The Employed Empress

Chapter 142: Kindness does not Work

Chapter 142: Kindness does not Work

0The two were trying so hard to communicate with each other through their intense gaze. Wei Yi Yi even widen her eyes to the point it hurts from dryness. On the other side, Jiang Liu kept blinking his eyes trying to appeal pitiful.     

Then suddenly, they were interrupted by Wen Yang who chucked. One from behind and the other in front; two pairs of eyes looked at her weirdly while wondering what dry joke she was laughing at. However, the moment Wen Yang opened her mouth, Jiang Liu and Wei Yi Yi could no longer take things a bit less serious.     

"How this princess treats the things belonging to her should be none of Liu Wang's concern."     

A disposable object.     

From Wen Yang's words, this thought flashes both on their heads. In that instant, Jiang Liu snapped his gaze back at Wen Yang.     

It is a precious living being who breathes with life, yet, for this woman, it was nothing but a grain in her eyes.     

Wen Yang is the epitome of a woman that belongs to the imperial family. She's also the very woman that Wei Yi Yi had read in her books.     

All of Wei Yi Yi's interest in meeting her sister-in-law vanished in thin air. Just the thought that this woman is Jiang Chen's mother drain the colors on her face.     

Suddenly, she recalls the face Jiang Chen would make whenever he refuse to talk. It then overlapped to Wen Yang's lofty face and Wei Yi Yi scream internally in horror.     

Oh my gawd!!! Why?! I cannot unseen that! What did I do? Now I need to cleanse my eyes with BL!     

An internal crisis erupted in Wei Yi Yi head making her dizzy while Jiang Liu turned mad beyond salvation.     

What he hated the most is exactly these women from the imperial family. "If Second Brother knows of this, he won't let such vicious woman run his Cheng Wang Fu!"     

Wen Yang didn't show an ounce of anger at all and simply lowered her eyes to the cup she was holding. "Once driven with baseless anger, a child is to be expected to act unreasonable," she said with a shadow of a smile on her lips.     

Ouch! An allied has been killed!     

Jiang Liu got called a brat! Say, how roast are you now bro?     

Although far from the firing range, even the guilty Wei Yi Yi flinched.     

Hey! This bro got hurt too! Wen Yang, you are misfiring your gun! The bullet bounce here you know! That was almost a double kill!     

"Calling your own second elder sister with slanderous names is not only rude but also unsightly for a prince," Wen Yang continued. Her tone was akin to that of an elder educating the younger generation. She seems generous and so patient.     

"But since younger brother has yet to realize his responsibilities as an adult, this sister will be forgiving."     

Jiang Liu choked on his anger. In just a few words, Wen Yang make him out to be someone unreasonable! If he insists on being wronged right now, it just means that he's really a brat with uncontrollable tantrums!     

He was utterly bullied without a comeback!     

"Is it just me or was Jiang Liu got called useless for being an idle prince?" Wei Yi Yi said to herself. Is she getting good at reading between the lines of these women?     

"What do you think, Ah Mei? Am I only reading to much into it?" Wei Yi Yi looked down to face Tang Mei who was looking up.     

"The conversation was not clear for this servant," Tang Mei said.     

If someone walked in on these two, they would see a magnificent lady in high-quality garments and be stun like a stone. For this very noble maiden is eavesdropping on a man's courtyard window like some pervert on the streets.     

Down below, Wei Yi Yi could be seen standing on tiptoes at the top of a small stone pagoda. This garden ornamental pagoda was moved here by Wei Yi Yi herself. Trail marks that destroy the peaceful image of the garden were proof of it being dragged.     

Tang Mei supports the pagoda from the sides. She also prepared herself to reach out in the chance that the empress might fall.     

Wei Yi Yi looked over at Jiang Liu one last time. She imagine smoke coming out of his head whenever he breathe heavily. Shaking her head, Wei Yi Yi declared, "Alright, that's it! Tang Mei let's go."     

"Ah? Go? Where?"     

"To gate crash of course!" Wei Yi Yi then jumped down that instant.     

"What are you planning, Empress? That's Cheng Wangfei!" Tang Mei reminded her. Wen Yang is not only a high-rank imperial family member, but she's also not part of the harem that's under the empress! Wouldn't the empress be accused of reaching her hands too far if they clash here?!     

Sadly, Wei Yi Yi does not know the concept of scheming and hiding her horns. Since Wen Yang thinks she's on a high horse, then Wei Yi Yi would let her trip on mud.     

Wei Yi Yi said while grinning, "I suddenly remembered my brother enlighten words and thought that it would be the right plan for this situation."     

Tang Mei face turned doubtful. "What is it?"     

Wei Yi Yi's grin grew wider and she continues, "If kindness doesn't work, take a baseball bat and bash them on the head. Though the result may vary, it is guaranteed to work! Oh, and lasting too!"     

Hmp! Who said that Wen Yang could bully Jiang Liu?! Only accept family members such as her could bully her little brother!     

"Which one of the young masters taught her majesty this?!"     

The servant does not know what a baseball bat is, however, just knowing the empress, Tang Mei know it's not a good thing to let Wei Yi Yi take hold of!     

"Don't worry, Tang Mei! For a taught nut job like Wen Yang, it would be very effective!"     

"Let's not proceed to violence, empress!" Tang Mei waved her hand 'no' furiously. "Also, the Empress cannot appear dress like this in front of Cheng Wangfei!"     

This suddenly put a stop on Wei Yi Yi's exploding energy. Scanning her looks, she looked down on her self then turn to look farther in the back. After her initial inspection, she looked at Tang Mei again. "What wrong with how I look? I didn't see any bugs at all?"     

"Well..." Tang Mei hesitates. "Cheng Wangfei is dressed so majestically today. Th-there's also a lot of servants following her. Wouldn't appearing just like this inviting for embarrassment?"     

Wouldn't others will say that the empress is lacking if she's seen together with the stunning Wen Yang right now? Tang Mei didn't like that idea. The sixth prince is already this big! Surely he could manage himself without the empress!     

The smile on Wei Yi Yi's face suddenly couldn't control anymore. What Tang Mei said only fed her petty heart even more.     

Wei Yi Yi almost laughed right there and then. "Regardless of what I'm wearing or how high she thinks she is, Cheng Wangfei still need to lower her head in front of this empress."     

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