The Alchemists

Elien's Scheme

Elien's Scheme

0That afternoon Alaric had a meeting with the higher-ups of Splitz. It was followed by a short reception in a large conference room on the highest floor of the RMI Tower. The events were attended by several Virconnect global ambassadors.     

There was the most famous band in the world today from Asia - namely Rainfall, Elien Mikhailova - the ballerina superstar who had been the longest ambassador of Virconnect since its launch, and some of the world's most well-known athletes and movie stars.     

Pavel approached Alaric with his staff members discussing the details of the program later tonight. He had just heard that there would be two special guests from the Schneider Group and he wanted to confirm what Alaric was actually planning.     

"Oh, never mind, I just want to invite my two brothers-in-law to this important event," Alaric said casually. Pavel's eyes could only widen. Confusement registered in his face. He could not understand what his boss' words meant.     

"Aleksis is the daughter of the Schneider family." Since Alaric could no longer stand seeing Pavel frowning and sporting a very confused face, he finally told him what had happened. "At that time, you got the wrong information. Aleksis is not Kurt Van Der Ven's daughter, but the Schneider family's."     

"Oh ..." Even though he was beginning to understand where his conversation with Alaric was going, Pavel still felt confused. In his mind, Aleksis, who had infatuated his boss ten years ago, already died. "I still do not understand."     

Alaric did not want to continue talking. In any case, once Pavel saw Aleksis at the event tonight, he would understand that she was still alive and she had returned to Alaric. And that would make London and Rune's presence at the Virconnect's anniversary event acceptable.     

This was also in line with Alaric's plan to kill all the gossip out there about him being together with other women. In addition to introducing Aleksis as his wife, he would also announce her as the only daughter of the Schneider family, so that no one would look down on her and assume that she only married him because of his wealth and influence.     

They must know that Aleksis did not need anything that other women were going after because she herself came from a very affluent and respected family.     

"Good evening, Sir," Elien quickly took the opportunity to bring Alaric a drink after he finished talking to Pavel. Today the girl looked a lot prettier than usual. She wore a short dress, showing off her beautiful curved typical of a ballerina. "I am glad you took the time to attend the event tonight."     

Alaric was sending an SMS, asking about Aleksis news in St. Laurent, when Elien approached him with two drinks in her hands.     

"Hmm ..." Alaric took one of the glasses from Elien and nodded.     

"Cheers for tonight's event?" asked the woman in a melodious voice.     

"Cheers!" Alaric then sipped his wine. He loved reading news from Aleksis about how she had already met up with London and Rune and was chatting with them in the penthouse.     

The ballerina who felt that she was totally ignored could only press a hand on her chest and force a smile. She then moved away from Alaric. She looked at her watch, seemingly thinking of something.     

"Hmm ... the aphrodisiac should work in another hour, just as Eli leaves this office for St. Laurent Hotel," Elien murmured to herself.     

She had been waiting for four years without success and now she knew her time was getting limited. If she did not take drastic action, her chance to wed the most influential person in the world would be lost forever.     

While chatting with the guests and other RMI officials, Elien never stopped sneaking a glance and paying attention to Alaric's condition, hoping to immediately see the drug she had mixed in the man's drink taking effect.     

Elien had bribed a secretary on the 50th floor to find out Alaric's schedule today and she knew he would be going to St. Hotel. Laurent at 5 pm. It should be an hour from now, when Alaric was scheduled to go there, that the medicine would start working.     

Her heart was fluttering as she couldn't wait to carry out her plan but she tried to calm down and smiled at everyone around her who were admiring her beauty.     

At 5 pm, Alaric looked at his watch and signaled that he would be leaving soon. The staff and guests immediately bowed their heads slightly as a sign of respect when he waved his hand and left the meeting room.     

Fifteen minutes earlier, Elien had already left before Alaric, rushing towards the St. Laurent Hotel. She had to get there before him so her plan would succeed. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, to get Elios Linden. If she couldn't do it in a gentle way, then she must do it by force.     

In the car, Alaric began to feel his body getting hot. He had never been sick before, and he knew there was no way he would get sick. After knowing that he was an Alchemist, he knew that people like him had never suffered from any illness.     

This must be poison ... or unwanted drugs, he thought irritably.     

He tried to remember who might have spiked his drink today. He knew that as the controversial RMI leader, there were many people who hated him and wanted his death. So he was very careful about his life and what he ate and drank.     

Hmm ... he didn't receive any drinks from strangers, only from Pavel and ...     

Ugh, Elien!     

He frowned, trying to remember whether that female ambassador had behaved strangely towards him before. It was to determine her motives for doing this.     

How insolent of that girl! Alaric never thought such a gentle-looking girl could do something as disgusting as this.     

Sweat began to run down his forehead and his body felt even hotter, even though the temperature in the car was only 15 degrees celsius, Alaric had to take off his coat and unbutton several buttons on his shirt. Ugh ...     

Slowly but surely, he began to feel desire creeping upon his chest which began to feel tight. He also felt his lower body throbbing.     

He hurriedly called his wife. "Honey, where are you now?"     

"Hey ... I'm still at the penthouse. What's the matter?" Aleksis asked happily.     

"Uhm ... I'll be right there."     

"Oh, okay. Be careful on the road."     

While Alaric was still on his way, Elien arrived at the St. Hotel. Laurent and hurriedly went to the receptionist's desk.     

"Hello, my name is Elien Mikhailova. My assistant has booked the Presidential Suite for tonight," she said, handing over her ID card as proof of her identity.     

The check-in clerk smiled and returned her ID card, "This is unnecessary, Miss. We know who you are. Your assistant already prepared everything and left the keys for you."     

She handed an access card to Eilen with a flattering smile.     

"Thank you. Oh, by the way... Mr. Elios Linden is on his way here. He is not feeling well. Please take him directly to the Presidential Suite so I can take care of him," Elien softly said in a sweet voice.     

The check-in clerk seemed surprised by her words, but Elien had already gracefully entered the elevator which would take her to her booked suite. The two receptionists could only exchange glances and whisper about the rumors circulating about the famous Elios Linden and Elien Mikhailova. They did seem to be in a relationship!     

The proof was, today they heard for themselves that he would stay with Eilen in their hotel's Presidential Suite. Impatiently, the two looked forward to Elios Linden's arrival. The man was, after all, known to be a private person, and very rarely appeared in public.     

This would be a very juicy gossip.     

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