The Alchemists

Little Monkey and Family

Little Monkey and Family

0Alaric turned to the side and found a handsome young man with an oriental-looking face approaching them with a big smile.     

This young man was wearing casual clothes and glasses which made him look like a student. Alaric was stunned. For a moment, he couldn't help but feel like the other's face was familiar. It was just that he could not remember where he had seen it.     

"Dadddyyyyy ...!" screamed Jean-Marie while reaching her hand towards her father. Jean deliberately wore casual clothes today. That way, no one would recognize him as the movie star Jean Pierre Wang who died several years ago in a ski accident.     

Jean walked with quick steps toward Alaric who was holding Jean-Marie, face showing how relieved he was that his daughter was fine.     

"Ssshh ... remember I told you this is not a forest," Alaric said in a gentle voice. In an instant, Jean-Marie became quieter and joined him in a whisper.     

"Daddyy ... sssshhh ... I'm glad you found me before Mommy..." whispered the little girl as Jean raised his hands to snatch her from Alaric.     

"You made your mother worried sick," told Jean to his daughter as held her in his right hand.      

"Mother was angry, so I ran away. I was just trying to save the fish from drowning." The girl pouted. "Poor fish ..."     

"Gosh ... Jean-Marie ..." Jean could never be angry with the little monkey, especially whenever she acted innocently like this. He realized that at the age of 4, there were still so many things the little girl did not know. Her world and her life only revolved around their home and villages around their home in Switzerland.     

The long journey they took this time was the first one Jean-Marie had ever since she was born. All this time, Marion isolated herself from the world and did not want to meet outsiders, much less travel. Their little girl was naturally affected, growing up naive to many things.     

However, Jean also understood his wife's condition. Since she was still traumatized by what happened several years ago, he patiently waited for her and supported her in her road to recovery.     

His wait for years finally paid off since last year Marion agreed to go on trips to other places in Switzerland, and this week they even planned trips to three countries to broaden Jean-Marie's horizon.     

Paris was the first major city they visited before London. After this, they would continue their journey to New York.     

Alaric smiled faintly as he watched the interaction between the father and daughter duo which, he felt was quite amusing. Jean-Marie was a very adorable child. He would never forget that the little girl's nickname was Little Monkey. It was really funny but it also felt right as the little girl was too energetic.     

"Uhm ... thank you for helping my daughter. How can I repay your kindness?" Jean asked Alaric while giving him a grateful look. "Oh... sorry, if she had been troublesome."     

Alaric shook his head gently, "It's okay. I just happened to pass by. You have a very adorable child. Take care of her well."     

Alaric waved his hand and hinted at the other party that he did not want to prolong the conversation. Before Jean could say anything more, he had already left. Aleksis quickly arranged his car to immediately pick him up in front of the park.     

It was almost time for his lunch appointment with Ned and Portia so he had to leave. As Alaric had already walked away, Jean who could only look at him in puzzlement.     

This person was very impressive, Jean thought to himself. Something in his mind was telling him that the man who had just helped his child was an Alchemist. But he did not want to appear rude by suddenly saying hello. This was why he kept his silence.     

Alaric who walked toward his car almost collided with a girl who was running towards Jean and Jean-Marie.     

As usual, his body reflexively avoided her so they did not touch. The girl glanced over her shoulder and then was stunned to see Alaric who was walking calmly towards his car.     

"Marion! I found the Little Monkey, she was afraid that you would get angry at her for saving the drowned fish," Jean said with a smile, amusement dancing in his eyes. He walked toward his wife who was still staring at the departing car carrying Alaric. A frown was on her face. Jean who saw Marion's strange behavior nodded, "The person is indeed rather unique... I've never seen anyone like him."     

"Eh ..." Marion regained her consciousness and nodded toward Jean. "You are right."     

She didn't scold Jean-Marie who had killed three fishes from the hotel's fishpond by taking them out of the water. Her mind was on the man who had almost collided with her. It was hard for Marion to forget that face even though it had been nearly six years.     

She felt her mind had gone crazy because she felt like she was seeing Alaric everywhere. Last week when they were in Paris, she seemed to see people who also had faces similar to Alaric and this made her break out in cold sweat. She was almost hit by a panic attack.     

Marion knew she had not fully recovered from her trauma. But she forced herself and pretended that she was okay in front of Jean. She could not bear to make him worried. Her husband had been very patient with her and, for years, he waited for her to recover. Their trip this time should be a pleasant experience for her and their family.     

After going to Paris and London, they would go to New York to visit Terry. Marion did not want her family to be locked up forever living in their village in Switzerland just because she was traumatized and did not want to meet other people.     

Ugh ... she must be strong. She then continued to convince herself that all the images of the people she saw resembling Alaric were just her mind's trick to traumatize her. She must have to defeat these negative thoughts and be strong for the sake of her family.     

That was not Alaric Rhionen.     

My imagination was absurd.     

I have to recover, for the sake of my family.     

Marion took a deep breath and kissed Jean lovingly before embracing his waist.     

"Uhmm ..." Jean closed his eyes to enjoy his wife's intimate kiss. When he opened his eyes again, he smiled broadly and asked, "What's this for?"     

"For your patience with me all this time," Marion answered softly. "I have a headache and need to rest. Let's go back to the hotel..."     

"Of course, Honey. I also have to give Jean-Marie a very long talk about how drowning fish need not be saved," Jean said, looking at his daughter who was covering her ears with her hands and pretending she did not hear his words.     

The woman gave her husband a small smile. Together with the child that he was carrying on his shoulder, they walked back to the hotel.     


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