The Employed Empress

Being Bullied

Being Bullied

0What kind of praise use insulting comparisons? But the empress seemed so proud boasting about them! Lian Furen left her mouth hanging, unable to answer.      

Even the elders kept their silence. Regardless of what they answer, whether they agree or not, the empress will surely find faults. This ability to dug pits for others--- the elders wanted to cough blood.     

Pausing for a moment to thought of a safe answer, they then notice the change in the empress' expression. There's a glint in her eyes and her usual warm expression turn almost blank. With a condescending look from her, they felt like they were caught scheming.     

But it's the empress that schemed them just now! They felt wronged!     

"If there is nothing more, then elders may excuse themselves now." Old hag, this bro--- cough cough, bengong!.. have been employed for months now and accumulated experience. Not only I can translate thorny words but I can speak them with more contradictory.     

In a beat, the empress changed back into a welcoming smile.      

The elders felt pain. Isn't your mood jumping back and forth too much?! Also, you're clearly chasing us away but we're the one supposed to kick ourselves and roll?!     

The elders felt afraid for their old life. Where's the kind empress? Even if you give them the indifferent one, they won't send a complaint! The empress is comparable to a scary witch but who would believe them after seeing her face? Instead of confirming which of the rumors are true, it seems more like they'll end up adding another layer to the mystery.     

Wei Yi Yi didn't bother how they'll excuse themselves. All that matters is they'll roll away. Ignoring the pile of people around her, she gazed around and found Jiang Liu.     

Her mood improved and she went to meet Jiang Liu. The elders were dumbfounded at first before sighing. They found themselves lacking their usual shamelessness. Just thinking of holding back the empress to cling on her scared the life away from their old bones.     

If Jiang Yu found out this difference in treatment, he'll be the one wanting to cough up blood. What exactly makes his wife scarier compare to him?     

Advancing towards the unassuming Jiang Liu, Wei Yi Yi's strides were lighter than usual. This child who's easier to the eyes and as the person whom she could laugh sincerely with, it was without doubt that he had become one of her favorite people.     

Thus, Wei Yi Yi greeted her favorite person, "Oi, you traitor, I didn't know you could be mute for once."      

Jiang Liu almost screamed from the sudden emergence of Wei Yi Yi and immediately slapped his mouth shut. "Big Sister..."      

"Aren't you snarling at Wei Lian the whole afternoon? How come you're so timid beside him last night?"     

Hearing Wei Yi Yi inquire and noticed the change of his behavior, Jiang Liu almost hugged her thighs and cry out his grievances. "Only you care Big Sister." Jiang Liu blinked his eyes wanting to produce tears.     

Before she could ask what's wrong, Wei Yi Yi already found what is wrong. In the corner of her eyes, she saw Wei Lian exiting one of the stalls. In each of his hand, he holds the reign of two horses and leads them towards the two.      

"Why are you here?" Wei Yi Yi raised her brow. The noble family has a stable of their own and separated from the imperial family.     

Wei Lian didn't answer, instead, he directed a look towards Jiang Liu.     

"Ah," Wei Yi Yi dryly laugh. She patted Jiang Liu while saying, "Hang in there, entrance ticket."      

Wei Yi Yi gave a sympathetic glance at Jiang Liu before deciding to ultimately sacrifice him.     


Poor Jiang Liu doesn't know where to ask for understanding. Wei Yi Yi already went and grouped herself with Wei Lian in a blink of an eye.     

She circled around the horses before asking, "Are they tamed?"     

Wei Lian wanted to make a point at the dumb question but sealed his lips in the next second. "...They're tamed..." He said slowly and Wei Yi Yi indeed interrupted him with, "Good!"     

From time to time, Wei Yi Yi and her 'brothers' would travel to provinces and ride horses into the vast green lands. For her, she wasn't a novice in horse riding. And so, Wei Yi Yi gripped the saddle to propel herself up.      

"But you're not the one who tamed them..." Wei Lian mumbled just before the horse reacted harshly. Startled by the unfamiliar person, the horse tried to shook Wei Yi Yi down. In fear of being thrash around, Wei Yi Yi let go.     

But as she felt herself falling to the ground, she realised, won't she get stamped on by the thrashing horse?!     

The first to react is Jiang Liu. There wasn't even enough time to cry in alarm as horror and shock drown upon him. He dived right in the middle to catch Wei Yi Yi who has been flung away by the horse. Her back hit his chest badly and a cough escapes his lips. Even though Jiang Liu caught Wei Yi Yi by the shoulders, he cannot help himself from staggering.     

If they fell into the ground, they surely won't get away by a few broken bones! Thankfully, Wei Lian stepped in to block Jiang Liu and his back hit Wei Lian's chest. Unlike him, Wei Lian was able to stable both of him and Wei Yi Yi.     

Wei Yi Yi held her arms in front of her chest in defense. Shock written clearly in her face. Where's the promised tamed horse?! Jiang Liu firmly held Wei Yi Yi's shoulder while Wei Lian used one of his arms to clunch around Jiang Liu's neck.      

The three of them almost went tumbling down like dominos!     

"Told you so." They heard Wei Lian said.     

"Is there such a thing?! Rather, say that earlier!" Wei Yi Yi is full of anger and Jiang Liu just went pale.     

The rattle alerted the people around. Sound of inquiries echoed in Wei Yi Yi's ears. Slowly, her face full of anger burned in shame.     

What kind of show was that?! And she was even so confident on her horseriding skills! The horses in the ancient era are fiercer! This is not the same 'tamed' alright?!     

Wei Yi Yi wants to cry but has no tears. Luckily, the commotion wasn't big enough to invite people to come over and look. Even so, she burrowed herself into the two large men.      

Brother, please hide this cute sister of yours!     

"The dumb and the dumber," Wei Lian said in a voice that only they could hear.     

Ah, the sound of being bullied.      

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