Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

Connections (1)

Connections (1)

0Saturday — April 20     

Gael was ascending the stairs when Rick peeked around the foyer. Wearing dark jeans and a white shirt, he casually rolled the sleeves to his elbows and nodded to Rick. They went out the front door to wait for Angela who was still preparing upstairs.      

"Boss," Rick leaned closer and spoke low to Gael's ear. "One of Herman's neighbors called. He said he thought he saw Herman last night on their street."     

Gael cocked a brow. "Last night? Why did he only call now?"     

"He said he wasn't sure if it was Herman last night because he hadn't seen him in months. Also, it was dark and he looked different—long hair and a thick beard. But this morning, he saw Herman pull his car out from the garage and drove away. His head and beard were shaved already."     

"Did the neighbor call the police?"     

"I had paid him to call us first, so he did, and then I told him today not to tell the police yet."     

Gael nodded. He didn't mind getting the police involved in this matter since Herman was already under the police's radar. However, he hoped he could get to him first before handing him over to the authorities—not what he would've done if they were in New York, but it would be enough.     

When he remained quiet, Rick probed, "Where do you think he's going, Boss?"     

Gael had a feeling about where Herman was headed to. He didn't believe it was a coincidence Herman was sighted now after months of disappearance. His jaw tightened. "He'll be in the orphanage today."     

Rick straightened his spine. "I'll coordinate with Chairman Su's security."     

Gael dismissed Rick, then the latter headed towards the cabin where Trigger and a few guards provided by Charlie stayed. Gael's men were still in New York to take care of business there. Roy would arrive in a couple of days, so at the moment, Rick, Trigger, and Charlie's men were their detail.     

Hearing footsteps behind him, he glanced back and smiled at Angela as she walked up to him with a huge smile on her face. She'd been very happy lately, smiling a lot since they moved into the new house. He couldn't blame her. The place was everything they could ask for. A few more touches here and there and it would be perfect.     

"You look beautiful," he complimented and kissed her cheek. She wore a white dress with sleeves to her elbows and the bell skirt falling just below her knees, making her look prim and proper and gorgeous. They looked like they coordinated, but they actually didn't plan their outfit. It was natural to match.     

"Thank you." She rubbed his chest, smoothing his shirt. "Shall we go?"     

Gael nodded. "Come on." He opened the door to the passenger seat for her and rounded to the driver's side, their security detail already piling in the SUV behind them.     


The orphanage was exactly how Gael remembered the last time he came here. The exterior was dilapidated and the fence and gate needed repairs. He hadn't noticed much back then, but now that he thought about it, Herman didn't take care of the property as much as he should have. The small playground needed fixing—a replacement even. The sight of all the broken things irritated him because he felt bad for the kids; it was hazardous for them.     

"What's wrong?" Angela asked when she noticed his furrowed brows.     

"Herman is a fucking asshole. He could've done so much for this place with the money coming in the orphanage."     

She bit her bottom lip, not knowing what to say because Gael was right. And it was frustrating to think about it. The orphanage was investigated and it was discovered that Herman had stolen a huge portion of the donated funds. The orphanage was on the brink of getting closed down, but Angela asked her father to reach out to his connections to stop that from happening. She didn't have control over the orphanage's management, but she wanted to save it. With enough help, the orphanage stayed operational.     

Angela and Gael walked to the front door and talked about donating some funds, specifically to restore the place—to make it livable and safe for the orphans.     

When they got inside, they expected to see other charity representatives or donors who had made donations in the past because that's what the orphanage told Angela. However, what greeted her surprised her a lot; she instantly teared up, her fingers touching her lips.      

All the orphans lined up in the middle of the room, holding up a paper with their colorful drawings of her—actually, they were stick figures of her with a huge smile on its face. Then the kids excitedly shouted in chorus, "Thank you, Sister Angel-la!!!" And then they gathered around her, giggling and fighting for her attention as they gave her the drawing.     

"Oh, what is all this?" Angela softly chuckled, wiping the corner of her eye and accepting the drawings. Gael stepped aside, a proud smile on his face as he watched her get all the love from the orphans. The drawings weren't extravagant, but her heart was so full. She rarely saw the kids and came to the orphanage. On top of that, some came and went, but they showed their appreciation as if she did something grand.     

A nun, the one who now managed the orphanage, shook hands with Angela and Gael. Angela and the nun had met a few times in the past when Herman was still in charge. "The kids wanted to thank you for saving their home. I don't know how they knew, but some of them found out about the possibility of it getting shut down. While the other organizations turned their backs on us after they heard what happened, you stayed. If it weren't for you…" She pressed her lips in a thin line. "We're all thankful to you and your family."     

"You're welcome, Sister Mary." Angela wanted to admit that there was a time she wanted to wash her hands clean and free from this place when everything Herman did was still fresh and she felt betrayed and disappointed, but there was no need to rehash the past. And ultimately, she couldn't abandon the orphans. She knew how much being left behind hurt and would never wish that on any child. If she had turned her back on this place, where would they have been now? "I… I just… They deserved to be loved."     

After the warm greeting, Angela and Gael took their seats, along with the staff of the orphanage. There were no other guests except them; Angela was the sole guest of honor. She was so touched; especially when the orphans performed a song and a dance for her.      

Sister Mary prepared a few games for everyone. Angela played with them and so did Gael, but he excused himself a few minutes later to check in with the security. Rick reported that everything was clear and there were no signs of Herman on the grounds. When Gael came back inside, he bumped into Angela who was looking for him.     

"Is everything okay?" she asked.     

"Yeah. I just checked in with Rick." He placed a hand on her waist and led her back to the hall where everyone else was. Gael didn't plan on keeping the matter from Angela, so he decided to tell her now. "There was a sighting of Herman this morning." Her eyes widened, and then he relayed what Rick told him.     

"Oh, my god. He wouldn't be stupid to show his face here, would he?"     

Gael shrugged. "I wouldn't put it past him. He could be desperate after his father was sent to prison."     

"What would he want from here? Money? The orphanage doesn't keep much cash in the house." She met his stare and her mouth fell open. "He can't be here for me, can he?"     

"I don't know." He really didn't, but he didn't want to risk it. After all, it was Angela who caught Herman in the act. Taking her hand, he gave it a squeeze as they entered the room again. "I won't let him get to you."     

The atmosphere was different inside. Everyone looked stressed—even the children looked worried. "What's going on?" Angela wondered as she approached Sister Mary.     

Her eyes were misty and she clutched her hands together, a rosary dangling from it. "One of the children, Emmanuel, is missing."     

"Missing?" Gael's brows knitted.     

"Sister Mary!" One of the female staff rushed inside the room, crying, her face flushed. "I can't find Lillian! I looked everywhere! Oh, my Lord, what do I do?"     

Angela and Gael exchanged looks. Her heart dropped to her stomach and she clutched her chest as dread washed over her.     

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