The Alchemists

Rosemary Lin

Rosemary Lin

0A very large company that stored the personal and genetic data of so many people on earth, and had the power to abuse it...     

Aleksis swallowed hard...     

In ten years, when Alaric completed his automation project, he would be the most powerful person on earth.     

She must be able to change Alaric's heart before that happens. She strongly believed that Alaric was at heart a good person. He was just lost because he had never felt the love of fellow human beings his whole life.     

"Then... what do you want to do?" asked Aleksis.     

"I want to investigate them and make a film that will reveal all this information to the public."     

"Wouldn't this be very dangerous?" Aleksis asked again.     

"It's dangerous, so I'm very jealous of you whose life is very relaxed. You even have four bodyguards at once... such a waste of human resources..." complained Terry.     

Aleksis felt sympathy for Terry, but she could not do anything.     

They talked about Rhionen Industries until it was time for dinner, and the longer she heard about the company's "dark secrets," the more her heart became troubled.     

After dinner Terry drove Aleksis to the dorm with his sport car. The car really made the young man look very cool. Aleksis arrived at the dorm a few minutes before curfew.     

"I can't take you inside, huh, because then you will be subject to campus gossip and the girls will make you their bullying target... You don't want to attract attention, right?" Terry said as he opened the door for Aleksis and helped her out.     

He deliberately parked at a place that was somewhat hidden so that no one would notice them.     

Aleksis nodded. "Thank you. See you tomorrow morning on campus!"     

Terry waved and got in the car, then returned to his house. Aleksis hurried into the boarding room and reported herself.     

The matron was a woman in her 40s, and she looked fierce and unfriendly. She saw Aleksis from head to toe and immediately decided not to like this girl.     

Aleksis had changed into her usual old-fashioned appearance so she basically looked like a bookworm. She was still not used to appearing like her normal self in front of strangers.     

"You arrived so late at night, it's almost curfew." Ms. Lee, the housekeeper, complained. "Come with me. You will share a room with another sophomore. She will explain everything you need to know about living in this dormitory."     

"Thank you, Ms. Lee..." Aleksis said politely. She didn't really care if Ms. Lee didn't like her. She was not looking for friends this old. But she hoped that her roommate was a pleasant person.     

She followed Ms. Lee across the hall and into the elevator. They went up to the 3rd floor and knocked on the door at the very end of the hall.     

"What is wrong?" Someone immediately opened the door and welcomed them. The long -haired girl was very beautiful and her expression looked friendly.     

Ugh... Aleksis wanted to bury herself deep underground that very instant.     

Her roommate in the dormitory was Rosemary!     

Fortunately, Rosemary did not seem to recognize Aleksis. When Terry suddenly approached her in the campus yard and asked her to be his girlfriend and just kissed her, Rosemary, who was walking to the library, didn't notice that Terry was with Aleksis.     

She smiled at her and welcomed Aleksis into the room, "Welcome. You are my new roommate, right? My name is Rosemary Lin."     

I know, Aleksis thought sadly.     

She suddenly felt uneasy - it felt bad, being friends with with Rosemary while her brother was fooling around with this girl. Moreover, it all happened because Aleksis was teasing Terry.     

"Why are you silent?" asked Ms. Lee to Aleksis.     

"Oh ... right, sorry ... My name is Aleksis Makela ... I'm a transfer student from Germany ..." Aleksis said hurriedly. She had never used her full name in front of strangers before. She was afraid to attract attention because of her relationship with the Schneider Group.     

Although a few years from now she would be prepared to take over the Group from Kurt Van Der Ven, she felt better hiding her identity for as long as possible.     

"Welcome. Please come in. I have occupied the bed in the right corner, you can take the one in the left corner ..."     

Aleksis nodded. She entered the room with her belongings and thanked Ms. Lee who took her to the room and introduced her to Rosemary. The dorm matron just nodded and left.     

Oh ... okay, so this was what it felt like to be a student living in a dorm, thought Aleksis.     

The room she shared with Rosemary was decent, although the size was very very small when compared to her room in her parents' house. She had an area of ​​100 square meters and her personal lounge. In comparison, maybe this dorm room was only half the size of her bathroom.     

"Why are you so quiet?" Rosemary asked, moving Aleksis out of her reverie. "Are you missing home?"     

"Eh ... you can say that ... haha ​​..." Aleksis nodded and let out a small laugh. She did not miss her large and luxurious room. She was not a spoiled girl who could only live in luxury. She was just rather surprised to see the size of the rooms in this student dormitory.     

She arranged her belongings in the cupboard indicated by Rosemary, then sat on her bed and studied her surroundings.     

Hmm ... she could get used to living here.     

She was a little doubted whether she should be friends with Rosemary or ask to move to another room. She could not imagine how awkward it would be if Rosemary knew that Terry, who would dump her in a few days, was Aleksis' brother, and that Aleksis was actually responsible for her suffering.     

She did not expect that Rosemary, who caught her daydreaming, thought Aleksis was missing home. Rosemary then boiled some water and made tea. She then held up the cup of hot tea in front of Aleksis, "Do you want some ginger tea? This will make you feel better ..."     

"Oh ..." Aleksis was touched and felt even more guilty. She received the cup of ginger tea from Rosemary's and thanked her.     

The homemade ginger tea was really delicious.     

"Do you miss your boyfriend?" Rosemary asked her suddenly, "Sorry, I didn't mean to interfere, but your face looks sad, and I think you're sad because you have to leave your boyfriend in Germany ..."     

Wahh ... on the contrary, I came to Singapore to look for my boyfriend ... thought Aleksis. She was amused.     

Even though Rosemary guessed wrong, Aleksis could appreciate Rosemary's good intentions for worrying about her.     

Hmm ... actually Rosemary was not wrong at all ... when she mentioned the word 'boyfriend', Aleksis' mind immediately went to Alaric, whom she just met a few hours ago. Why did she miss him already? It's only been a few hours, right? Gosh ...     

"Why ... yes, I miss my boyfriend ..." Aleksis said honestly.     

"Wow ... I understand the feeling," said Rosemary, smiling happily, "How long have you two been together?"     

Uhm ... two days?     

"Actually, we are still in a new relationship. I have known him for a long time, but only yesterday he finally confessed his love to me ..." Aleksis said later. "I am so happy..."     

Rosemary covered her mouth with both hands and her face showed a surprised and happy expression, "Whoaa... then we are the same! Me too! I've known Terry for a long time. He is my senior in the cinematography department. ... And two days ago he suddenly confessed his love to me and asked me to be his girlfriend ... I didn't know that he secretly liked me too ... "     

Uhm ... okay. Aleksis started feeling uneasy.     

Terry certainly was not secretly in love with Rosemary as she thought, because Terry always told Aleksis about any girls he liked, if any, whenever they met, and Terry had never mentioned Rosemary once.     

Aleksis believed that even Terry didn't know that Rosemary was his own junior ... while Rosemary had been having a crush on Terry for a long time.     

Of course, Terry's sudden love confession made the girl very happy ...     

Oh, God....     

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