Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance



0  I hold Angela in my arms, her scent enveloping me like a warm blanket under the moonlight. The feeling I have in my chest has been there ever since I laid eyes on her while she walked down the aisle towards me.     

  I know now why I didn't recognize that emotion at first. It's because I haven't really experienced it before. Well, that's not totally true. I have—sort of, and it was when Angela accepted all of me—at least that was the closest feeling that's the same level as to how I'm feeling today.      

  I'm feeling full. You know when you've run so far and hard that you get parched and you're desperate for water? Then water is poured into a glass and you don't stop even until it's full…until it's overflowing. And even then, you still don't want to stop. You keep drinking and then pour some more until it overflows. It's that kind of fullness that's in my chest. Call me greedy, but I want more of this. More of her.      

  "Are you happy?" I whisper in her ear and she looks up at me, her eyes sparkling under the lights. They're so beautiful, I'd want to get lost in them forever.     

  Angela nods. "I'm very happy. You?"     

  "I'm beyond happy." I push some loose hair behind her ear with my fingers and cup the side of her cheek. I can't stop staring at my wife. "You're everything to me, Angel. Everything that I didn't know I'd ever find. I still think I don't deserve you, but you can count on me. I'll prove to you every single day until we grow old and gray that I'll be the best husband and the best father to our children someday."     

  A tear escapes from the corner of her eye and I brush it with my thumb. She smiles like the light of my life, warming my chest. "Are we still exchanging vows? If so, I want to tell you something too."     


  She slowly nods. "I've had heartbreaks. And for a while, I believed that I'm broken. I never thought I'd find someone who'd put the broken pieces of my heart together again. I didn't even know it was happening until I realized I've fallen deeply in love with you. I was scared… and you made me brave. You made me feel like I can overcome anything. I want you by my side always, Gael. It's like after so many years of being lost, I finally found where I belong."     

  "And you'll have me with you always." I tip down and kiss her lips softly. At this moment, I've tuned out the audience. It's only the two of us here and now. "Have I already told you that you look so damn beautiful?"     

  My Angel softly chuckles. "You have. About a hundred times."     

  "Then I'll tell you a thousand times more."     

  She leans up and touches her lips to mine. And because I can't help myself, I kiss her deeply for a brief moment. When our kiss breaks, she lays her head on my chest again and we continue to sway to the song.     

  Smoke blows around the dance floor, covering the lower part of our legs like we're floating in the clouds. And it's funny how that's exactly how I'm feeling right now—and I bet how my wife is too. We're both on cloud nine.     

  The song fades to an end and the next one starts. Our families came over to dance with us. While Charlie dances with his daughter, I dance with my grandmother. My father danced with Angela next, followed by Oliver, Aleksander, Sebastian, and then Giovanni.     

  When my grandmother needed to sit down again, I dance with my stepmother, Aurora, and we swayed for a while before Evgenia cut in for her turn. I also danced with Nonna, Mika, Anika, and then my sister, Gabby.     

  Everyone else joins us on the dance floor as the music gets more upbeat and we're having fun. The couples who brought their kids with them had already put them to bed in the pool house earlier, so they're able to enjoy the party.     

  I see Damien and Katherine dancing closely like they're in their little world. They're the pair I didn't see would become part of our people. It's strange how our dynamics click naturally. On the other side of the dance floor, Daniel, Liam, and Joon with their wives have a small group of their own. I also spot my father and Charlie, dancing with their partners.     

  "You're different," my sister tells me and I glance down at her.     


  "Yeah. You look…at ease."     

  I furrow my brows but a smile forms on my lips. "Was I uptight before?"     

  "A little yeah. An uptight ass—Ow!"     

  I playfully pinch her arm. "Don't finish that."     

  She laughs. "Really. Though… I like this version of you."     

  "Me too." Smiling down at her, I take this chance to ask her what has been on my mind for a long time now. "How are you, Gab?"     

  Gabby blinks as if she didn't expect my question. I think she understands what I mean. We haven't talked much about J since his death. It was hard for all of us. While I took care of Jino for years, my sister has been friends with him for just as long too. I know his passing hurt her.     

  The corners of her lips curl upward into a small smile. "I'm…starting to see what I like about life again."     

  I draw my brows together wondering what she's talking about, but before I can ask her any further, her husband, Mariano cuts in.     

  "May I?"     

  He extends his hand and I stare at it before looking him in the eye. We've hit some rough patches, but I can tell that he cares for my sister. Gabby kisses me on the cheek. "I'm happy for you," she says, and I smile at her before placing her hand in his.     

  "Have fun, you two." I clap Mariano on the shoulder before I go to find my wife.     

  Someone taps me on the shoulder and as I turn, she plants a kiss on the corner of my lips. "Looking for me?"     

  "In fact, yes I am." I grab her waist and pull her against me. "You ready to get out of here?"     

  "I thought you'd never ask."     


  Our honeymoon comes a little over a week after our wedding. KMH's satellite office opened a few days ago, and after making sure everything is running smoothly, I leave it in the care of our directors for the next couple of weeks that I'm away. They're not going to be left unsupervised though. Giovanni will check in on them.     

  I have delegated tasks in his care on the KMH side. I will owe him for it, of course, but it will be worth it. While on the family business side of things, I split it between Sebastian and a few other trusted men in New York. I've started weaning off the underworld matters, but it will take a long time before everything will be legitimized.     

  My father has already supported my decision a long time ago. He knows this is what I want for my life and he respects it. And now, giving my wife uninterrupted time together to enjoy our honeymoon is a non-negotiable for me.     

  We landed in Hillberry Isle a few minutes ago. An SUV picks us up at the airport and is going to bring us to SDC Resort. Daniel and Samantha's gift is a week-long stay in a private villa in their resort. This is where we'll spend the first leg of our honeymoon. Then I will bring Angela to my estate in Italy.     

  Once the vehicle stops in front of the resort, I help Angela out and we take in the paradise before us.     

  She takes a deep breath and sighs. "It feels like forever since we've been here."     

  Hugging her from behind, I place a kiss on her bare shoulder and tighten my arms around her. "It's good to be back."     

  "Are we heading straight to the villa? Sam told me it's next to theirs."     

  "I'm taking you somewhere first." I kiss her temple and before she could respond, I covered her eyes with a blindfold and tied it to the back of her head.     

  "What…What are you doing?" She giggles.     

  "Do you trust me?"     

  "What kind of questions is that? I trust you with my life."     

  And with that, I nod to the manager whom I've been in contact with before coming here. She gestures to the golf cart behind us and I help my wife get in. Carefully, I drive Angela toward our destination. When we reach the building, we walk several steps, walk a full flight of stairs, walk some more, and then we stop.     

  I open the door with a keycard and make her stand at the threshold. "Are we here?"     

  "Mm. You can take your blindfold now."     

  Angela removes the cover hastily and then she gasps as she sees the room. It was the same room that night four years ago.     

  I move my lips to her ear. "Would you like to stay here with me tonight?"     

  "Yes!!!" She jumps into my arms, hugging me tight with tears in her eyes.     

  And I'm glad she's happy. So this is how we'll start our honeymoon. In a place where it all began.

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