The Alchemists

Adventure In Iceland (2)

Adventure In Iceland (2)

0"Why doesn't your father have a hotel in Iceland?" Nicolae asked curiously while waiting for their bags to be delivered by the flight crew. "Schneider Group seems to have hotels everywhere but here."     

"Oh, my father doesn't like the cold," Aleksis answered. "He only builds hotels at places where he likes to go. He rarely goes to Iceland, since it is practically like the north pole."     

"Ah, what a shame. You like the cold," Nicolae commented. He noticed that Aleksis was still not wearing a coat and was casually walking around in her jeans and thin white shirt. Her body always looked good in any kind of clothes, and now, among the hundreds of girls passing by at the airport wearing their thick winter coats, she definitely stood out.     

Aleksis' resistance to cold had always been amazing, on the contrary to Nicolae, who tightened his sweater and coat as he could feel the cold creeping in. The twins were also a little uncomfortable in the cold. Both of their faces were very happy but their bodies were shaking.     

"Are you cold? Let's do some exercise to warm up." Nicolae told Altair and Vega. He then opened up his arms.     

"I want!" Vega exclaimed. She then jumped and placed her arms around Nicolae's outstretched right arm and swung happily as if she was a monkey on a tree branch. She looked elated.     

Altair followed and swung himself onto Nicolae's left arm.     

"I don't want to walk. You must carry us like this," Vega said in a cutesy tone.     

Aleksis just massaged her forehead when she saw the scene. If Nicolae was kept busy by the twins, she had to be the one to carry all their luggage.     

After the airline officers handed them their two small suitcases, Aleksis took both suitcases and dragged them behind Nicolae, who had two little monkeys hanging on his arms.     

Terry had told Aleksis that Uncle Jean had a daughter who was a year younger than her children, and the little one always acted like a little monkey, and so she was given the nickname 'Little Monkey' by her parents.     

Hmm ... do all kids nowadays act like monkeys? thought Aleksis, confused. She remembered that when London and Rune were still young, they didn't act like monkeys at all. Both were especially fond of keeping and playing with their sheep.     

Aleksis could not imagine what would happen if one day Altair, Vega and the Little Monkey met ... Maybe they would turn the whole house upside down.     

"Hei, wait for me," she exclaimed as she walked after Nicolae, who had walked halfway across the terminal. Aleksis scolded herself for being daydreaming. "You walk so fast."     

Nicolae turned and smiled, and waited for her to come closer. The handsome young man lifting two five-year-old children on his arms made him the center of attention.     

Many girls admired how strong he was, as these little children seemed heavy already, but he carried them with ease.     

"Hey ... what are you doing here?" A crisp voice greeted Nicolae from behind. A girl in a fancy dress wearing a coat from the latest fashion hurried over to Nicolae. "I thought you look familiar when I saw you from afar - I couldn't believe it's really you. I had to come close to make sure. Halloo ... how long will you be in Reykjavik?"     

Nicolae turned and saw Kit Blue staring at him with sparkling eyes. "Oh, hi ... We're on vacation. We plan to be here for a week."     

Aleksis arrived a few seconds after Kit Blue and her eyes glittered with annoyance when she saw the girl appear so unexpectedly.     

Why the heck doesn't this girl just stay at her ice hotel? Aleksis thought in annoyance.     

"Darling, you walk so fast," Aleksis exclaimed suddenly. She had seen the adoring look on Kit's eyes when she looked at Nicolae, and Aleksis immediately thought of a way to upset Kit. Aleksis smiled sweetly and walked over to Nicolae's side, then she leaned her head against the man's shoulder. "Eh .. did you meet an acquaintance? Who is she?"     

Nicolae felt his chest thump when Aleksis unexpectedly leaned her head on his shoulder. Wow ... he thought. He was very happy, and could not hide his elated expression.     

"Eh ... yes, it looks like it." Nicolae turned to Kit, "Uhm ... I'm sorry, what was your name again?"     

Kit, who was initially surprised to see Aleksis there, instantly turned red in anger when she realized Nicolae did not remember who she was.     

She really thought that she was beautiful and that she had left a good impression during their meeting at the Medici family castle.     

Apparently Nicolae instead asked for her name!     

Kit was really angry. Stomping her feet, she turned around and left without answering Nicolae's question.     

"What is wrong with her?" Nicolae asked in confusion. "What a freak. She greeted me out of the blue but doesn't want to introduce herself."     

Aleksis was stunned by Nicolae's attitude. Apparently the young man really did not remember Kit at all, even though they talked long enough at the party that day.     

"You really don't remember her," asked Aleksis. "She's the arrogant girl I was referring to. Her father owns an ice hotel. You spent a long time chatting with her at your party."     

"Oh really?" Nicolae shrugged. "I do not remember."     

Of course, Nicolae did not remember, for in his eyes, there was only Aleksis. When Aleksis was around, how on earth could he notice or pay attention to other girls. They all didn't mean anything to him.     

"Gosh ... alright." Aleksis only smiled slightly at Nicolae's innocent answer. Apparently her frustration for the past months was meaningless. She kept asking Nicolae not to stay at the ice hotel in Iceland when Nicolae probably had no intention to do so.     

Nicolae didn't even remember Kit!     

Aleksis just laughed silently. She could imagine how upset Kit must be today.     

"Kids, please get off Uncle Nic. I need his help with the luggage," Aleksis grumbled.     

"I'll carry the suitcase !!" Vega and Altair exclaimed in unison as they jumped down from Nicolae's arms. Before Aleksis could stop them, both kids had grabbed one suitcase each from her hands.     

"Why ... why are you guys taking the suitcases?" Aleksis asked in amazement.     

She was about to protest further when Nicolae slipped his left hand and held Aleksis' right hand and walked out of the terminal towards their car.     

"Shhh .. leave them be. It's okay," Nicolae said, tightening his grip.     

Finally, Aleksis obediently walked next to Nicolae, behind her two children who were already far ahead in herding their luggage.     

The romantic and handsome young man, walking with the beautiful girl in thin clothing, caught the attention of many people at the airport, but only briefly because they quickly entered their car and disappeared.     


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