We are destined.Let me pamper you

Northern Lights

Northern Lights

0In the land of white, there was nothing for their minds to hang onto. Being a summer person, Xiu Mei's favorite thing was to cuddle in Jianyu's arms all day long and have several lovemaking sessions be it a day or night. It had become a weird honeymoon where the couple's favorite time was to stay inside their igloo-shaped room, barely stepping out for an hour or two in a day.     

"Where are you taking me at this time, that too in this weather?"     

"Be patient." Jianyu pecked her lips.     

Seeing Feng Jianyu ignoring her puppy eyes, she could only accept whatever clothes he was putting on her, slowly turning her into a polar bear.     

Soon she found herself in a car, moving at an undisclosed location. There was no familiar sight, no sound other than the howling. The temperature outside was -50°C and the rampaging wind whips the snow in the air, a shiver crawled passed through her spine and shout the curtains of the car to stop paying attention to the view outside.     

She will turn into ice cream if she saw it more.     

"Sir, we are here." She heard the driver say and the next moment Jianyu took out a blindfold and ties it around her eyes.     


"Shh…. Trust me."     

He brought her outside the car, but walked barely a few steps and stopped. "Now can I take it off?"     

"No, wait for some time."     

A minute passed… 2 minutes passed… 3…4….5…. and then….     

Xiu Mei felt Jianyu's gloved hands in her hair; the blindfold came off her eyes, it widened seeing the most beautiful thing right above her head, spreading to the miles….     

She looked up at the silent sky, blazed with emerald light. It was the colorful ribbons dancing in the sky, changing its shades; the white land was no more scary but turned into a magic land. Sometimes it looked like a rainbow, sometimes a river of lights hidden in the sky, and sometimes it was the heavenly path descending to earth. The colors were like a painter's pallet, pure and beautiful.     

After witnessing Northern Lights she could never fireworks could never mesmerize her anymore. Nothing could beat this God's own light show. The greatest show on earth!     

She felt Jianyu's fingers hooked under her chin, and she was pulled for a kiss. A kiss under the Northern Lights, it feels magical. Like the God himself showered his blessings on the couple, the deities joined hands to ignite the night for them, and the silence, wind, trees, become the witness of their love.     

No! It was a husband's love who has traveled miles to fulfill his wife's dream. His desire, passion, and fantasies for her are endless, he places her in every thought he thinks; he envisions his precious life aka wife be forever happy and shine.     

Feng Jianyu breaks the kiss, looking deep into her eyes he pulled the pom-pom beanie further down. "Do you like it?"     

A few seconds passed, and she remained quiet.     

"What?" He asked, still lost in the beauty of her eyes, these Northern Lights are nothing to him in comparison to the beauty in his arms.     

"Life gets a whole new meaning after getting your love. You are my favorite." She wrapped her arms around his neck, going in for another kiss…. A kiss from the heart!     


The moment they entered the comfort of their room, Xiu Mei hurriedly take off the extra layers of clothes, surely shredding almost half of her body weight and so as the man.     

They hurriedly dived under the quilts, hugging each other as if ready to merge their bodies into one. "y.y.y.y.y.y..yyyyy.y…..y.y..y.y.y" Feng Jianyu laughed hearing Xiu Mei made a weird sound feeling cold.     

"Don't laugh." She pouted, before lifting her body up to kiss him passionately on the lips, sealing his with her eager ones. It was not a short or sweet but long fiery one.     

She nuzzled her face on his shirt, feeling a barrier of cloth she unbuttoned his four buttons and nuzzled on his bare muscular chest. "What are you doing?" His eyes darkened when her warm tongue started licking his chest.     

"Licking 'Jianyu' flavor Icecream." She teasingly winked, diving her hands under his shirt; he shuddered feeling the cold tip of her fingers running over his abs. She deliberately pressed her lower body against his crotch, innocently licking his neck with a devilish smirk on his face. "Don't tell me you're not enjoying this?"     

"Didn't you say you're sore?"     

"Sore? Tomorrow I'll look for the meaning of the word.     

He hissed when her hands withdrew from his shirt and went down to touch his member through the fabric of his trousers, where she could feel the semi-hard bulge. "Don't you know the price of this teasing?" His voice came hoarse, heavy, containing the hint of a threat that she doesn't give a damn about and innocently blinked.     

"What price is it again?" She asked, biting his ear-lobe and tried to dip her hand under his trouser but he caught hold of her before the situation goes out of hand and she ends up with a sore body.     

He pinched her cheeks forcefully and made her look at him, trying to threaten her with his stern eyes.     

"Yesterday you did it only once, I didn't have my fill properly. And besides, I want to do something different tonight." She said.     

Before he could understand the meaning of her words, her other hand dipped inside his trouser, going straight for the hard member.     


She withdrew her hands instantly hearing him curse and pleaded.     

"Don't stop me." She was now straddling him, looking into his eyes as she undid the buttons. She traced her fingers on his chest going all the way down a few inches below the navel.     

Feng Jianyu understood her intentions when she lowered her body completely, her face right above his hardened member.     

"Mei, don't do this." He holds her face.     

She said nothing but communicated with her eyes, a small smile that contained deeper meaning.     

He withdrew his hand. "Let me guide you."     

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