The Alchemists

Jean & Marion **

Jean & Marion **

0Marion woke up that morning with a severe headache. This must be from the so many glasses of glow wine I drank, she thought.     

After Jean left last night, Marion spent the night drinking until she fell asleep at the kitchen table.     

Uh, wasn't I in the kitchen last night? How did I wake up in my own room? Marion wondered while holding her aching head. She had no history of sleepwalking, so it was not possible that she unconsciously walked to her room.     

She also noticed that her clothes had been changed. She wore blue pajamas last night, and now they were ...     

Was it Alicia?     

Marion got up and staggered out of the room to call her assistant.     

"Hey, you're awake."     

Marion gasped when Jean called her from the living room. The man was sitting casually on the sofa and Marion's smallest dog was asleep on his lap. Relief was clearly visible in his eyes.     

"Eh ...? Didn't I tell you to leave?" Marion asked hoarsely. "I saw you leave last night ... Why did you come back?"     

Jean shrugged, "I don't know either. I think I'm comfortable here."     

Marion was stunned by Jean's answer, which was uttered so lightly. She thought Jean had hated her because of what she had done, and finally left her... but apparently he returned and was still helping her out.     

Marion was very touched.     

She slowly walked toward Jean and sat beside him. For a few minutes, she was unable to say anything.     

"I made some hangover soup. I noticed that you drank all the glow-wine I made last night! You also threw up, so I changed your clothes." said Jean softly, placing Marion's mini Shih Tzu's to the floor and then reached for Marion's head, and placed the girl's head on his lap. "I hope you don't mind."     

Marion shook her head. She was very touched by Jean's sweet gestures. She then buried her head in Jean's lap and cried softly there.     

Jean knew Marion was devastated and she had been punishing herself for everything that took place at Targu Mures, so he couldn't bear to say anything that would hurt Marion even more. Therefore, he said nothing.     

After five minutes Marion finally managed to calm down. She woke up and smiled slightly as she looked at Jean, "Thank you. I would like to have the soup, please."     

"All right. Let's go to the kitchen."     

When Jean was walking towards the kitchen to get Marion some of the hangover soup, she suddenly chased after him and hugged his waist from behind. They both stood rooted to the spot.     

For the first time in two months, Marion was finally willing to talk openly to Jean, and today she hugged him.     

Jean's heart was filled with warmth as he held Marion's hands that wrapped around him from behind. He slowly turned his body that their front bodies met. He could feel Marion's heartbeat racing faster, together with his own heartbeat.     

The two stared deeply into each other's eyes. In her entire life, Marion had never allowed herself to appear this fragile in front of anyone ... and Jean's response to her unfavorable situation made Marion trust him completely.     

Jean did not go even though Marion was feeling down and not pleasant to be with. Jean did not judge her even though Marion had made such a big mistake and punished herself. Jean also never took the opportunity when Marion was in a vulnerable state.     

Never in her long life had she met such a kind and respectful guy. Subconsciously she closed her eyes and opened her lips slightly, then the name of the man she had fallen in love with since a few months ago slipped out of her lips.     

"Jean ..."     

Jean smiled faintly when he heard Marion call his name in her hoarse voice. He slowly brought his face close to hers and closed his eyes as his lips reached for Marion's half-open lips. Gently and very carefully he kissed Marion, who involuntarily let out a moan that made Jean go crazy for her.     

Jean tightened his embrace even more as his lips claimed hers lovingly. Slowly Marion had accepted his presence in her life and opened up to him. Then, she hugged him, and now, she allowed him to kiss her.     

Jean realized that he had never felt like this with any woman before. When his tongue explored Marion's mouth, enjoying the sweetness of the girl, it hit him that he had never wanted a woman like he wanted Marion.     

He was really in love.     

They kissed passionately for several minutes. He then moved his lips to her neck, and slowly nibbled on her earlobe. Feeling the sensation, she let out soft moans as his kisses continued to her shoulders. Jean slowly unbuttoned the girl's clothes, revealing the smooth skin of her chest and her body that was as soft as a marshmallow.     

"Uhmm ..." Marion involuntarily held Jean's hand and her face flushed red. Jean smiled broadly and looked at Marion. Marion, who was usually carefree and not afraid of anything, now looked like a shy kitten before him.     

"There's no need to be shy. I've seen everything when I changed your clothes last night ..." Jean whispered with a mischievous voice. "I like what I saw ..."     

"Jean !!" Marion hit Jean's shoulder but she was no longer resisting his hands, which were swiftly stripping her off of her clothes.     

"I love you," Jean whispered as he took off Marion's last piece of clothing and lifted her to the bedroom.     

Marion's five dogs rushed to follow their two masters into the bedroom, and Jean was forced to drive them all away. He didn't want to be disturbed.     

"Shoo ... shoo… all of you, stay out. Mom and Dad have something important to do."     

For the first time in two months, Marion laughed. She was amused because Jean truly considered himself the new master of her five dogs, together with Marion of course, and she was especially pleased that her four-legged children loved him.     

"Hmmm. Your laugh is so nice to hear." After closing the door, Jean went back to bed and sat next to Marion. "I miss hearing your laughter."     

He bent down and continued kissing Marion.     

"You know ... I've never been in love like this," he whispered, as he unbuttoned his shirt while softly kissing and biting Marion's neck, "I thought about this for a while, under the snow, after I left last night. I realized that I don't want to leave you, even if you tell me a hundred times to leave."     

Marion closed her eyes and savored Jean's confession of love as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I love you too. Thank you for not leaving me ..."     

"I will never leave you," Jean whispered as he climbed into bed, fondled her, and finally lead their first lovemaking.     

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