We are destined.Let me pamper you

Epilogue 2

Epilogue 2

0"What happend to your voice?" Xiu Mei lifted her head to Wang Shi, but the small human in his arms pulled her chin downward, asking for unwavering attention.     

Wang Shi, "Sore throat."     

"You didn't answer me yet."     

"Oiii….my sweet honey, of course I missed you.... MUAHHH…" With a motherly kiss on his rosy cheeks, she hugged the soft squishy bear.     

He hides his face in Xiu Mei's bosoms, "Honey, missed you too. You are the best."     

 "How can she be best, look what she did to me… cruel, evil, demon, monster..."     

Xiu Mei returned to caressing Honey's hair that felt silk soft, "That's because you deserve it."     

"I didn't, Yuyu and Lan tricked me. They are the real culprits, spank them."     

"Honey bro…." Yuyu and Lan called out in sync, pausing their eating activity.     

It's a sin to say anything against Xiu Mei. But here a certain someone has committed a double sin by saying against the two girls in front of Honey- Universe's overprotective brother!     

Honey narrowed his eyes, "Uncle, mind repeating your words?"     


"I can repeat a thousand times."     

"In that case….." Honey gave a devilish grin, "Yuyu, Lan- We've got a new trampoline, wanna try?"     



"The entire family is coming." Preparing a cup of tea, Feng Jianyu shared the information with a brooding look on his face. "It's MY daughter's first day at school, MY DAUGHTER'S, do they have to become light bulbs?" He glanced at kids who were enjoying swimming with Junjie. Then his gaze shifted to Xiu Mei, the old foggy Zheng Shihong was keeping his wife occupied on the phone     

for the last fifty-five minutes.     

Wang Shi took a bite of cookies, praising it. To his surprise, Feng Jianyu's cooking skills have improved. Credit goes to the sweet tooth girls! "Do you have the balls to stop them?"     

"No!" Though he hated to admit it, it's the truth.     

"Then bear it!" He dusted his hands before picking the teacup, "From tomorrow they'll go with Honey. Though they're in different grades, he'll take care."     

"I'm worried about something else too."     


"What if they make boyfriends?" Jianyu looked seriously worried. His daughters were not only the most beautiful girls in his eyes but have inherited his shameless genes too.     

Wang Shi "…."     

'Says the one who courted Mei crazily. I won't be shocked if Yuyu and Lan do the same.' He smiled internally.     


In front of the country's best school from where Feng Jianyu started his schooling years back, life comes to a full circle today as he found himself standing with two girls on each side, ready to start a new chapter.     

But as usual, nothing changed….     

Years back too, he saw kids crying, clinging to their parents' feet, all of them unwilling to go part themselves with their parents and go inside.     

As if it was not a school but butcher's den!     

Yuyu and Lan, carrying a cute animal printed bags on their shoulders and a water bottle around the neck, looked dumbfounded at the scene unfolding before their eyes.     

Lan, "Why is everyone crying? Didn't you say, by going to school we'll be as intelligent as you and momma? It's a good thing, right?"     

Yuyu rubbed her small chin, "I think they are scared of something. But what?"     

Honey felt irritated by the annoying sound, especially when the crying turned infectious and other kids also started crying, "Troublesome toddlers!"     

"But my girls are so cool," Feng Junjie crouched beside them; he was carrying a pom-pom in his hands, "Rock the show!"     

"Yes… if anyone bullies you, come to me. We'll beat them together." Jin planted a kiss on their cheeks to cheer them up, thinking they might get scared and start crying.     

"After school, I'll take you to the amusement park." Zian joined.     

Matriarch Feng, "I'll bake a cake."     

Zeng Shihong, "Grandpa will order ice-creams"     

Patriarch Feng doesn't want to be left behind, "I'll buy you a rabbit. You want one. Right?"     

Soon all the family members started giving baits to motivate them.     

Lan "…."     

Yuyu "…"     

Honey "…."     

Honey gave a look of gratitude to his father, "Thank God you stopped the family at home at my time. This is so embarrassing."     

All the parents and teachers looked at their direction from time to time; it was the first time they witnessed so many people came to drop two kids.     

It was astonishing, yet funny!     

Feng Jianyu pushed everyone aside, "Stop it everyone. Instead of them, you are the ones who are scared." Kids instantly nodded, "Now c'mon, go back home. We'll join you in no time."     

Before anyone could say something Xiu Mei gave a serious look from behind, saying, 'My husband is right, no discussions.'     


"Goodbye daddy,"     

"Goodbye, momma,"     

"Goodbye uncles,"     

Yuyu and Lan kissed everyone before taking Honey's hands and stepped in.     

Honey took them to their classroom first. The moment he stepped in, soon he caught the attention of girls. After making them sit, he was about to leave when he heard a boy asking Lan, "What is your name?"     

Honey turned, "Wang Qiang, grade 2, class A…." He deliberately raised his voice to let the entire class hear him.     

The boy quietly scrambled back to his seat. He has heard kids talking about Wang Qiang, the famous bad boy. Last week he had kicked a boy double his size, throwing him a meter away. Apparently, the fat boy mocked him by saying he is doesn't have a mother because she hates him.     

Though it got both the fat boy and him to receive the punishment, he became famous for his extra-ordinary kick.     

At the end of the class, Yuyu and Lan came out with a sad face, almost in tears. Though nobody dared to offend them, none of the kids tried to befriend with them either. They were too afraid of getting beaten up by Wang Qiang.     

Even if Yuyu and Lan tried taking the initiative, others make the distance.     

Honey noticed their sad faces and asked carefully, "Did someone bully you?"     

Yuyu and Lan instantly pulled a smile on their beautiful faces and shook their head.     

Lan, "We are tired."     

Yuyu, "Got homework as well."     

Honey patted their small heads one by one, "I'll help you with homework. Don't worry. And tiredness will fly away when you'll eat cake baked by great-grandma. Didn't she promised earlier?"     

Yuyu tilted her head like a cute doll and nodded, "Honey bro is best."     

Lan took his hand, "We are together. Let's go."     

Though they are sad about failing to make a single friend on the first day of school, they don't want to hurt their elder brother who loves them dearly.     

He was precious to them than any friendship. If not today they will make new friends tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow or after that...      


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