Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

Taking the Reigns

Taking the Reigns

0Gael didn't know if he did the right thing by telling Angela about his first kill. He shouldn't feel slightly relieved after spilling his guts to her, but he did. He knew she wanted to know so she could feel less alone. Then she was quiet after that. So quiet, he thought she fell asleep. And he was too strung up to ask her to talk, slightly afraid that she'd changed her mind about being with him now.     

And then, in the sweetest voice he heard from her, she told him, "I love you. No matter what. I have, I do, and always will."     

Incredible warmth spread in his chest as he sunk back into his pillow. Just what did he do to deserve her? To deserve someone who loves him despite everything he had done?     

Certainly not kill a cop.     

He swallowed, wishing he was right next to her at that moment so he could hold her all night long. "I love you, too. I know what you're feeling right now, not because of what I did at that time, but because I know you. I don't think you regret what you did—not when you were only defending yourself. I think you're only afraid of what that meant about you."     

Angela didn't respond, but he knew she was listening, so he continued, "You're afraid that it changed who you are. Angel, you're not a killer. I know who you are. You're the woman I fell in love with. Because of your beautiful mind, your heart, and your flaws. Because after everything you've been through, you're still here. And you're strong. The strongest woman I know."     

She released a long breath as if dispelling all the negativity out of her. "I am strong, aren't I?"     

That made him smile. "Hell yeah, you are. In fact, I'm afraid you'd kick my ass."     

A small chuckle came out of her. "I will if you don't come here fast."     

"I'll be there, Angel. Right now, you need to go back to sleep so you won't feel so tired during the day."     

"Don't put the phone down?"     

"I won't, baby." Gael got comfortable in bed, grabbing his headphones so he could put the phone next to him but still stay on the call until she fell asleep. "I'll stay right here. Sweet dreams, Angel."     


Friday — April 5     

It had been weeks since the last time they heard about Perry. With him gone in KMH, only Gael and Giovanni were holding the fort. Malia still worked there, though. She had been taking Perry's calls and scheduling appointments while Giovanni attended to all of them on behalf of Perry. He didn't like it, but he sucked it up, keeping in mind that it was also Gael's company.     

During the day, Gael and Giovanni worked in the office and at night, they cleaned up the streets of their territory, reminding everyone to stop messing with the De Lucas. Sebastian also went with them sometimes. Actually, they didn't need to personally do this and could very well just task their soldiers, but they decided it would be best to show the other organizations how serious they were.     

They'd almost taken over all of the Ukrainian territories in the nearby boroughs, bulldozing their way through the stubborn gang members who were still working even though their boss was already killed at The Manor incident. You'd think they would have fled by now, but they stayed behind, probably believing the De Lucas wouldn't come after them. After all, they had been too lenient recently.      

But now, it was time to remind them about Severino's legacies.     

Gael, Giovanni, and Sebastian walked into a strip club owned by the dead Ukrainian gang boss—well, formerly owned. As of tonight, this club, as well as several others, now belong to the De Lucas. They didn't care about the strip club. It was an old place that saw better days, but it was apparently the former Boss's favorite spot and the most that brought him money.     

Gael and Giovanni still wore custom-tailored suits from the office while Sebastian sported his usual biker outfit—dark jeans and leather jacket, their entrance made every head turn in their direction.     

As they sat at a table at the far back, they got to see the whole place. It was mediocre at its best, but the dancers looked pretty decent. As soon as they took their spot, the club's manager sent their "best" dancer to their table, along with their top-shelf bottle of whiskey that the three of them ignored.      

Sebastian had a bored look as he watched the woman sway her hips in front of them, her tiny dress barely covering her bits. Gael and Giovanni didn't spare her a glance—their attention at the other patrons, the service, or their phones instead of at the dancer or the drink, making the manager sweat buckets for fear of not satisfying his rich-looking patrons.     

Gael's phone rang, the name "Chief" flashing on his screen. He immediately answered. "Chief."     

