The Employed Empress

Fate is Laughing

Fate is Laughing

0Are you perhaps lost? Suddenly thrown into the chaotic den of starved women? Looking for salvation?     

Wanted! Stay-at-home job! Free accommodation and food, complete health insurance, along with a reliable boss!     

Willing to carry the pot! Willing to shield and take responsibility! His name's very mighty! Son of the dragon!     

In exchange, you need to sit there, be pretty, and act arrogantly at times.     

Come, la. It's easy, la. Instant job! Stable with large income! Only for singles and old maids!      

Here, sign your name here. It's everything about eating, sleeping, and sometimes letting your lonely clingy Boss have the talk about his ladies.     

Oh, did I not tell you? It comes with a free 'husband'.     

Free bed warmer!     


Your mother!      

Wei Yi Yi held her stomach as if experiencing a bloody battle with auntie.     

It was scam! I couldn't believe that after all this time, I was not aware of what I was getting myself into!     

"... Your Majesty?" Tang Mei, who was giving a timely report of their travel, trailed off.      

Before her eyes, Wei Yi Yi noticed the pair of Jiang Cheng and his wife, Wen Yang, passing a bit of distance away in front of her carriage.      

With his head slightly bowed, he kept reminding his wife on where to step. He showed great concern over the uneven path she was walking on.     

Holding her skirt with one hand while the other firmly grasped by her husband, Wen Yang appeared to be scolding him for the excessive actions. In this, Jiang Cheng momentarily raised his head to softly smile.       

This pair of imperial couple, one so arrogantly prideful and the other with earthly humbleness, were more harmonious together than what people were willing to acknowledge.     

Even Wei Yi Yi cannot recall a sweet moment between Jiang Yu and his many wives comparable to them. Rather she was reminded of their subtle closeness and open personality with each other.     

Blurred images emerged vaguely. Their quiet interactions were now ridden with impure meaning. The memories of those soft meaningless touches and bright smiles cause the already paling Wei Yi Yi to have goosebumps.     

Once again, Wei Yi Yi, who lived by the virtue of brotherhood, misjudged the closeness she could take with someone.      

The number of times she's been delighted with friendly banter only to realize it was laden with flirting by the other was both disappointing and agonizing.     

"Aiya! Your majesty!" Tang Mei reacted just as strongly. "Empress, please control your emotions. Many people are watching you and his majesty!"     

No one knows if it was one of the intended results, but right now, everyone's attention is directed to them, watching with prying eyes the possible crumbling of their relationship. And with the way things are, the two of them cannot hide and can only be subjected to countless stares.     

Even the empress's father, the prime minister, came and warned her not to show temper and lost their family's dignity. She could only do so behind her palace walls and he wouldn't care at that time. Regardless of her true relationship with the emperor, Wei Yi Yi must show they were fine.     

Except, Wei Yi Yi who could care less, gives no fvks, and shuts the carriage, cutting off their gossiping.     

She has a more important matter than keeping dignity. No, no. It's still dignity! Her tofu was being eaten without her awareness! She sold herself and even helped counting!     

"Wuwuwu, Ah Mei," Wei Yi Yi made crying sounds while hiding in her hands. "Fly me back home."     

Wei Lian, who heard her fake cries, had his face darkened.     

Thinking of the once obsessed sister of his toward the emperor, Wei Lian's brain turned and turned.     

Should they break Jiang Yu's leg or should they? Tie him and toss him to Wei Yi Yi's bed?     

Jiang Liu, after being acquainted with Wei Lian for a few days and labeling him as a greater schemer than Wei Yi Yi, shuddered at his contemplating stance. He hurriedly made the guards announce their presence just in time before Wei Lian concluded that only rebellion is the key to his sister's happy marriage.     

"Big Sister, look at the big wolf I caught. I'll give this to you." Jiang Liu bragged instantly.     

Wei Yi Yi came face to face with an adult malamute. "... that's a dog."     

Having energy drained out of her, and knowing that they are almost at home, Wei Yi Yi's willingness to behave slowly slips out of her.      

