We are destined.Let me pamper you

Moving out

Moving out

0After an entire month of chaos and heavy fighting Bai Xin finally returned to her sweet abode, it feels so relaxing and calm when she sprawled on to the couch without a thing to worry about in the world.     

Thinking about what everything happened in the past months made her wonder how life shows us many things when we find ourselves standing against a challenge. It not only makes us realize our true potential but shows us who is the true companion who will stand with you no matter what the situation comes.     

One thing she realized on this trip was that she feels something deep for the man staying in her apartment for over three months. Yes…. their one-week staycation turned into a never-ending one!     

Earlier she thought Rong Xiang was just playing with her, his feelings are temporary that will disappear with time and he will move on.     

But the stubborn man never gave up. He literally kept his one eye on her, taking care of her needs, protecting her from danger and lending his shoulder when she cried seeing XM in the hospital.     

The way he took care of her in every situation, simultaneously managing his equally challenging job was something not every man can do.     

She picked the cushion on the couch and squeezed it close to the chest, burying her face in it, stomping her foot on the floor. "Argh….. control Xin… control… What's wrong with you?"     

Angel Bai Xin: "What's wrong? Silly woman, you're in love."     

Devil Bai Xin: "Naah! That's infatuation."     

Angel hit the devil with her wand on the head. "Shut up, you devil. Always spouting nonsense. My Xin is in love. She has finally found the one who is destined to her."     

Devil angel rubbed the bump on his head. "What destined? What if he also turned out to be the one who plays with feelings, aim for sex and then shove the woman like a used product?"     

Angel moved to the devil's side and kicked her down from Bai Xin's shoulder. "Die you, negative person. With you manipulating my Xin's brain, she will never be able to give herself a second chance." Angel harrumphed. "Xin, life rarely gives a second chance. RXM grabbed the chance instantly and now she is so happy with FJ, why not you also try it? Go… Confess your feelings to Rong Xiang. Do it before it's late!     


After winding another busy day, Rong Xiang returned to Bai Xin's apartment. His lips tugged downwards, he felt gloomy recalling the scene at the airport. How could she give the thing he bought for her to someone else so easily? And why it was unused? Is he so bad, that she will never consider him as a potential man for herself? Where is he lacking?     

Rong Xiang stood facing the door, he was in a foul mood after failing in in love; he is willing to try more, but without a tinge of hope or response from the other party made him doubt himself.     

He glanced at the mirror in the lobby to see if the problem lies in his look. He mindlessly fixed his blond hair, combing them backward with his fingers. "Definitely doesn't match up to boss's appearance, but not too bad either. Arghhh..." His left eye twitched, he ruffled his hair roughly, feeling irritated, frustrated, angry, and hungry.     

Yes… His stomach grumbled loudly. It was such a hectic day, that he only managed to grab a sandwich and coffee on the plane. The splitting headache, lack of sleep, jet-lag and the messed up personal life made him feel emotions that are obviously not pleasant.     

With the ring of doorbell Bai Xin opened the door with an unusual wide smile tucked on her lips. Without a word or glancing at her smile that was directed to him he stepped in, further failing to notice the sexy gown enhancing her curves at all prefect places, her curled hairs that hung loosely on her shoulder, and the center of the attraction her shining eyes giving a look to the man that he always wanted to see.     

Truly said, life gives surprises when it's least expected and we are not prepared for it.        

"I'm moving out." Leaving her alone in the living room to keep wondering what just happened he went to his room and start packing his stuff.     

Bai Xin looked herself from top to bottom, her gaze swept over the balcony where she has especially set-up a candlelight dinner for them. Without taking a much needed rest she has put so many efforts only to hear this in the end?     


What went wrong?     

She barged into Rong Xiang's room; at least she deserves an explanation. Didn't he say he will forever be there for her? What does moving out means?     

"WHY?" Bai Xin's fists clenched tightly, her body stiff to stop herself from shaking, her eyes almost watered but the adamant woman holds back her tears.     

"Because I don't want to trouble you anymore." Rong Xiang answered, stuffing his clothes in the suitcase. He tried to not look at her afraid he might change his mind of leaving her, clinging on to her again despite she doesn't like it. What right does he have to force a woman?     

Bai Xin stormed to him, started throwing his clothes over his face. "You barged into my life without asking, you adamantly cling on to me, you shamelessly confessed your feelings thousands of time, you even kissed me, you solved my family problem, you supported me, you helped me, you lent me your shoulder, and now all of a sudden you decided to not trouble me anymore? Dammit, what do you take me for? A playtoy?"     

With every sentence she spoke, a cloth or book, or his personal stuff landed on his face. Many times he dodged many times it hit bull's eye. She refused to allow someone to toy with her once more, stomp her heart mercilessly, leaving her in the dark abyss of a lonely life.     

Rong Xiang "…."     

He jumped from the pool of things scattered on the floor to make way towards the lady who was fuming like a mad bull, flaring her nostrils.     

"Why are you asking me? Isn't this what you always wanted? Aren't you fed up off my constant pestering? I don't understand the problem of your gender; if a man gives attention, you feel offended and if he doesn't you still feel offended. Can't you come to a decision and not confuse me so much?" His tone harsh, this was the first time he made genuine efforts for a girl, but that doesn't mean his feeling has no value.     

Bai Xin bit her bottom lips, lowered her head and wring Rong Xiang's expensive shirt in her hands brutally. He was fuming at her and for an unknown reason; it attracted her. It gave her a sense of being cared by someone. "D-Did I say your p-pestering is bothering me?"     

"That's the problem…. You say nothing and it confuses me the most."     

"So… does that mean you've finally decided to stop everything here and move on?" Bai Xin finally asked. If he answers yes, then she will let go of him forever, once more building the wall around her heart, this time even higher. But if he answers differently then maybe…..     

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