The President's Daughter: Royal Whirlwind Romance

Catch Him!

Catch Him!


Prince Alexander was about to get on board the ferry-boat when he heard a voice from behind. "Catch him! Do not let him get on that ferry-boat, or you will face the consequences." Lady Antella, ordered the Royal Bodyguard, with an angry look on her face.


The Royal Bodyguard ran towards Prince Alexander and blocked him, preventing him from boarding. They said to the Prince, "Our apologies to your Highness, but we have no choice, we must follow the Kings' order. Please, cooperate with us; we don't want to hurt you."

Prince Alexander knew when to accept defeat. He did not fight off the Royal Bodyguard and stood rooted to the ground. He waited for the boat to leave before he turned around and walked back towards the party without saying even a word to Lady Antella.

Lady Antella, on the other hand, was jumping for joy that she was able to catch him on time. Knowing Prince Alexander, he was probably planning on going back to the hotel then run-away to God knows where. There was no way she would face their families alone, and if she were to die, they would be killed together.

Komalika, Adleena, and Pozi were all stunned to hear that he was from a Royal family.

'The bodyguards called him your Highness, so he must have been from a Royal family, a Prince maybe...' Komalika was thinking to herself.

"We need to go now! We have a flight to catch, and I still have a lot of work to do when I get back home. I have no time for all of this..." Adleena grumbled as she had no patience when it came to unnecessary things.

"See ya! Loverboy!" Komalika shouted to Prince Alexander as they sped away...Leaving him standing at the docks looking devastated that he got caught.


Back at Alexa's home, Ramon sat on the floor without moving while letting Alexa hold on to him for comfort. She must have felt secure for she slept soundly while holding on to him with so much strength. Ramon could not imagine himself removing her hand because he liked the feeling of her warm hands on his arms. If only they could stay that way for the rest of their lives, he would not mind at all...

While he was lost in his thoughts, Alexa's phone started buzzing. A call was coming, and the buzzing sound started to wake Alexa up from a beautiful dream she's having. "Grandma could you get that, please! Let me sleep a little bit longer please!!!" She mumbled while her eyes were still shut.

"Oh, shoot!" Alexa opened only one of her eyes, while the other one was still shut. What she saw in front of her, made her stunned which made her get up rapidly. "Ramon!" She looked around and realized that she was in the bedroom. She looked at Ramon and was about to ask him something, but she changed her mind.

Ramon got up from the position he was in. He was on the floor in the bedroom, and he reached out for Alexa to help her up. "Come on! Sleepyhead, we still need to continue looking for your grandmother."

Alexa felt embarrassed for falling asleep when they ought to be out looking for her grandmother.

"Alright! Give me a minute to freshen up," She gladly accepted Ramon's hand and let him pull her up to a standing position. She then asked, "Do you mind going out to wait in the living room? Please!"

He put on half a smile before saying, "Sure,l will be in the next room waiting.." He hurriedly turned around and left her to do whatever it is she needed to do to freshen up. Then he remembered the phone rang, he said, "Oh! By the way, someone was trying to call you earlier before you woke up. Check it out! Who knows it could be your grandmother."

Alexa started to pat herself looking for her cell phone. She found it in her back pocket, 'No wonder Ramon was trying to reach toward her behind earlier, and she thought he was doing something else.'

Alexa turned the light of her cell phone on to see who last called. It was Andrea, 'It could be a piece of news about her grandmother's whereabouts.' She thought while returning Andrea's call.

"Where have you been? I have been trying to call you for ages. Grandma is over here at my workplace, and she said she is never going back home! She has been asking me to buy her a bus ticket, so she could go to the province. What happened? Did the two of you fight?" Andrea was anxiously bombarding Alexa with questions, and not giving her a chance even to say hello.

Alexa's eyes lit up from what she heard, and she rushed to go outside while still listening to Andrea talking. "Ramon, I found my grandmother. She's at my cousin's office. Could you give me a ride there? please!" She forgot that she was still talking with Andrea.

"Cousin! What are you doing still together with Ramon? Are you two alone in the house right now? Alexa...speak up!"

Alexa had enough of Andrea's screaming on the other end of the line. She hung up the phone without saying goodbye. "Let's go before my grandmother decides to leave again."

On the way to RRWP Headquarters, all kinds of thoughts kept coming to Alexa's mind. She could not understand why her grandmother suddenly wanted to go to the province. 'Is she hiding from a debtor? But she did not know of anyone who would hunt her grandma to the point of hiding.'

The only person she knew that grandma borrowed money from was their neighbor Aunty Inday.

She always borrowed money from her in the past, and she never once thought of hiding from people she owed money to. It meant that was not the reason why. and it was bothering Alexa.

She was at a loss and was unable to think of any reason whatsoever. "I guess I will find out when I get there." She mumbled to herself.

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