The Employed Empress

Chapter : Mismatched

Chapter : Mismatched

0"What are you mulling over for? Isn't it only some servants and the concubines that had seen? They won't dare spread rumors. Especially not on Xiao Lin Xi's watch. And even so, you're not someone to stress over that." Jiang Yu furrowed his brows. Once he returned into the room, Wei Yi Yi suddenly dragged him into what she called an emergency meeting.     

"Fair enough but I'm bothered today." Since there is that dangerous feeling she's having just thinking about what transpired earlier.      

That closeness, with your girlfriend witnessing it no less, felt double edge.     

Jiang Yu paused to think. By his attitude and calm, it tells that this isn't the first time he sat down to ones of Wei Yi Yi's idle chat. "There is nothing different from how I act when we are at the palace."     

'True. I lost count of our pajamas parties. In which, you're thick-skinned enough to assume the position of the little spoon.' Wei Yi Yi nodded then enlightened came. "But Boss! This is not the palace!"     

"Then it's about the place that bothers you? I understand. You are in a foreign place and it's your first time here after all."     

"The place, huh. I see, we have 'neighbors' next door so I thought it was overkill."      

Thinking about the courtyards housing different clans, it does feel like they have newer and closer neighbors. A neighborhood she doesn't feel belong as well.     

Is this the result of getting used to a female community?     

"Neighbors? Silly." Jiang Yu tag on Wei Yi Yi's hair ribbon. He combs her hair by the hand to temporarily tame the ones sticking out. "Go and bath now. Once you're done, I'll call on a doctor."     

Hearing the word 'doctor', Wei Yi Yi did a mad dash away. Boss won't insist for her to drink medicine right? These are all external wounds from the small branches scraping her skin.     

Once she felt the warmth of the water at the tub, Wei Yi Yi sensed all her fatigue. Sighing, she gently submerged herself. A moment passed and then she jumped out shrieking.     

"Ah! Boss! That's not it! You refuse Ye Ai Ning straight to her face!"     

So what was it? A romance flag or a death flag? Either way, both don't look appealing! It must be struck down before Ye Ai Ning could decide what is it!     

Boss how could you create a scene of misunderstanding! You're supposed to shield me as I'm a pitiful NPC! Why are you on your way to make me a cannon fodder?     


The door frame rattled by the sudden force and Wei Yi Yi grabbed the first thing she could.     

"Yi Yi! What---"     

A wooden bucket came flying and crash into Jiang Yu's forehead. It made a clear solid sound upon collision.     

TAK! The bucket fell into the ground. Tak. Tak. Tak. It bounced amidst the silence.     




"Boss!!! You're bleeding!"     

Even if Jiang Yu hear her shriek outside, still, how come its the emperor who came in first?! Where's Tang Mei?! The other servants?!     

Tang Mei whose a step too late, "...."     



"By using the empress' predicaments, I plan to instill unrest into the emperor. When it comes to light the danger of the congested population here in Thousand Miles Mountain, how many will be trial?" Wei Lian chatted on. Not caring one bit even if he's been talking alone for some time now.     

Jiang Liu's steps were heavy. He's desperately trying to pull away from Wei Lian.     

When Eunuch Lin asked for them to return as he handles the situation, Jiang Liu politely bid Wei Lian goodbye. He thought that's it for today. Only if Wei Lian didn't grab him on the wrist and insist on sticking together.     

As for Wei Lian right now, he remained steady on his strides. There is confidence in what they called the iron grip.     

"Sadly, there is no peace whenever the concubines are presents. Seeing them clustering around, I almost use the final stratagem."*     

"I don't understand." Finally, Jiang Liu cannot take it anymore as well and respond. His mouth is starting to dry! Ignoring people when he's used to be the one pestering them is hard. "Saying its because of the consorts, I don't believe it. Rather, you realized that failing to ascertain the danger in the hunting grounds will receive a heavy punishment. As your father, the prime minister, have a hand in selecting the one handling the security, he'll not be able to avoid responsibility and condemnation."     

"It's the opposite. Although it'll only be a small disruption, if Father will be troubled then the more I want to push the topic into His Majesty's awareness."     

"...why?" Jiang Liu forgot to struggle away. Does Young Master Wei hate his father for taking the side of the eldest young master? What was it again? To disown the third young master if he insists on being an official at court?     

"Simply because it seems exciting. If only the best timing didn't become the worst timing then the mess that would stir---"     

Jiang Liu crunched down and slide his leg. He wanted to trip Wei Lian but the man is agile and stepped away from his reach without effort. Jiang Liu didn't dwell on his failed attempt and took flight away.     

True. In the final stratagem of the military book; if nothing works, run!     

Not that Jiang Liu is one to try other solutions first.     

Saying all that without a ripple on his emotion gave Jiang Liu an eerie feeling. He better not get tangle with Wei Lian. That guy think and plan weirdly like the empress but not in a way he likes!     

"At what place is his highness going to?"      

Even after getting a headstart, Wei Lian easily gave chase. Seeing him catch up in but a mere second, Jiang Liu felt a lump on his throat.     

"Why are you following me?!"     

"Isn't the prince aware of the temptation to chase after someone escaping your gasps? Your highness is very tempting right now."     

"What things are you making?! And don't tell me things about sensations with that blank look!"     

"How heartless. You plan to leave me behind after being the reason why I'm here."     

Jiang Liu plans to run up to his chambers and slam the door into Wei Lian's stoic face. Although when he reached the front yard, he's already wheezing like an old man. Seeing the few steps of the stairs in front, he slumps down defeatedly onto the first flight.     

While he is panting heavily as if he'll die, Wei Lian treaded closer in clam stride.      

What with the Weis and their endurance?! Aren't you a scholar?! Even his big sister can run after a carriage!!!      

"Oh..." Wei Lian uttered.     

Following his gaze, Jiang Liu found Mao'er atop of the stairs. He immediately beamed. "Mao'er!!!"     

"You're back Human. Now feed me."     

Jiang Liu stopped mid tracks from pouncing into Mao'er. He knew the voice is coming from Wei Lian but it feels as if it's Mao'er exact thoughts.     

Preparator; not even guilty; still poker face, Wei Lian, "..."      

Jiang Liu's whose reality got shaken, "..."     

Why would you tease someone like that!     

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