The Employed Empress

Chapter 139: Wishes

Chapter 139: Wishes

0The current Wei Yi Yi have little to no recollection of that shameless transaction and so, pretend to not understand.     

Wei Yi Yi put on a face that shows she was thinking. And then, after a moment of loading, Wei Yi Yi raised her hand to cover her mouth. She then whispered to Tang Mei, "What to do, Ah Mei? I think my brother have a few cracks on his head. Do you think he was dropped when he was still a baby?"     

Tang Mei replied with a horrified looks in her eyes.     

"In which part of the conversation did you conclude that?!" Jiang Liu stumped his foot on the ground exasperatedly. It's precisely his excessive reactions that cause misunderstandings. "Don't pretend to whisper! This brother can still hear you just fine!"     

Jiang Liu wanted to sulk in the corner until his big Sister come over and comfort him with a few pats. Too bad, Wei Yi Yi only watched him with disinterest then raised her brow when she had enough. "We don't have the whole day. If you still won't dress appropriately, either I drag you away looking like that or I'll ditch you here!"     

This brat! After siding with that illegitimate daughter of Jiang Cheng, he still have face to act spoiled in front of this bro! Even claiming that the evil spawn came from me!     

Pouting his lips and with heavy strides of his feet, Jiang Liu went inside almost ready to cry.     

Wei Yi Yi only shrug her shoulders as usual. She was about to step back to the bushes to hide, however, as if attracted to each other like magnet, her gaze landed to Mao'er.     

A cat and a human had their hairs standing at one end after just a glance.     

No one knows when this cat jump off Jiang Liu's embrace once again. But then, that's not important right now! Immediately, Wei Yi Yi shouted towards Jiang Liu's back. "Hey! Take this arrogant pig with you! Do you want to see blood in here? Huh?! Jiang Liu!"     

With a 'bang', the courtyard's door slam close. It was like the whole place shook or maybe it was just Tang Mei's heart beating out of place.     

"Meow", Mao'er reacted dully to the happenings of her surroundings. And Wei Yi Yi, who was left standing below the small flight of stairs, flash a wide gentle smile.     

'Oh gods who look down from the heavens, please give me patience. Because if you give me strength, I will definitely throw this brother of mine to the river!'     

"Your Majesty---"Tang Mei was just about to divert the empress attention when suddenly, the door once again open up. A steward came out and took Mao'er away. His movements are awkward and he kept on bowing towards the empress. Whether it was in greeting or he was apologizing, they cannot tell. Until he went in, the steward never turn his back on them. The servant's face kept changing from pale to purple, and Tang Mei just fell a strong sense of comradeship all throughout with him.     

'Senior! Senior, be strong!'     

Now that the sixth prince, Mao'er and the empress are separated, peace and quiet resume within the place. Wei Yi Yi also calm down and no longer make a fuss. The empress and her servant went to one side and squat there obediently like abandoned people.     

"Your Majesty," Tang Mei spoke up first.     

Wei Yi Yi replied with a soft, "Mnn?"     

"When this servant went out this morning, I heard that the Wei Manor brought two carriages."     

With the mention of the Wei Manor, Wei Yi Yi looked at Tang Mei more attentively. She blink her eyes multiple times to indicate for her to continue.     

"It was only this servant speculations but… One of the young master probably accompany the Prime Minister to this year's Autumn Hunt."     

Wei Yi Yi blink her eyes again. This is… How is she supposed to react again? Can someone please give her a guideline!     

So what if he brought one of his son here? Where's the big deal? Shine some enlightenment here will you?!     

Inside her clothes, Wei Yi Yi is sweating buckets! It seems like despite all her preparation, her heart is still not ready! Suddenly, she had a wish. She wish that the distance between men and women were stricter so that the chance of her meeting this 'father' and 'brother' of hers will plummet down to the negatives!     

"There must be something going on, Empress!" Tang Mei's face was serious.     

How bold of you, Tang Mei, to assume I have even an ounce of knowledge towards this Wei Family!     

Wei Yi Yi was never comfortable discussing about the people that 'Wei Yi Yi' left behind. How would she face them while knowing the fact that the one they are looking at was not her? But the past 'Wei Yi Yi' that they knew of? Should she act like 'Wei Yi Yi' and assume her role and wishes? No! Wei Yi Yi refuse to be someone's replacement! She wanted to live her life the way she wanted!     

And that is why, until now, she refuse to accept all the feelings that 'Wei Yi Yi' left behind.     

"Your Majesty, why don't we---"     

"Sssshhh," Wei Yi Yi interrupted Tang Mei. "There's someone coming," the empress said as she squeeze herself closer to Tang Mei.     

'Save by the bell!'     

Wei Yi Yi was so grateful to this new visitor.     

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