The Employed Empress

The Weis who Dislike each other

The Weis who Dislike each other

0Just when she's thinking about life, the most important character appeared in flesh.     

Leaving behind his son, Wei Ming Li presented himself to the imperial couple. He spoke up. His voice without any vibration--- smooth, calm, and cold.     

After finding a common topic, the emperor and the prime minister engaged in idle talk. Both of them carried an unusual chill when facing each other.     

Wei Yi Yi recalled the first memories she received after waking up. The scene of her father speaking with warm words and concerns is still vibrant. It was the only one she remembered and she felt like it was also the only time he spoke with such tone.     

'The precious pearl at the palm of the Prime Minister.'     

Such a well-known rumor were used to describe 'Wei Yi Yi'.     

That time, she stared at the Prime Minister's portrait. There's no sense of familiarity but it was just a picture in the end. Even when there are no reactions, it might be stirred once she met the person.     

And right now, Wei Yi Yi once again stared at the Prime Minister. This time, Wei Ming Li is just a few steps away from her. Talking and moving. Alive and in flesh.     

She stared hard and long.      

Then... there's amusement in her eyes.     

If not for the gazes directed at them, Wei Yi Yi might start laughing with self-mocking.     

To find something she's so familiar with, Wei Yi Yi was shocked beyond belief.      

The feelings from back then didn't change. Although, would it be right to call it 'feelings'?     

In the depths of 'this person's' heart, there's a stagnant water; undisturbed, with no ripples. Even when her own father is just a touch away, it remains clear.     

A total indifference.      

Was it possible for a dotting father to raise an indifferent daughter?     

That was illogical but it was not like she did not relate. For she grew up not knowing why she's supposed to feel a so-called 'unbreakable bond' towards her own parents.     

To other children, that kind of dependence and affection towards their blood kin were as normal as breathing. As for Wei Yi Yi, she never understood why the validation of her existence relies on how much they 'love' her.     

But she never had a legitimate reason to reject or hate her family. Everyone that learned of her indifference called her weird.     

Such loving parents. Such a rich life. Such a complete family. Isn't this what people pray for? As the person who has it all, Wei Yi Yi is nothing but a hypocrite for not appreciating it.     

Even her precious best friend thought so too.     

Wei Yi Yi watched Wei Ming Li and convince her heart of who he is. Just like how it's hard to voice sadness without reason, a child simply cannot reject their parents no matter what they are without reason.     

Because both are supposed to be illogical.     

Even in this life, she's still that white-eyed wolf. 'Pft,' Wei Yi Yi accidentally snorted and choked on her drink.      

Tang Mei help her wipe off her mouth and patted her back.     

"Do not drink anymore," Jiang Yu said with knotted brows.     

Organizing her thoughts, Wei Yi Yi only smiled and returned her attention to her Boss.     

Even if Jiang Yu tripped over with drunkness, she's will remain clear-headed. Dragging him back to the courtyard won't even be a problem.     

Displeased, the emperor added, "Listen to Zhen." He tapped on the table and a servant went to get a lighter type of liquor. "Drink only what Zhen gives you."     

"His majesty is kind so chenqie will listen to you," Wei Yi Yi praised. Easily giving in is not good to show outside right?     

Jiang Yu lips thinned into a line. 'So you'll only listen when I'm good to you?'     

Not understanding the drop in his expression, Wei Yi Yi smiled even more. No one will hit a smiling face after all. She learned well from the concubines.     

"Knowing that His majesty and Her majesty have a serene relationship put this subject's heart at ease." Wei Ming Li's tone softened as he spoke.     

For a while, Jiang Yu was taken aback. His entire being cannot accept the fleeting resemblance of Wei Ming Li to Wei Yi Yi.     

"Father's concerns, this daughter treasures them," Wei Yi Yi follow up instead since Jiang Yu's mind seem to lag.     

Wei Ming Li who received customary remarks from his daughter retracted his expression. Wei Yi Yi felt the change of his mood and the smile on her lips stiffened.     

The old man is more sensitive to her words than he looks.     

"Isn't third older brother with father?" Wei Yi Yi asked and instantly, Wei Ming Li shows a disapproval look.      

Intentional or not, Wei Yi Yi saw it. And in that very instant, her blood boiled and scream war.      

What's so bad with Wei Lian?! How could someone be displeased with a fine specimen such as him? No one could top her buddies ok?! Ok?!     

As expected of a father and a daughter, they are both sensitive about certain people and extremely bias about it.     

Wei Yi Yi who have nothing but indifference towards her blood-related father, have no conscience scheming against him.     

"How come bengong did not see him with father?" Wei Yi Yi probe more. A petty heart enjoys stressing their prey.      

Wei Ming Li started to feel awkward with his daughter's innocent and curious looks. "He---"     

'---went back first.'     

The excuse has yet to escape his lips when Wei Lian approached. Right by his side is Jiang Liu appearing defeated.     

This kind of timing... How come it feels as if the pair of siblings plotted it.     

It was no surprise. Wei Yi Yi has been moving her phoenix eye into the crowd discreetly to search for Wei Lian. The two exchanged a few looks before getting into an agreement to annoy their own father.     

Wei Ming Li expression darkened another shade yet again after seeing Wei Lian with the sixth prince and Wei Yi Yi's bad impression towards him dropped a few inches as well. She has no time to notice how Wei Lian got hold of Jiang Liu as she busied herself with brewing grudge and letting it ferment.     

When Jiang Yu noticed his surroundings, three members of the Wei Clan have a varying degree of coldness. Jiang Liu, who got dragged into the middle of it, gaze at him with expectant eyes.     

Any moment, Jiang Liu is going to make a scene. He's that desperate to get away to this group of schemers.     

Jiang Yu who have no idea how to disperse the storm that came out of nowhere, "..."     

The Wei family that dislike each other is true to the rumors as it seems.     

This brought relief to Jiang Yu countless times and ease his heart when dealing ruthlessly in court. But for the first time, he... Kinda felt dreadful at the situation at hand.     

Jiang Yu, "..." My empress, since when did you jump in the midst of the storm with the young masters of Wei Manor?     

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