The Employed Empress

Chapter 29: It's actual value

Chapter 29: It's actual value

0Feng Lei lead her servant girls at the center to give the empress a proper greeting.     

"Greetings to your majesty."     

Her maidservants echoed her. The empress heed them no mind and continue to drink her tea.     

Wei Yi Yi was trying to calm her self. The burning sensation irritates her. She hated that the tea could only be served as hot in this ridiculous era.     

The consort earn Wei Yi Yi irk when she tried to raised on her own. "Just keep kneeling like that!" She shouted. This woman kept on disrespecting her! "Why don't younger sister explain what good things you did!"     

"Wh---" Feng Lei would like to said a few words in denial but Wei Yi Yi would never listen to anyone when angered.     

"Let's cut the chase Imperial Consort Feng. Look at the young prince, is this how bengong left him yesterday?!" Wei Yi Yi pointed at Jiang Chen.     

The imperial consort looked at his direction and glared. Despite being a stranger, Jiang Chen hide behind the unknown maid in fear.     

Silence followed after. Wei Yi Yi definitely saw that glare. She clench her tea cup. It's temperature raising her anger.     

Shen Rou looked pitiful towards her mistress and Shen Ying, she then shifted her eyes downward in a show of helplessness. This solidified Feng Lei decision on shielding her maidservants.     

"Empress, what happened yesterday is an accident. A bad collision happened between him and my servant, Shen Rou and Shen Ying. Children like to be playful and he was neglected by his servant." she said, brushing off the entire event as a child's carelessness.     

"Don't bullshit me." They heard the empress mumble followed by a crisp sound of a porcelain breaking.     

Everyone saw as the empress flung the teacup towards the imperial consort!     

It flew straight for Feng Lei's face, it's rim accurately slice her right cheek before the whole thing collides with the floor and break.     

A collective gasps resounded the entire room. Most of them weren't able to control themselves and gape at the imperial consort rudely.     

A sticky feeling slides down her face. Feng Lei lightly touch the wound and flinch immediately. She saw the blood on her delicate fingers. "You---"     

Her face!     

"What? Are you angry? You want to jump me? Why don't you imperial consort Feng?! Aren't you very brave?! Or are you just a bully towards the weak?! I see that the general household taught well their daughter how to rebel against the royalty."     

Wei Yi Yi stood up and looked at the woman kneeling before her feet. When Feng Lei stole a glance upward, her whole body shuddered in realization of how small she might be compare to the woman.     

With the accusations turning a curve towards her family, Feng Lei strong demure crumbled. "Your majesty! MeiMei wouldn't dare!"     

The empress gave her a blank look and then at the servants at the back. This send Shen Rou and Shen Ying at the edge.     

"So no one intend to tell bengong?"     

She does not believe what Feng Lei told her. Scanning the people around her, she click her tongue in annoyance.     

"Someone! Take imperial consort Feng! She forgot to leash her dog and let her run about the imperial palace, causing the little prince terrible wounds. She will be punished accordingly." she declares, fully intending to go thru with it no matter how harsh the punishment might be given. Since jail time is not an option then suffer a bit more.     

"This empress will see who dare not obey me." she added. Threatening the servants in action. A few big momos came forward.     

"Don't you dare touch me! Empress you cannot do this to me! Lei'er is still the emperor's imperial consort!" Feng Lei slap away the momo's hands.     

Wei Yi Yi step infront of her and clutch her jaw. Her grip gave a painful sensation on them as she force Feng Lei to lean closer to her. "Yes, you are a titled consort. But still, you're just a consort. And no matter how mighty of a consort you are, I'm still the emperor's pheonix. His majesty choose me as his empress, not you."     

Just like the teacup, she flung Feng Lei to the floor.     

"Mistress!" Without thoughts, Shen Ying stand from her kneeling position to catch her mistress.     

It was something unbelievable for Feng Lei. How could be the empress a lot stronger than her? Wei Yi Yi could send her sprawling out the floor!     

Shen Rou was afraid to move and stayed stuck on her place. It was the more timid Shen Ying that came crying for justice.     

"Empress! Empress mercy! My mistress is innocent!" Crying her eyes out, she bite her tongue when she gave Shen Rou a glance. "Your majesty it was Shen Rou's fault! Sh--she obstructed his highness and even.... poured..a..a hot soup on him!" Shen Ying have difficulty on saying the words out. No matter how she thought of it, she cannot mince her word to make it sound lighter.     

"Mei Mei!" Shen Rou shirked.     

"Shen Ying! What are spouting about!" Feng Lei asked in disbelief.     

"Mistress believe in me! Shen Rou she---she would do all sort of things because she knew mistress would defend us! She step out of her bounds many times and done terrible things and make mistress the scapegoat!" The more Shen Ying talked, the more convince she is that it's time to get rid of the poison at the side of her mistress!     

"Shen Ying what are you saying! Mistress this servant is loyal to you! I wouldn't dare take advantage of you!" Shen Rou pleaded toward her mistress.     

The bitch was trying ti dump her!     

Wei Yi Yi raised her brow at the three. Tsk when trouble times come, a fall out is bound to happen huh. Ridiculous claim of comradeship.     

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