Wei Lian also presented a bird to her, naming it a blue bird. Wei Yi Yi almost blurted out, 'No, shit.'     

"It's well trained to send messages." Wei Lian said and Wei Yi Yi brightened.     

No way, isn't my brother here? Maybe she could resign one way or another.     

As if having one mind, Wei Lian added, "If you got tired of the palace, just send us a notice."     

Even if divorce is impossible, Wei Lian could plan a hundred ways how to fake a death.     

"Bro…" Wei Yi Yi expressed, full of sentiments.     

"Ah! Ah!"Jiang Liu interrupted. They were ignoring his existence! "Th-that's a joke, right? Hahaha--cough! What a funny joke."     

So dangerous!     


On the road, Jiang Yu rode on horseback beside Wei Yi Yi's carriage. Both of them are wearing a hardened face.     

They haven't properly talked after that night.      

In the midst of their intense moment, both were overcome with shock as confusion cleared in their mind.     

His wife, who finally learned to be magnanimous as a virtue, actually learned the crooked way and was sending him to someone else's bed!     

All of his tolerance and patience evaporated at that moment and the two argue!     

Wei Yi Yi's breathing almost stopped at that moment. Ye Ai Ning, your sweetheart, was reduced to 'someone'! She was so mad she was laughing.     

Their brain capacity was then reduced to a 10 years old, pointing at each other and questioning their actions.     

"We need an adult!"     

"We are adults!" Jiang Yu countered. There was no way he would let his so-called father-in-law meddle.     

Wei Yi Yi, nearly turning violent, "A mature adult!"     

'Or I might end you right here and now!'     

On the other hand, Tang Mei got scared seeing them fight for the first time. Fearing the incoming rumors, she guarded the courtyard with her life. Glaring the other servants until they bit their tongues.     

Finally, a servant reported that the missing young nobles were found and Jiang Yu was taken to deal with the aftermath. As for Wei Yi Yi, she busied herself with making sure no accident would happen to Shen Nian Zhen on the way back and rearranging all previous arrangements.     

At that time, Su Mei Fan lingered around Wei Yi Yi with tears filled eyes that finally, Wei Yi Yi passed her a box full of food and tossed the baton to Xie Yu.     

Xie Yu stared at the wooden box and replied positively without breaking eye contact. She took Su Mei Fan away, though it looks like Su Mei Fan was only an accessory to the food Xie Yu was taking away.     

"Zhen could only wrong the empress and ask her to perform well." Jiang Yu said sarcastically, glancing at Wei Yi Yi inside the carriage.     

"What's there to feel wronged? Standing beside his majesty, is chenqie, as the empress, duty." Wei Yi Yi replied with an amiable smile.      

The attitude she showed was so impeccable that there's no greater empress suitable to replace Wei Yi Yi.       

And it was because she was good at it that Jiang Yu slowly understood and felt cold.     

Sometimes, people like to dig holes themselves.     

At the door of his palace, 'Wei Yi Yi' crossed the threshold in a bright red gown, a stunning crown, and a status envied by most. Her face burning in happiness carrying the innocence of a newly wedded wife. 'Finally', she whispered in tears. Under her veil, she saw his extended hands and she, with her heart set, firmly held the hand of her husband.     

She waited at the bridal chamber as a wife while Jiang Yu married as an emperor, receiving her with calculating eyes.     

There is no love between a husband and wife within the palace, he thought so as he turned and left at their wedding night.     

In the days that passed, Jiang Yu crossed by the palace pavilion, his eyes attracted by her flowing light red robes. The simple days, the silent days, as well as the melodious days that ended with laughter, it all burns in his memory. 'Finally', he sighed in ease. Behind the memorials and books, he lifted his eyes and saw her near, silently accompanying him and sometimes talking     

He reached for the hand of his wife while Wei Yi Yi stood by his side as his employed empress, doing her job in keeping the harem in order.     

There's no love between a husband and wife within the palace, she realized as she accepted her newfound life inside the palace.     

Surely, the gods were so bored that they decided to entangle people in a so-called fate.     

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