"Is this a bad time?"     

To speak to the Chief of Police in their neighborhood who was also on their payroll? "No. What can I do for you?"     

"I meant to give something to you sooner but with all the investigation going… Anyway, I have your girl's phone."     

Gael's brows furrowed. Angela's phone? They thought it was gone in the fire. "Where did you find it?"     

"It was in Olek's brother—Pavlo's pocket. My men had it in storage after our deal. What do you want me to do with it?"     

Olek was the Ukrainian boss and Pavlo was the one who tried to assault Angela. Gael briefly closed his eyes, his jaw tensing at the reminder. After fleeing that night and learning about Angela in the van, he had to make sure it wouldn't trace back to her. "Have someone deliver it to Empire tonight." The phone call ended and he exchanged looks with Giovanni before nodding at his brother. He didn't want to stay here long.     

Sebastian got to his feet and with a fake smile, he told the dancer, "Thanks for the dance, Sugar. You may go home now." Slipping a couple hundred bucks into the waistband of the dancer's skirt, he stalked towards the manager of the club. The manager's eyes bugged out as he led Sebastian into his office behind the stage.     

Gael and Giovanni then walked out of the club and waited for Sebastian to come out. Several years ago, the two of them were like Sebastian, following Severino's orders when he wanted to enforce his power by taking over an establishment. Now, it was Sebastian's turn—a little late for his age, but he had to start somewhere to earn everyone's trust after fucking up in the past.     

This wasn't part of Gael's plan. He'd wanted to take his family completely out of the underworld. But it looked like it would take a long while before that happened. At the moment, Gael just wanted to live and ensure his future with Angela would be secured. He'd ticked off several boxes in his to-do list.     

Get rid of Evan—check.     

Get rid of the Morellis—check. Well, partially checked. But Mariano wasn't a problem, neither was Mario for now, and the old man Marino was now a vegetable.     

Own KMH—check.     

Prepare Esmea for his return—on-going.     

Marry Angela—priority… Assuming Charlie wouldn't chop off all of his limbs. Gael could imagine his fiancée's father's reaction after his daughter came home with cuts and bruises.     

Glancing at his uncle, Giovanni smiled at his phone. "Is there something you're not telling me?" Gael cocked a brow.     

Giovanni snapped his head up, the smile on his face immediately gone and replaced with an indifferent look. "No. Is there something YOU'RE not telling me?"     

What? "What are you talking about?"     

"What are YOU talking about?"     

The fuck? Giovanni wasn't one to deflect. He rarely kept secrets with him and now, Gael didn't know what was going on with him.     

Just as he opened his mouth to return a banter, Sebastian walked out of the club, rolling his neck from side to side.     

"Done?" Giovanni asked.     

"Of course!" Sebastian scoffed as if the question was offensive. "As if he could refuse my looks—not that he had a choice. Man wanted to kiss my shoe after I gave him the new rules."     

Gael narrowed his eyes on his brother. Sebastian was an arrogant bastard. He also looked the most like Severino. He addressed the two, "You guys going home?"     

"I gotta bounce. I'm meeting up with friends," said Sebastian as he straddled his Ducati. "Just drinks," he added when Giovanni and Gael cast him warning looks. His motorcycle roared and then off he went without waiting for their response.     

Giovanni chuckled. "I'm heading out too. You?"     

"I have to drop by Empire before going home." Gael nodded to Giovanni as he entered the backseat of his Escalade with Roy driving.     

His phone rang again. This time, Oliver's name was on the screen. "Tell me there's progress," he said as he picked up.     

"You know… In case you forgot, I'm your future brother-in-law. Not your lackey. A hello would be appropriate."     

"Hello Oliver Su." Gael rolled his eyes. "Now do you have it or not?"     

"Not completely, but I'm close. Are you sure about this though?"     

A deviant smirk ghosted Gael's lips as he settled back in his seat. "Taking out General Leos and Congressman Mitchell? I'm fucking serious."     

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