The Alchemists

Agreement With Terry

Agreement With Terry

0"Thank you ..." L ended her third song to very lively applause from the mesmerized audience. She bowed respectfully and was about to get backstage when suddenly the crowd cheered like crazy. When she raised her face, a handsome man with long blond hair rose onto the stage from the VVIP section while carrying a huge bouquet of flowers.     

L's chest suddenly pounded. She saw Pammy from the side of the stage looking shocked and pressing her lips. The MC and the dancers who accompanied her also looked impressed. Everyone knew who the handsome young man who just got up from this VVIP section.     

Rune Schneider!     

Earlier the MC had excitedly announced the presence of Jan Van Der Ven and the two Schneider brothers at the festival this time.     

No one thought Rune Schneider would go on stage and gave such huge flower arrangements to a newcomer singer like L!     

"Congratulations, your performance was breathtaking," said Rune with a warm smile. He handed the flower in his hand to L. "This is from my brother. He is your number one fan."     

He pointed at London, and his brother raised his hand with a smile. L was stunned when she heard him. She did not know what to say. Finally, she just nodded and accepted the flower awkwardly.     

The atmosphere of the evening that was getting dark and London's very different appearance made L, of course, could not recognize the young man as Killian Makela. Even though the man lived in the same apartment with her, gave her flowers every day, and cooked dinner for her.     

For a moment, L was confused on how she should behave. She did not expect that such a wealthy and powerful man to show admiration for her openly like this. At this moment, she was only a newbie.     

Finally, she just bowed slightly towards London and then went backstage.     

"Whoaaa... it's so unexpected! It turns out that Mr. Rune Schneider came to the stage to give L flowers himself! It was amazing. Earlier, L's performance was breathtaking. Worthy of getting this beautiful flower..." commented the MC enthusiastically.     

Rune went back into his chair and elbowed his brother.     

"I already gave your flowers to her. Weird... she didn't even say thank you," he grumbled.     

London only smiled faintly. He didn't need L to thank him.     


"Let's go home," said London to Rune and Jan after L disappeared behind the stage. The three handsome men then got up and said goodbye to the executives around them and exited the VVIP area through the backstage.     

The actions of these three important people were immediately understood by the audience and everyone around the world, who watched the program through the Virconnect program, as a firm statement that the three of them came to the festival just to watch L perform.     

This immediately caused an uproar among the audience. The reaction was even greater than when Rune went onto the stage and handed the flowers to L.     

"Wow ... the newbie singer must be so special...! The Schneider family came just to watch her perform ...!!!"     

"Indeed, the artist just now is very beautiful and talented ..."     

"She just released an album, right? Wow ... I am curious to hear her other songs ..."     

L was stunned to read all the positive comments from the people on the internet on her performance just now. Pammy, who was sitting beside her, looked elated.     

She also did not expect her artist to get the attention of people at the same level as London and Rune Schneider. She now understood why it was so easy for her to get many advertising contracts from the Schneider Group for L.     

Lest London Schneider really admired L!     

"This is amazing ... The Schneider family is known for being very private, but today they openly show their support to you ..."     

"You think so?" L asked doubtfully. She did not feel as happy as Pammy because, as she recalled, she had never met a member of the Schneider family. So how could they like her?     

"Of course! They went home as soon as you finished performing. That's a sign they only came to watch you sing. I won't be surprised if later Mr. Schneider himself will come to see you and ask you out on a date," Pammy exclaimed enthusiastically. "Do you still want to watch or want me to take you home now?"     

"Hmm ... I'm not feeling well. I just want to go home," L said, shaking her head weakly. "You can take the flowers. It's so big, I can't carry it for long."     

Pammy laughed and signaled an organizer staff to help bring the flowers to her car.     


London only watched from afar as L and Pammy got into the manager's car and left the festival arena. He saw the large flower arrangement that the Rune gave L was placed in the back seat, while for L's own expression, he could not read it.     

He did not know whether L was happy to receive flowers from London Schneider or if she just acted normal. Ugh ... why is it so hard to read your expression, L? He thought exasperatedly.     

"Let's go back to the penthouse and talk." Rune grabbed London's shoulder and pulled him into Marc's waiting car. The three of them got into the car and drove to the penthouse.     

[Hey ... my brother looks like he is falling in love.] Suddenly an SMS was sent from Terry to London's cellphone.     

Gosh! What is this?? Wasn't Terry in New York? Why sending this annoying text?     

London squinted at the message. The fancy car was running smoothly, but suddenly he felt motion sickness.     

He hurriedly typed a reply. [What are you talking about?]     

[I'm not blind. Just now, the news about the Schneider family was trending on Splitz. Are you in love with the newbie singer?]     

[Jeez ... I only gave her flowers.] London replied.     

[You NEVER gave flowers to anyone.] Terry said. [You are being over the top this time ...]     

[Why is that?] Asked London confused.     

[Aleksis had stepped over me by getting married first. Don't tell me now you are doing the same thing. Don't you think about my feelings? What would people say if my two younger siblings get married while I, your older brother, is still single? My reputation will be tarnished!]     

London just rolled his eyes, reading Terry's complaint. It was Terry's own choice that he still did not want to find a girlfriend!     

Why are you blaming me now? London thought in annoyance.     

[Nicolae is much older than you, and he is still single. He has no problems with it whatsoever. Just follow Nicolae, who has high self-confidence and doesn't care about what people say.] London decided to ignore Terry. He hurriedly added [I will help you find a girlfriend, but don't tell Mom and Dad. I want to deliver the news to them myself next month.]     

[Well. But you owe me one.] Terry sent a reply with a mischievous grin on his face. He was thrilled to get leverage to annoy his younger brother.     

This afternoon he was bored and idly searching for some interesting news on Splitz and found an article about the May Festival in Berlin sponsored by the Schneider Group. There was one interesting point there about a young and beautiful singer who seemed to attract the attention of one of the heirs of the famous Schneider family.     

Who knew he would be lucky. At first, he only sent an SMS to London to tease him. But now, judging from his reply, London was truly in love with the singer.     

In his heart, Terry was happy to see his brother happy, but of course, he didn't want to say the truth. That's why he pretended to be offended that his two younger siblings had found love while he was still single.     

After thinking for a while, he smiled very ignorantly and returned the last text message to London to annoy his brother.     

[I won't tell your father and mother, as long as you promise, your first child must be named after me.]     

London almost choked on reading the last text from his brother. Terry was just too much, he thought in annoyance. Unfortunately, he was helpless. He was really not ready to face his parents if they find out about his relationship with L.     

[Okay, if it's a boy I will name him after you. If my first child is a girl, this agreement is not valid.] Finally, he replied with pursed lips, then he turned off his cellphone so Terry wouldn't keep annoying him.     

My baby must be a girl, he told himself.     


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