!" She extended her hand for a handshake, only to be ignored.

"We'll see about that!" That was all the answer she received while he was still checking her out.

Prince Alexander had met many beauties in his life, but he had never met someone like her. 

Too bad, she was an actress.

The one thing he hated most was actresses. He had dated quite a few in the past, but none lasted more than one date.

Alexa was doing the same thing, but for a different reason.

She didn't quite understand why her new employer was ogling at her. She knew how beautiful she looked, but Alexa had made sure that she was dressed both professionally and dully. So why did he keep on staring at her like he was about to jump on her?

Prince Alexander realized what he was doing and diverted his attention to his assistant. "Make sure you prepare her properly. I don't want any mistakes. I will give you a couple of days to train and polish her before we take care of the business."

"Yes! Your H… yes, Sir!" Pierre almost blurted out, 'Your Highness.' Fortunately, he was able to correct himself in time.

"Please, follow me, Miss…?"

"Grant! Alexa Grant!" she informed the assistant while trying to catch up with him.

"Miss Alexa Grant, are you sure you want this job?" Pierre asked curiously.

For some odd reason, he liked this girl. She looked honest and innocent. He didn't want her to be broken-hearted down the line when she eventually fell for Prince Alexander. It always happened in the past...

"Yes! I'm sure. Why wouldn't I want to do this job? It will be generously paid, and I will get to travel for free. I'm pretty sure I will also be able to eat some good food, right?" Alexa's smile showcased her straight pearly-white teeth again and pretty dimples on both sides of her cheeks.

"I only want to make sure that you know what you are getting yourself into. Once we start the training, there will be no going back." The assistant emphasized the words 'no going back.'

They talked as they walked, so Alexa wasn't aware that they had reached their destination. She was ushered into what seemed to be the hotel's boutique.

The assistant, whose name Alexa did not know, spoke with a representative then waved her goodbye.

"I'll come back for you later, be a good girl, and listen to what the representative tells you to do."

Alexa just nodded in agreement, not knowing what she had only agreed to...

The salon representative took her to a room and asked her to remove all her clothing down to her underwear. Alexa complied with the request, without knowing what she was supposed to do further.

However, she was going to find out if she stuck around long enough.

Once she had taken all her clothes off, she put on the robe the representative had given her. She then slowly poked her head through the partially opened door.

"Hello? Hello, Miss? I'm done." No one answered her call, and she wondered where they all could have gone.

Just as she was about to put her clothes back on to look for the representative, the door burst open, and Prince Alexander walked in with a big smile on his handsome face…

Alexa was stunned. She couldn't utter a single word. 'What is he doing here? Should I ask him to leave or let him stay and be a spectator?' The latter won. She did not say a word, since he wasn't saying anything, either.

"Make sure you clean yourself thoroughly! Who knows? We might end up sleeping together." Prince Alexander said in a flirtatious tone with a smirk on his face.

'What does he mean by "sleeping together?"' 

"Excuse me, Sir! But sleeping together is not a part of the deal," she told him sternly, with a higher-pitched voice than usual.

Prince Alexander sensed that she was agitated and contemplating reneging on their deal if he continued teasing her. He stared at her and studied her body carefully. 'Her body is not bad at all. She is attractive which will be a bonus if she ends up in my bed. One that I'll gladly accept.' He thought while staring, making Alexa very uncomfortable.

'What the heck? If he doesn't stop salivating over my body, I will give him a taste of my fist,' she thought while smiling at her new boss.

Alexa went towards Prince Alexander to see if she could intimidate him.

"Don't worry, Sir, I will make sure that I'm thoroughly cleaned to be with you tonight." She showed off her long beautiful legs while standing in front of him.

'Wow! Is she provoking me or what? Why would she stand in front of me showing off her gorgeous legs when I can tell she's not wearing anything underneath that robe?' Prince Alexander couldn't hold his urges any longer.

The playboy in him surfaced just like that…

He stood up, head to head with Alexa, realizing that she's pretty tall for a woman. He estimated their height difference and thought to himself, 'I'm about three inches taller.'

Alexa started getting nervous. Playing with fire was not her forte. 'What would happen if he decides to grab and kiss me? What will I do?'

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