The Alchemists

Jean's Five Fans

Jean's Five Fans

0They arrived at Marion's house at 1 am. The girl lived in a beautiful villa located in seclusion from the rest of the houses in the area. Marion opened the gate and invited Jean inside.     

"I live alone with five dogs. I only have one assistant who feeds and walks the dogs when I'm traveling," Marion said, turning on the living room lights. All of a sudden, five dogs of various sizes rushed toward her while wagging their tails. Marion sat on the floor, hugging them in turns and laughing.     

Jean seemed very impressed to see the five dogs who so warmly invaded Marion. He knelt beside Marion and stroked a long-bodied dachshund. Enthusiastically the dog jumped onto Jean and licked his hand.     

"Gosh, your dogs are very sweet," Jean said. Marion's french-bulldog had also started sniffing Jean and licking his face. "Ahahaha ... they are soooo cute and friendly. I really like dogs, but I have never been able to commit to keeping one because of my busy schedule. You're so lucky to have them."     

Marion looked astonished. She stared at Jean in shock.     

"Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?" Jean asked her in confusion.     

Marion shook her head, her eyes showed nothing but surprise, "My dogs ARE NOT FRIENDLY. They are usually very fierce to strangers. I had to change my assistant several times before I found the one they like. My dogs are very possessive and fierce ... Why are they so nice to you??? I do not understand ..."     

Now the third, fourth, and fifth dog had also started to invade Jean and rub their heads against his body; even the large German Shepherd was now attacking Jean, who had fallen on the floor, with non-stop licks!     

"Ah, really? What is clear is that they really like me," Jean said, laughing. He was very happy because he was invaded by five dogs who so warmly welcomed him as if he were their own master. Marion shook her head, trying to make sense of the whole situation.     

"Hey, enough ... your master is me, not him, duh ..."     

Marion was calling for her dogs to leave Jean but they didn't listen. A moment later she massaged her temple and exclaimed.     

"I know!"     

"You know what?" asked Jean in surprise. He had managed to get up and was trying, with a lot of difficulties, to sit on the sofa.     

Marion shook her head, "My assistant is a big fan of yours, I just remembered. She often plays your movies to watch with my dogs. I have a feeling that my dogs have been brainwashed to like you."     

"Ahahahaha ... really? That's funny," said Jean. He rubbed the backs of all the dogs then exhaled deeply. "I'm very happy that your dogs like me. Later, when I have taken a new identity and am no longer a movie star, I will live in the beautiful countryside of Switzerland and keep a dog or two."     

"You can be my neighbor. The house down the street is for sale, you know," Marion commented casually.     

"Is that true?" Jean asked curiously. "Maybe I'll follow your advice. Your life here seems very peaceful."     

"It's very peaceful indeed," Marion commented. "If you live near here, I can often visit my beloved painting."     

"Which painting?" asked Jean, not understanding.     

"My Mona Lisa! What else?" Marion grumbled. She pointed to the wall behind her, "That's the painting. You can take it anytime. I made a promise."     

"Eh?" Jean suddenly became uncomfortable, "I was just joking about the painting. After all, we haven't succeeded yet - Lauriel hasn't openly stated that he likes you."     

Marion frowned, "So you were not serious???"     

"The agreement was that you will give me the Mona Lisa painting if I help you make Lauriel fall in love with you," Jean said again.     

"Hmm ... I changed my mind," Marion said firmly. "Tonight I feel enlightened. I think that I don't actually love Lauriel. My feelings for him for the past 100 years was just admiration. So now I no longer need to make Lauriel fall in love with me."     

"Oh ..." Jean didn't know what to say. "Well, if you say so."     

"When do you want to take the painting?" Marion asked again.     

Jean shook his head, "I will not take your painting. I helped you sincerely. I was only joking about being paid for with the Mona Lisa painting. You can keep it. I think it should be owned by someone who can appreciate it well."     

Marion was stunned to hear that. Seriously? Did Jean refuse one of the most expensive paintings in the world in return for his help?     


"Alright then." Marion spontaneously got up and kissed Jean's cheek, "You're so kind."     

"Thank you," said Jean, closing his eyes when Marion's lips kissed his right cheek.     

For a moment Marion stared at the handsome face of the man who had sincerely treated her as a girlfriend without expecting anything in return. Marion subconsciously moved her lips slightly to the right and touched Jean's lips with hers. Then, she kissed him on the lips.     

Jean opened his eyes in surprise, and now their eyes were fixed.     

"Thank you," Marion whispered after kissing Jean's lips and quickly moved back before the situation became awkward. She pointed to a door on her right and acted as if nothing had happened, "The guest room is over there, so you can rest there. It has an ensuite bathroom. I will sleep upstairs. Good night."     

She walked up the stairs in a hurry to hide her blushing face. After a few steps, she looked back and was dumbfounded because ... usually her dogs would follow her to bed, but now none had moved an inch from Jean's side!     

Six pairs of eyes were staring at her from below. Jean was still surprised because Marion had kissed him so suddenly, while her five dogs seemed content to be around Jean and were looking at her with eyes saying: 'Good night, Marion, tonight we will sleep with Jean.'     

Gosh ... she didn't expect her dogs' loyalty to her to be very fickle. They all had taken Jean's side. Marion now felt like a guest in her own home.     

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